The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2583 The wolf is coming!

The latest website name: Mubi Pavilion The latest website address:

Zhang Wendi smiled and said, "Mr. Su, there are only interests between us and no hatred. As the saying goes, business cannot be done without righteousness. Moreover, this matter is only good for you and me."

Su Tong said, "You haven't answered me yet. Under our country's current legal system, is our cooperation legal?"

Zhang Wendi laughed and said, "Mr. Su, why are you going public? Isn't it just to make money? Making one billion is a profit, and making tens of billions is a profit! If you don't say this kind of thing, and I won't say it, what else will happen in the world?" Does anyone know?"

Su Tong sneered, "I won't go along with you! You've got the wrong person!"

Zhang Wendi said, "Mr. Su, don't reject me so quickly. I haven't set out my conditions yet! Why do you want to listen?"

Su Tong asked, "What are the conditions?"

Zhang Wendi said to Xiaolan, "You guys come to the side and wait for me."

Xiaolan nodded and stepped aside.

Zhang Wendi said to Ma Feng again, "Please leave for a while. Don't worry, this is the hotel lobby. No one will harm you, Mr. Su, in broad daylight."

Ma Feng looked at Su Tong.

Su Tong was interested in understanding the other party's trump card. As for whether to agree or not, the power lay with him, and he was not afraid of the other party causing trouble, so he nodded.

Ma Feng bowed slightly and stepped aside.

Zhang Wendi looked around to make sure no one was around, and then said, "Mr. Su, as long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will give you 50 million as a reward now. From now on, every time we cooperate for one year, I will give you 50 million every year." Ten million.”

Fifty million!

What a grand gesture!

Su Tong's beautiful eyebrows moved slightly.

Zhang Wendi chuckled and said, "Only the two of us know about this, and no third party will know about it. Even my parents, I won't tell them. And there will be no written agreement between us. It’s based on mutual trust! It can also be said that we use each other to make money!”

Su Tong hesitated and said nothing.

Zhang Wendi said, "These 50 million can be transferred to any account you want. You can transfer it to the beverage company or the parent company. The parent company does not need to disclose performance statements, so it is more convenient for you to keep accounts."

Su Tong said, "What should I do?"

Zhang Wendi said, "At some point in the future? I will tell you? How should the company's statements be made? What words should be written? What words should not be written? There are all considerations. What does the board of directors of a beverage company decide on and how to write an announcement? You also have to listen. Mine; the time and manner of the company's statements and major events, the content of the company's publicity reports and the media for disclosure. The publication and content of the company's rumor refuting announcements. Sometimes? I still need you. Tell me the content and method of the company's asset restructuring, the method and price of the company's major shareholder's equity transfer, and the selection of the transferee. These are all related to my methods and methods of controlling the stock price."

Su Tong was frightened when he heard this.

She finally understands now.

Why do some people buy stocks and win often?

Some people lose whatever they buy.

Because some people are butchers of sheep? Some people are slaughtered sheep.

Su Tong said, "I know nothing about a company like yours. Can you tell me more about how you operate? I have a good idea."

Zhang Wendi thought Su Tong was moved, so she continued talking more eloquently.

"We will create various benefits for the stocks we trade. There are many ways to create benefits. If we are doing small-cap underperforming stocks? Or even ST stocks, we can place orders with this listed company through other companies? What does the listed company produce? Just buy the product and then find someone else to sell it at a low price. Although you lose money in this regard, the performance of the listed company has increased in the short term. As soon as the quarterly report comes out, the losses are recouped by pulling the daily limit twice in a row. "

Su Tong said, "What a cruel method! What a cruel trick!"

Zhang Wendi said, "We can't talk about it. It's just that we can't let go of the child and can't trap the wolf."

Su Tong said, "Aren't you afraid of being found out?"

Zhang Wendi said, “There is a more clever method.

It is to set up a shell company specifically, and then use this company to negotiate asset replacement and restructuring with listed companies. Of course, listed companies will respond positively. Then as soon as the market makers release the news of the restructuring, the stock price will immediately double. "

Su Tong said, "You must have many such shell companies in your hands?"

Wendi Zhang smiled slightly, "This is not uncommon."

He crossed his legs and said slowly, "In recent years, a new method has emerged, which is also very clever. That is, the banker chooses a stock with good quality to build a position, and then, like a public equity fund, sends people to the listed company to conduct research and make a decision. The complete research report is sold to public funds. Once several managers of public funds take a fancy to this stock and start to build positions, the market makers will save a lot of efforts to promote the stock. Therefore, the stocks currently held heavily by many funds are actually not. There may be bookmakers active in it. If bookmakers can do this, we private equity funds can do the same. Let’s make money together!”

Su Tong said, "What if the boat capsizes?"

Zhang Wendi waved her hand, "It's impossible. There's no chance. Only you and I know about this matter. We are both beneficiaries, and no one will betray the other. It's impossible for anyone to know. So many people in the world are doing it, Do you think it’s just you and me?”

Su Tong was silent.

Zhang Wendi said, "Mr. Su, is there anything else you don't understand?"

Su Tong thought for a while and asked, "How many shares of our company do you hold now?"

Wendi Zhang smiled softly, "Not much, about 10."

Su Tong was surprised, "Isn't that much? You control one-third of the circulating shares!"

Zhang Wendi said, "Mr. Su, you underestimate us. Generally speaking, if we can't reach an agreement with a listed company, we can absorb at most about 15% of the circulating shares and exit with arbitrage. If we can reach an agreement, we can naturally make more Absorb. As I said before, I have plenty of money.”

Su Tong said, "Why don't you go to Yang Fei to discuss cooperation? Instead, go to me?"

Zhang Wendi laughed and said, "As I said just now, we don't do stocks that are too big for the market. It doesn't make much sense, unless there is another purpose, then that's a different matter."

Su Tong said, "So, why the beverage company's stocks are so active and its transactions are so frequent, are you behind the scenes?"

Zhang Wendi said proudly, "Yes, Mr. Su, to put it bluntly, if I withdraw, hey, your stock price will fall below the issue price! I am not threatening you, I am telling the truth!"

Su Tong's pretty face was already blue with anger!

This is the first time she has seen such a sanctimonious hypocrite!

Where are the people here?

It's clearly a man-eating wolf!

The more he talks about this kind of cooperation in an understated and beneficial way, the more insidious and cunning he is in his heart!

If Su Tong was just a fledgling young man, and if she didn't have a strong backing like Yang Fei behind her, maybe she would really succumb to Wendi Zhang's threat!

However, Wendi Zhang found the wrong person!

Su Tong has the stubborn and domineering character of a Hunan girl. If you don't threaten her, there is still the possibility of negotiation. If you threaten her like this, she will never do what you want!


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