The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 589 Perfect Frontal Strike

What Chen Ruoling did was actually what Yang Fei wanted to do.

If Yang Fei didn't have decades of wisdom in life, and didn't see through all the filth and weirdness in this world, he would do the same, and even do even more terrifying things out of anger.

However, Yang Fei has already understood that fighting and killing can solve many problems, and will also create more contradictions and conflicts.

Especially when an incident has already caused a lot of noise, and he is standing on the defendant's stand, he can't shout and kill.

Rogues are rogues because they are shameless.

The most humble people are invincible!

After Yang Fei came back, he learned from the pain, thought hard, and finally thought of a solution.

He immediately made a decision and took several measures.

The first is to publicly issue a statement, voluntarily announcing the inspection results of the nine water source bases of the Clean White Natural Mineral Spring Factory by the National Quality Inspection Bureau, as well as the results of the sampling survey.

The results show that the mineral water produced by the clean white mineral water factory meets the national standard and is safe and healthy drinking water.

The second is to carry out a massive anti-counterfeiting campaign.

Yang Fei published revelations in major domestic media at the same time. There are rewards for reporting and rewards for cracking down on counterfeiting. Anyone who provides clues to the counterfeit clean white mineral water factory will be rewarded with a lot of money after successfully cracking down on the counterfeiting.

The third is to change the packaging and sealing of mineral water in an all-round way, and teach consumers how to distinguish regular white mineral water from counterfeit mineral water on TV stations and newspapers.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Fei did not respond to the "Plant Gate" and "Bug Gate" incidents.

Because there is no need to respond!

Yang Fei fought a roundabout battle.

Through a series of means, it not only establishes a clean and positive image, but also tells consumers that there are fake products on the market.

In this way, consumers naturally think that the so-called plants and bugs are just things in fake products.

As long as you buy regular products, there will be no such uncleanness.

As for the Consumers Association, Yang Fei sent the company's lawyers to deal with it.

Yang Fei first admitted that the consumers were the victims, but he also insisted that the two people bought illegal products, so if they want to protect their rights, they can only go to the merchant to claim compensation.

As long as he holds this position, Yang Fei will be invincible.

Public opinion cannot be guided by any one person.

The other party wanted to play the public opinion card, and Yang Fei also played the public opinion card, but Yang Fei played the card better.

At the same time, Chen Ruoling obeyed Yang Fei's advice and turned the three people caught to the Public Security Bureau.

The Public Security Bureau accepted the case.

After Yang Fei heard the news, he asked the reporter to go to the Public Security Bureau to interview the case.

According to media interviews, the previous "Plant Gate" and "Bug Gate" were just concocted by someone, and they were competitors using tricks to suppress the white natural mineral water!

This case, once disclosed by the media, immediately caused an uproar.

Previously, public opinion was still one-sided, accusing the clean white water plant of being irresponsible and selling spoiled drinking water.

After the truth came out, the citizens realized that they were wrong to blame Jiebai.

Those two slanderers were first threatened and tortured by Chen Ruoling, and then imprisoned!

As Yang Fei expected, as soon as they arrived at the Public Security Bureau, they insisted that they were forced to confess, and those confessions did not count.

But when the Consumers Association's lawsuit and the world's public opinion turned against the clean white water plant, the two were under great pressure. , detain them.

Unable to bear the pressure, the two changed their words and said that the plants might be vomited in by the children of the family who drank water after eating vegetables; as for the bugs, they were only found on the bottle caps, not in the water. The messenger speaks out.

The police realized the complexity of the case and filed a case for further investigation.

The progress of the case is irrelevant.

Yang Fei has already won the battle of public opinion.

To be honest, it is also the first time he has dealt with such a lawsuit.

At the beginning, Yang Fei was helpless. When Jiang Hanying came to him, he didn't even think of a better way.

It was Chen Ruoling's approach that forced Yang Fei to come up with this trick.

The so-called put it to death and then live again!

Yang Fei knows that if there is no way to solve this matter, the clean white water plant will go bankrupt, and the clean white brand will also be greatly affected.

After returning from the racecourse, Yang Fei thought of this series of countermeasures.

Fortunately, it worked.

Yang Fei secretly sighed a fluke!

As far as he knows, there are countless companies that have fallen in such lawsuits.

This incident made Yang Fei firmer in quality control.

Forging iron must be hard by itself.

This time, if it is not for the excellent quality of the products of the clean white water plant, it will definitely not survive the disaster.

As long as the Quality Inspection Bureau finds that the quality of a bottle of water is not up to standard, the nature of the whole incident will change.

In this battle, Yang Fei actually took advantage of Chen Ruoling. Although Yang Fei did not accept what she did, she had to admit that she still indirectly helped Yang Fei.

Next, Yang Fei certainly won't let it go.

After the "Plant Gate" and "Bug Gate" incidents subsided, Yang Fei began to fight back against his competitors.

Yang Fei's counterattack was direct and positive.

He already knew who was behind the scenes, so he launched a targeted attack on this brand of drinking water.

Media reporters took risks and sneaked into the production workshop of a certain brand, interviewed and recorded their filling and purification process on the spot.

Soon there were reports that the production standard of a certain brand of bottled water was not as good as that of tap water, and the manufacturer's own standard allowed mold to exist. In fact, drinking this kind of water is not as good as drinking tap water! Such drinking water is extremely irresponsible to consumers!

At the same time, the National Quality Inspection Bureau conducted a random inspection of bottled water sold by a certain brand, and the result was that the mold exceeded the standard.

The double attack of the media and the Quality Inspection Bureau hit a certain brand with no power to fight back.

In less than a month, a certain brand of mineral water completely disappeared from the market!

Yang Fei's frontal attack, with a set of combined punches, the opponent disappeared without a trace!

So far, the domestic water war has finally come to an end.

Natural mineral water has completely defeated pure water and quickly occupied the drinking water market.

Relevant departments of the state have issued normative standards for drinking water, and made relevant national standard regulations for mineral water and pure water. rectify.

After the pure water market shrinks, mineral water brands have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Big brands such as Yibao and Baisuishan have launched mineral water one after another.

The water war has shifted from the war between mineral water and pure water to the battle between mineral water.

It was also in this year that Zhong Yanyan took a fancy to the prospects of the beverage market, left Wahaha's agent, started to work alone, formally entered the mineral water market, and established Nongfu Spring Company.

It's a pity that Yang Fei has already seized his opportunity.

After that, no matter how hard Zhong Yanyan tried, he couldn't take back the drinking water market that Yang Fei had already occupied!

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