The Richest Man Yang Fei

Six hundred and ninetieth chapters counterattack of foreign companies

Procter \u0026 Gamble, which has been invincible since it came out of the hole, has been developing smoothly in China. With the escort of investment promotion policies, it has caught up with the golden age of China's development, and coupled with its strong capital strength, it is impossible for them to succeed. Disaster.

However, this business battle was actually lost to a local daily chemical company!

Still lost so uselessly, so unwilling!

"Boss, we lost because we underestimated our opponent!" Luo Hongcai mused, "All along, we have been making a fuss about the price, and we just want to use legitimate means to squeeze the opponent out of this field. But the opponent is very cunning, They don’t play their cards according to common sense, and they use all kinds of means! Now I seriously suspect that whether it is the dioxane or the silicone oil incident, it is all caused by the opponent! The purpose is to disturb our attention.”

"Well, although there is no real evidence for this kind of thing, what you said is somewhat reasonable. It is not groundless. Who would provoke a war between dioxane and silicone oil for no reason? The influence of dioxane, we can't help it. It was easy to eliminate, and another silicone oil came out."

The more the boss said, the more angry he became:

"For this reason, on the one hand, we need public relations to prove that silicone oil is non-toxic and harmless; , We are exhausted, in the past two months, there has been almost no day off, and we are working overtime every day during the Spring Festival."

Luo Hongcai said: "Boss, if we want to defeat our opponent, we must also use ruthless moves."

The boss asked: "What cruel move?"

Luo Hongcai said: "Grab one of the opponent's weak spots, and beat them to the death, making them fall to the ground, and they won't be able to get up again."

"Hehe, anyone can talk, but the question is, how to do it?" The boss asked back.

Luo Hongcai looked at the other people, and seeing that no one had expressed their opinions, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Any product has its weaknesses. The opponent hypes dioxane and silicone oil, and they just caught us. A weakness in the product?"

"Everyone understands the truth. Where is the opponent's weakness?" The boss asked in a deep voice, "Whoever can grasp the opponent's weakness and use it to win a battle, I will promote his position and raise his salary!"

Luo Hongcai's eyes were shining brightly, this was exactly what he was striving for!

Promotion, salary increase!

Isn't that what professionals are looking for?

However, there are infinite possibilities for the position and promotion prospects that Procter \u0026 Gamble can provide him.

After Luo Hongcai joined the company, he performed outstandingly. Whether it was in the business war or in technology research and development, he made relatively important contributions, and was unanimously recognized by the leaders. In a short period of time, he was promoted to the deputy product director of the company's R\u0026D department .

Procter \u0026 Gamble's organizational structure is a pyramid shape.

At the top, of course, are directors.

From the director down, it is the general manager, that is, the bosses of the various regions.

Below the boss are the deputy general manager and the expert advisory group.

Then there is the director level, the director of the R\u0026D department, the director of the planning department, the director of human resources, and the director of the finance department.

Under each director, there are two to three departmental deputy directors.

For example, under the R\u0026D department, there are deputy product directors and deputy technical directors, the planning department has deputy production directors and sales deputy directors, under human resources, there are business and administrative deputy directors, and finance is also divided into accounting and finance. .

Luo Hongcai is just a product director under the deputy product director of the R\u0026D department.

It sounds very tall, but compared to the school he graduated from and his professional ability, he has worked for more than a year, and he deserves this position when he mentions it!

The product department is mainly responsible for channels, industries and operators.

This is completely different from Luo Hongcai's original thought.

What Luo Hongcai wanted to do was research and development, and he was assigned to the research and development department as he wished, but he didn't expect that there would be a product department under the research and development department!

Usually, Luo Hongcai is only responsible for one job, which is to collect the information fed back by channel dealers and operators and report it to the R\u0026D department.

The Ministry will carry out rectification and new research and development based on this information.

Big companies have a bright future, but they are also highly competitive. If you want to be promoted, you must either gain qualifications, strive for strength, or seize opportunities and soar into the sky.

Luo Hongcai had an intuition that this was an excellent opportunity for his rising stage in life!

As long as Yang Fei is defeated, the company will definitely be able to promote him and increase his salary.

Looking at the directors, all of whom were driving luxury cars, living in mansions, and holding tender little sisters in their arms, Luo Hongcai felt both envious and jealous.

He longed for a chance to rise to the top.

Now, this opportunity has come.

During the meeting, no one could answer the boss's words.

The new products launched by Meili Group are innovative in every aspect.

Everyone has only heard of it, but they have never used it. How can they talk about their weaknesses?

Are weaknesses so easy to find?

The boss keeps his word, and those present are not allowed to leave until they have come up with a countermeasure.

This meeting lasted until one o'clock in the morning.

Before the meeting adjourned, the boss repeatedly emphasized that you are given three days to find out the opponent's flaws. If you can't find out, everyone will be fined and half a month's bonus will be deducted.

The next day, Luo Hongcai went to the supermarket on the street and bought all the products of Meili Group.

Of course he didn't use it himself, but used it for analysis and research.

Luo Hongcai is a top student. When he was in school, he was selected by the head of the department, Yao Wanchun. As a member of the research group, it can be seen that this person's talent and ability are beyond human.

He first analyzed the ingredient list on the outer packaging.

In order to win the silicone oil war, Yang Fei proposed the transparency of ingredients, and took the lead in setting an example by marking the main ingredients of the product on the outer packaging.

Of course, many components involving commercial secrets will not be marked.

It is also impossible for outsiders to produce products with the same formula based on this ingredient list.

However, none of this troubled Luo Hongcai.

What is the most powerful skill of the Chinese people?

Someone joked that it was copying!

No matter what other people produce, as long as it is a bestseller, within three days, someone in China will copy it.

If the copy is good, it is called high imitation, if the copy is bad, it is called copycat.

There is a watch base in China. The watches they copy are of better quality than those imported from Switzerland, but the price is only a few tenths of the price.

As for the cracking of the system and software, and the re-engraving of electronic products, that's not a problem.

Luo Hongcai has the talent in this area.

He is a genius in domestic chemistry. He won the first prize in the World Chemistry Olympiad when he was in middle school. After graduating from high school, he was recommended to the Chemistry Department of Tsinghua University because of his excellent chemistry performance.

Such a talent, if he wants to reverse the ingredient list of a product, as long as he is serious, it is really not difficult.

With Ma Zhixia's lesson last time, Luo Hongcai was extra cautious this time.

Of course, these products are bought through formal channels, and there can be no traps.

Last time Ma Zhixia got a fake formula, and the trial product produced was exactly the same as the real product, but the trap Yang Fei set in it had to be accumulated and washed several times to reveal the flaws.

Yang Fei used this trick to finally kill Ma Zhixia.

Luo Hongcai was well aware of Yang Fei's cunning and power. After getting the product, he asked for leave and studied behind closed doors.

He has only one purpose, and that is to find out the flaws in Meili Group's products!

In this world, there is no perfect product!

Therefore, no matter how good a product is, its defects can also be found!

. m.

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