The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 584 When the battle is fought, then the fight!

The box office of "A Difficult to Break the Ship" is steadily rising.

In this era, although there is no Internet communication, there is also less Internet saliva and more word of mouth.

There is a famous business adage that says that behind every man, there are 250 potential customers.

A person who likes a certain product can drive people around him to buy and consume.

vice versa.

"A Difficult to Break a Ship" was filmed beautifully and heartbreakingly, which has won the love of many young people.

For Chinese people, the 1990s was an era of extreme collision between Chinese and Western concepts. With the deepening of reform and opening up, the influx of Western thoughts continued to impact and change people's three views.

The views of the times are constantly being refreshed.

The conservative, introverted, and shy view of love is also quietly changing.

The plot of bravely pursuing one's own love in the movie resonated with the majority of young people.

This movie was released simultaneously in China, the island country, and Hong Kong. Although the island country is small, it has a developed economy and its box office is higher than that of the mainland. Hong Kong in the 1990s was the golden season for movies. Brother and Ang Lee’s appeal, don’t worry. Undoubtedly, the box office is also rising steadily.

Half a month later, "A Hard to Break the Ship" was picked up by a North American distributor and introduced to North America for release.

A Chinese romance movie that has become popular all over the world.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that tragedy is tearing up the beautiful things for you to see.

However, putting the torn things back together again for you to see, the indescribable faint sadness is unsettling.

The plot of the hard-to-break ship successfully interprets the beauty of tragedy.

At the beginning of March, the global box office closed, and the total box office reached 1.3 billion US dollars!

This is the world's first film to break through the $1 billion mark at the box office, surpassing "Star Wars", which had dominated the box office for 20 years, and became the highest-grossing film in film history.

And this movie comes from the mysterious East!

This makes Westerners look at oriental films with admiration.

Movies can be hugely successful,

It proved once again that good art has no borders, as long as a good movie is made, the audience will buy it.

"Difficult to Break a Ship" has become a phenomenal existence!

The related theme song has also become a song sung in the streets and alleys.

Although Yang Fei expected that this movie might be a big hit, because he made a time difference, the remake is the upcoming "Titanic" directed by James Cameron.

But the total investment of the latter has reached an unprecedented 200 million US dollars.

And Yang Fei's movie is not even one-tenth of it.

A movie can make investors live or die.

Fortunately, Yang Fei's investment was successful.

With this film, Ang Lee was successfully shortlisted for the Oscar for Best Director.

Brother and Akina were also nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor and Actor.

At a celebration banquet, when my brother clinked glasses with Yang Fei, he said something about his views on life and love.

Yang Fei was surprised to find that his brother's views had changed.

When filming "Farewell My Concubine", my brother couldn't live without being crazy, so he completely substituted himself into Cheng Dieyi's drama dream. According to him, he couldn't get out of the sad plot for a long time.

And "Difficult to Break the Boat" let my brother see another love in the world that is sad but very beautiful.

Yang Fei thought to himself, maybe this drama can really make his brother change his life?

I hope that after a few years, my brother can live stronger, instead of committing suicide like Cheng Dieyi.

Another spring came, and catkins floated all over the sky.

Elm coins are strung on the tops, and peach blossoms bloom all over the Taohua Village.

The mineral water plant was completed and put into operation.

To Yang Fei's disappointment, he did not invite the famous water factory owner.

Without butcher Zhang, I don’t eat hairy pigs.

Without inviting Zhong Yanyan, Yang Fei had no choice but to run the business by himself.

Yang Fei named the brand of this mineral water White Natural Mineral Water.

The brand of clean white has already started, and it is easier to achieve greater success by using a famous brand to derive other series of products.

Sure enough, the white natural mineral water was favored by the market as soon as it was launched.

At that time, the main bottled water on the market was pure water.

The so-called pure water is the water that has been processed, purified and purified from natural water through multiple processes. The purified water after multiple processes removes harmful substances and bacteria, so it can be drunk directly.

The space water and distilled water sold in the market are pure water.

Pure water can be drunk directly or heated, suitable for making soup and tea.

Mineral water contains various trace elements, if heated and boiled, its nutrients will be lost, or precipitation will affect the taste of drinking, so it is best to drink mineral water directly.

These two different types of water are drinking water.

Yang Fei launched the brand of natural mineral water, which immediately won the love of the general public.

Other water factories sell purified water, and a brand of natural mineral water suddenly appeared and grabbed their market share. Of course, they were not happy.

As a result, a debate about pure water and mineral water quietly occurred in the major media.

Soon, this controversy led to a massive "water battle".

Many media reported that the trace elements contained in mineral water are harmful to the human body. The human body does not need these trace elements, and if the human body absorbs too much of these trace elements, it will cause stones.

When Yang Fei saw the news, he was studying in Beijin.

He saw it while he was sitting in the school library reading a newspaper.

The school library subscribes to almost all popular newspapers and magazines in the country.

Yang Fei would spare a certain amount of time every day to come here to read the big newspapers.

He flipped through several newspapers in a row, and saw similar reports with minor differences.

Yang Fei immediately realized keenly that someone was making trouble!

Moreover, the other party launched a stream of consciousness war.

It is at the level of public awareness and cognition that people completely reject natural mineral water.

And the biggest mineral water brand on the market is Pure White.

Although the other party didn't name them, and said that the pure white natural mineral water was wrong, their intentions were as Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone on the road knew it.

Faced with such an attack, how could Yang Fei not fight back?

Isn't it just a "water war"?

Hehe, I didn't expect that the other party would start the war before I took the initiative to provoke trouble.

Originally, Yang Fei was still thinking of doing nothing for himself, and everyone is safe and sound!

Since you are going to start a war, don't blame me for being ruthless.

The media has always been the main battlefield of various commercial wars.

The next day, the relevant media published a report, the content of which was roughly as follows:

"The composition of pure water is pure water. It does not contain harmful substances to the body, but the substances that are beneficial to the body contained in pure water will also be removed. Therefore, drinking pure water is not beneficial to the body, and drinking too much will be harmful. It will cause an imbalance of trace elements in the body!"

This is Yang Fei's challenge!

When you fight, you fight!

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