The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2574 Is nine hundred and ninety-six a blessing?

The latest website name: Mubi Pavilion The latest website address:

Li Juan came back from the capital and told Yang Fei that her father's condition had improved and he had been discharged from the hospital.

The next day, the two went to the company together.

Sitting in the same car with Li Juan, Yang Fei thought about what Su Tong said to him and felt a lot of emotion.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Li Juan had done had indeed turned him into a polished commander.

Yang Fei really wanted to have a good talk with Li Juan, but felt that it would be superfluous to say anything.

When they arrived at the company, Yang Fei and Li Juan entered their offices respectively.

When Yang Fei walked to the secretary's room, he kept walking and said, "Xiang Qiao, come in."

Xiang Qiao agreed crisply and followed his steps into the office.

Yang Fei said: "I want to inspect the workshop below. You are responsible for the company's affairs. Today's schedule will be cancelled."

Xiang Qiao said: "Boss, can I follow you down?"

Yang Fei said: "No, I have someone following me."

Xiang Qiao said: "Then let me report to Mr. Li?"

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "Where am I going? Do I need to report to her?"

Xiang Qiao said: "Boss, I'm sorry, that's not what I meant, I meant..."

"Okay, get out!"

Xiang Qiao lowered his head and went out.

Yang Fei originally wanted Xiang Qiao to come in and help clean up, but when he heard that she wanted to report to Li Juan, he kicked her out directly.

He simply packed up and left the office with his briefcase.

Yang Fei went straight downstairs.

Mouse was already waiting downstairs in his car. Standing next to the car were Yi Shu and Wen Wan.

Yishu and Wenwan were the two people Yang Fei kept by his side. This time he took them with him when he went to the grassroots level.

Yang Fei got into the car.

Wen Wan sat in the front passenger seat, and Yi Shu had no choice but to get into the back seat with Yang Fei.

Yang Fei told the mouse: "Go to several workshops in Shanghai."

Mouse smiled and said: "Master Fei, let's go to Meifang Factory first?"

Yang Fei hummed.

The traffic on the road is like water. When you encounter a traffic light, you have to be stuck for two or three minutes. When you drive to Meifang Factory, it is almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Yang Fei's arrival was sudden, without notifying Meifang Factory in advance. After hearing the guard's report, the factory leaders hurriedly came down to greet him.

Yang Fei's identity is different from what it used to be.

Meifang Factory can only be regarded as an inconspicuous small factory in the group. Yang Fei had paid enough attention to it before, but since the establishment of Optoelectronics Company, Yang Fei rarely came here.

Yang Fei only wanted to get the most authentic information, and did not deliberately launch a surprise attack.

After he entered the factory, he went directly to the workshop and chatted with the workers.

The third shift was replaced by the second shift. This is absolutely true!

996 blessing, this once familiar term, suddenly came to Yang Fei's mind at this moment.

Nine to nine, six days a week.

Is it really a blessing?

This is also the reason why Yang Fei did not immediately deny the matter after learning the news.

The 996 working hour system is actually not a new concept.

When working in many private companies or shops, the twelve-hour working hour system has been implemented for a long time, and there are only four days of rest per month. There is no overtime pay for overtime work, there is no five insurances and one housing fund, and the wages are still very low.

Some private owners, let alone 996, basically leave early and come back late, all year round.

This is enough to show that some people can still accept the 996 working hour system.

Of course Yang Fei understands these situations, so he will not ask Li Juan to argue about this matter without understanding it. It is meaningless.

He asked several workers in succession, and each worker gave a different answer.

Some people think it doesn't matter. After all, I am working alone outside. I usually have nothing to do after work, so I might as well go to work, at least I will get more salary.

Some people also say that working hours are too long. They work twelve hours a day. After get off work, they just eat and sleep. Basically, they have no time to do their own things. My girlfriend and I are not in the same factory.

Coupled with the inconsistent rest times, it was rare for the two of them to see each other.

Most people's attitude is ambiguous, saying that it's okay to work overtime as long as you get overtime pay. The 996 working hour system is not unacceptable.

While Yang Fei was chatting, the leaders of the factory all came down and followed Yang Fei in rows.

"Boss, thank you for your hard work. Can you please come to the office for a while? If you want to talk to someone, I can arrange for them to come over." The factory director said with a smile.

Yang Fei glanced at him, not knowing him, and asked, "Are you the factory director here?"

"Yes, I am the factory director, my name is Hao Jianshe."

Yang Fei nodded and said, "Is the work in the factory still normal?"

Hao Jianshe said: "Everything is normal."

Yang Fei said: "How has the recent output changed compared to half a year ago?"

Hao Jianshe said: "The output changes with the orders. The more orders, the more output. Anyway, as long as there are orders, we can produce them. The orders are arranged by the headquarters, and it is not up to us to decide how much can be arranged for us. Yes. We certainly hope that within the scope of production capacity, the more orders, the better. The more orders, the more output, and the more revenue we will earn.”

Yang Fei said: "Oh, how do the workers react to the 996 working hour system?"

"At the beginning, there was some discomfort and a group of people left, but they were soon replaced. Actually, as long as everyone is used to the current working hour system, there will be no problem."

Yang Fei said: "Only front-line production workers work two shifts, right?"

Hao Jianshe smiled and said: "Of course. Office staff only work overtime when needed. They don't usually need to work overtime."

Yang Fei nodded, randomly visited several workshops, and chatted with more than a dozen workers.

The adaptability of people is truly amazing.

Especially the workers at the bottom, they only obey the company's system and have never thought to question why it is 996 instead of 955?

The answers of some workers surprised Yang Fei. When Yang Fei asked them whether they were satisfied with the current working hour system, they were very surprised. What is there to be dissatisfied about? Isn't this normal working time?

It can be seen that in the subconscious mind of these people, they think that working hours should be this long.

This reaction of the workers made Yang Fei aware of the huge differences between people.

Yang Fei didn't stay much at Meifang Factory. He walked around the office building symbolically, greeted the employees and left.

When he got out of the car, Yang Fei saw many young people gathered outside the guard room. They were looking for jobs. Everyone held their ID cards, graduation certificates and resumes in their hands, and loudly asked the security guard if they were looking for jobs.

Yang Fei suddenly realized: People living at the bottom are not thinking about how many hours they work every day, but whether they have a job and how much salary they can get every month.

Yi Shu asked: "Boss, which factory will you go to next?"

Yang Fei waved his hand: "I'm not going! Go back to the company!"

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