The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2546: Codename

Yang Fei finally announced the list of manufacturers and distributors selected for the support plan.

There are only ten manufacturers on the list, and the selected companies are all well-known domestic cosmetics companies, so there is no suspense.

There are many dealers on the list, and not all the lists are announced on the website, but there is a query system, and each dealer can check whether he is selected or not.

It can be said that this result is satisfactory to most people.

After the formation of the alliance, the domestic cosmetics industry has embarked on a new journey.

This move was also a major move that Yang Fei made suddenly after half a year of silence.

Wei Xinyuan and other bosses discussed this matter with Yang Fei.

The cognition of the bosses is of course higher than that of the secretary.

They believed that the reason why Yang Fei did this should be to sell raw materials.

Because the current Meili Group is not only a manufacturer of daily chemical products, but also a world-leading large-scale supplier of daily chemical raw materials.

Foreign brands will only erode your market. Except for a few foreign companies with cooperative relations, most other foreign brands will not purchase raw materials from Yang Fei.

But domestic companies are different. After the alliance is formed, all raw materials for domestic cosmetics companies will be supplied by Meili Group. This business is huge, big enough for Yang Fei to work hard for it.

However, they still underestimated Yang Fei's intentions in doing so.

What Yang Fei thinks is that a single tree cannot make a forest, and a single shop cannot make a city.

No matter how good a person's business is, if you are the only one on the street, how many customers can you attract?

If other domestic brands are strangled by foreign brands, then Yang Fei will be alone in domestic cosmetics.

When Yang Fei was making daily chemical products, he also thought about this question: Should he join forces with foreign brands to defeat other small domestic brands and dominate the country? Or support small brands and develop together?

Yang Fei finally chose the latter.

Facts have proved that Yang Fei has not only won the dominance of the daily chemical industry, but also the dominance of the raw material market, and no one can shake him so far.

Other domestic daily chemical brands can also survive in the cracks between foreign brands and Meili Group.

However, when there is a conflict between local daily chemicals and foreign brands, it is domestic small and medium-sized enterprises that bear the brunt.

Invisibly, small and medium-sized enterprises have built a wide buffer zone between Yang Fei and foreign brands.

Once the flames of war protracted, Yang Fei would have enough time to adjust his strategic deployment without being at a loss.

The existence of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises also provides consumers with more abundant products.

Consumers have more choices.

The most affordable, is the price.

Without these small and medium-sized enterprises, it is impossible to have cheap and high-quality products in the domestic market.

In addition, healthy competition can also promote the healthy development of the entire industry.

In addition to these commercial factors, Yang Fei has deeper considerations.

A family is dominant and lonely, and it is easy to be identified as a monopoly.

Monopoly will be taboo at any time.

The big tree attracts the wind, killing the rich and helping the poor, such things have happened in all dynasties, ancient and modern, China and foreign countries.

Yang Fei didn't want to be a target.

This is true in the daily chemical industry, as well as in the cosmetics industry.

In fact, Yang Fei's move has also been praised by the relevant state departments.

What's more, Yang Fei supported these domestic small and medium-sized enterprises on the surface, and he also benefited from it on the surface.

continue reading! Or, he can not only earn them a fortune in raw materials, but also earn a sum of money in sales in the mall.

It is precisely because of his insight that Yang Fei spared no effort to promote the establishment of an industry alliance mechanism.

This alliance only exists within the cosmetics industry, not people in the industry, and will not pay attention to these.

After the alliance was established, Yang Fei devoted himself to promoting the rectification of the entire industry.

Support head dealers and create star franchise stores.

in each city,

Both launched regular, professional cosmetics sellers and retail stores.

These shops only sell the products of regular manufacturers, mostly domestic brands, and they are facing the consumption scene of the working-class consumer class, which happens to be a huge consumer market.

Specialty stores are located in every corner of the city, in various streets and communities, which are convenient for purchase and after-sales. There are also service models such as the front store and the backyard, which provide greater convenience.

In the entire alliance system, raw materials, manufacturers, products, transportation, and sales are all integrated and unified management, which is equivalent to a large integrated group.

After Yang Fei's design and deployment, cosmetics have formed a one-stop service network from the supply of raw materials, to the production of products, and then to transportation to various sales terminals.

And the people who master this powerful network are none other than Yang Fei and Meili Group.

In the domestic cosmetics industry, Yang Fei has become a real savior!

No one can shake his position!

Unless there is another chosen person who can annex or defeat Meili Group, this pattern will exist for a long time.

After the integration, no matter which domestic brand a foreign brand has to deal with, it is no longer a single brand, but the entire domestic cosmetics alliance!

One chopstick is easy to break, but ten chopsticks are huddled together.

One hair moves the whole body, echoing from head to tail, no matter where your fist hits, you will be counterattacked by the entire domestic brand.

Domestic brands, relying on distributors and franchised stores all over the country, occupy the middle and low-end market.

In this way, the price war of foreign brands will not affect them.

As for raw materials, foreign brands can't pinch the necks of domestic brands.

Domestic cosmetic brands have become monolithic!

Foreign brands want to invade the market of domestic brands, unless they put down their noble figures and walk around the streets to shout and compete.

The establishment of the entire distribution system is enough to discourage them.

Yang Fei's actions have effectively protected domestic mid-to-low-end brands.

However, what he did also successfully angered foreign brands.

The development strategy of foreign brands in China was originally to clean up the low-end brands first, eat away at the low-end market, and then concentrate their strength to attack the main force of the Meili Group.

However, Yang Fei's deployment disrupted their position.

After a period of panic and bewilderment, foreign brands quickly adjusted their strategies.

They aimed directly at Yang Fei and Meili Group.

A snake can't do without a head.

And Yang Fei is the leader of the entire domestic cosmetics industry!

As long as Yang Fei and the Meili Group are brought down, the entire domestic cosmetics industry will also collapse!

It has to be said that this strategic adjustment of foreign brands is a headache.

This news was conveyed to Yang Fei's ears through secretary Xiang Qiao's mouth.

Yang Fei raised his handsome eyebrows after listening to Xiang Qiao's words, and asked in a deep voice, "Is the news reliable?"

Xiang Qiao anxiously said:

continue reading! "Boss, it must be reliable! Last night, representatives of foreign brands gathered for a meeting at the Shanghai Hotel. I heard that the code name for their meeting was 'Killing Sheep'!"

Yang Fei chuckled: "Kill me Yang Fei? It seems that what should come is finally coming!"

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