The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2572 Yesterday reappears

The latest website name: Mubi Pavilion The latest website address:

"Don't you ask her for her opinion?" Su Tong pursed his lips and smiled.


"Asking questions knowingly!"

"You mean Li Juan? I can make the decision on this matter."

"I see, you really love her. In the past, my power in the company was less than one-tenth of hers, right? If I had behaved like she did in the company, you would have kicked me away. "

"She's not acting up. She's managing it well."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The voice I heard was completely different. Many old employees who had kept in touch with me came to me to complain! I said I couldn't control it. You asked for more. Good luck! Just do it. If you want to change jobs, you can come to me. ”

"Senior sister, you are blatantly poaching!"

"Even if it's yours, I can't dig it out. If it's not yours, you can't keep it even if you force it."

Yang Fei frowned: "Senior sister, do you really hear a lot of discordant sounds?"

Su Tong said, "What do you mean by disharmonious voices? Are those who oppose you all disharmonious?"

Yang Fei said, "I think it's pretty good now. Look at how free I am. I haven't worked for half a year and the company is running normally."

Su Tong said, "The authorities are a fan! In the eyes of outsiders, you are being ignored."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "But she is Li Juan! Is she trying to ignore me?"

Su Tong said, "You laid off 100,000 people. Do you really think the group can lay off so many people?"

Yang Feidao, "What's popular now is automated production. This is the trend. Let me tell you this. Our large supermarket needs 20 to 40 cashiers. But in the future, if we implement self-service cashiers, we will only need to set up three to five." Manual checkout, everything else is self-checkout. ”

"I do not believe."

“If one’s eyesight is not that far, it cannot be seen.”

"Do you think I have no vision?"

"Senior sister, I'm just talking about the matter. I've never disliked you for anything!"

"How long has it been since you last been to the workshop?"

"This? It will take a while."

"More than a year, right?"

"It's really busy and I don't have much time to go out to the workshop."

"So, do you really understand? Do you really think that this kind of high-pressure production is really beneficial to the development of the group? When you do this, do you still remember what your original intention was?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Whatever I say now, you will think that I am talking nonsense and slandering Li Juan. I suggest that you, the richest and most aloof boss, should go to the workshop more and get closer to the employees as you did before! You have told me countless times After all, employees are the company’s most valuable asset!”

Yang Fei couldn't help but be startled and asked, "What do you know?"

"You can figure it out yourself! I won't tell you."

"Sister, you have changed."

"You have changed too. Times are changing, and so are we. The only thing that remains unchanged is eternity."

Yang Fei was inexplicably annoyed and wanted to smoke, but found that there was no cigarette left on him.

Su Tong took out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to him.

Yang Fei glanced at her and took the cigarette.

"Don't get me wrong, I kept this cigarette for social use. I didn't keep it just for you. When I came to Shanghai this time, I didn't even think about telling you, let alone seeing you."

"What kind of social situation requires you to come and smoke?"

"I don't smoke, but I want to smoke!"

"Senior sister, you have really changed a lot." Yang Fei smoked half a cigarette happily, "Can you tell me what problems my company has? What have the employees said to you?"

"Really want to hear it?"

"Of course."

"My knowledge is limited."

"Then tell me everything you know."

"Remember the rules you made before? It can also be said to be an expectation. After employees have worked in the company for fifteen years, those who reach a certain position can get a house. Right?"

"Well, yes, but the year our group was established,

It's less than fifteen years, so this promise doesn't have to be fulfilled yet. "

"Come on! You really don't know?"

"What do I know?"

"Li Juan has canceled this contract a long time ago! All the employees below dare to be angry but dare not speak out!"

Yang Fei's smoking hand stopped in mid-air.


"If you don't believe me, I won't say anything."

"I believe it, you continue."

"In the past, the workshop used to work in three shifts, with each shift working only eight hours and having weekends off every week. Now it has been changed. All the work that requires shift work has been changed to two shifts, with each shift lasting twelve hours. hours, and the eight-day monthly holiday was changed to four-day monthly holiday.”

"Is there such a thing? Why didn't I know?"

"I told you, how long has it been since you've been to the workshop?"

"Even if I hadn't left the workshop, someone would have reported such a major matter to me!"

"That's your problem."

Yang Fei took a long puff of cigarette, suddenly choked and coughed twice.

Su Tong stood up quickly, comforted his back, and said, "You don't have to be angry. What she did was indeed harsh on the employees, but it will definitely be beneficial to you and the company."

Yang Fei stopped coughing and said, "Sister, I really don't know what you are talking about. This is the first time I heard it from you today. The company's restructuring was all handled by Li Juan."

"So I said you really don't worry about her! If I did what she did, I would probably be beaten to death by you." Su Tongfu sat down again.

Yang Fei said, "What else have you heard?"

Su Tong said, "You can find out for yourself, I don't want to talk about it anymore."

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Okay."

Su Tong said, "Yang Fei, let's make things clear first. You can invest in the mineral water factory, but you can't let Li Juan come here to dictate! Otherwise, I would rather draw a clear line with you!"

Yang Fei said, "I understand. This is considered my personal investment. I can still get this little money."

Su Tong said, "I know you are rich!"

The two of them suddenly fell silent.

In the cafe, the English song "Yesterday Comes Again" rang out.

Carpenter's fresh and healthy melody, slightly melancholic alto, and friendly and natural singing brought the two people's thoughts back to the past.

Yang Fei stared at her silently and saw two drops of tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

He pulled out the tissue and gently wiped away her tears.

Su Tong took a deep breath, leaned back, leaned on the seat, held his face in his hands, and said, "I'm fine. I'm just a little sad. Thinking of the days we were together in the past, I feel like I had a dream."

Yang Fei said, "Sister, you were a little willful before. If you could turn back time, would you still choose me for divorce?"

Su Tong smiled sadly, "Yesterday can really happen again, but can time really be turned back?"

Yang Fei said, "I mean if."

Su Tong said, "I will still leave. Because that's what I thought at the time. If I live a hundred times, it won't change my persistence at that time."

Yang Fei was stunned.


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