The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 775: Lend me 500,000, and pay you back 500 million!

"Do you really need it?" Shi Yuzhu was stunned.

Since the company had problems, he has been asking everywhere to raise funds, and his main energy is still to save the giant.

Yang Fei's eyes were bright, and he asked slowly: "Boss Shi, do you really think that the giant's problem is just a problem of the capital chain?"

"Isn't it?" Shi Yuzhu asked back.

Shi Yuzhu thought that the problem of the giant is the capital chain, so he found someone to invest in the giant. As long as there is capital injection, the problem of the giant can be solved.

This is his obsession.

The giant company is like his child. If the child is sick, isn't it raising money to treat the disease?

Could it be possible to abandon the child?

Yang Fei knew that if he couldn't wake up this person, he would have to take a detour for at least half a year in the future.

Once a person has an obsession, he will not give up or change easily.

It's like people who are passionately in love, suddenly separated, even though they know there is no way to change their minds, but they pray in vain every day, humbly and on their knees.

Seeing that he didn't reflect on himself, Yang Fei added fuel and said, "With all due respect, the biggest problem with the giant lies in you."

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Shi Yuzhu raised his thick eyebrows.

Yang Fei said: "You are the helm of Giant Company, the problem is not with you, who do you think is the problem?"

Shi Yuzhu was puzzled and said, "Please tell me what's wrong with me?"

Yang Fei said: "People can only rely on themselves!"

Shi Yuzhu was shocked.

Yang Fei said: "The problem of the enterprise is ultimately a problem of people. It seems that the company is encountering difficulties, but in fact it is the people's thinking that is encountering difficulties."

Shi Yuzhu's eyes widened suddenly!

Yang Fei said: "You can criticize others morally, resent others emotionally, and blame them for refusing to lend a helping hand when you are in trouble. But these are useless to solve your real problems. Negative emotions will only Add trouble to you, add chaos to you! Can't solve the problem."

Shi Yuzhu straightened his back,

Slowly bent down, like a deflated ball, slumped on the sofa.

Yang Fei came to see him this time just to wake him up, and he didn't intend to save him any face.

There are many ways to help people.

Give him money, this is the most direct way to help.

Besides, there are better ways.

That is to point out his shortcomings and tell him how to solve his problems.

Yang Fei said in a deep voice: "No one can solve your problem, except yourself."

Shi Yuzhu frowned tightly, his thoughts were in extreme agitation.

Yang Fei's words stimulated him again.

"If you are in a difficult situation, you must first think of solving your own problems. This is the most important thing." Yang Fei said, "The giant has collapsed, and you must accept this fact. If you give you 10 million, you can save the giant building. But, what about Giant's other industries? How much will you spend to save them? 50 million? Or 100 million?"

Shi Yuzhu murmured: "Fifty million! If there are fifty million, that's fine..."

Yang Fei said: "No, you are wrong. Even if you get 50 million, you will still lose it! Half a year ago, your funds were more than 50 million?"

Shi Yuzhu looked at Yang Fei in astonishment.

Yes, half a year ago, how sufficient was his funds?

Why, in a short period of time, have you come to this step?

Yang Fei said: "Boss Shi, have you ever thought about whether your own character is flawed? Are you too arrogant when you handle company affairs? Is there something wrong with your management? There is really no problem with your strategy ?"

These questions are like heavy hammers, hitting Shi Yuzhu's heart one by one.

He never confronted his own problems.

No one ever told him that you were doing it wrong.

Only Yang Fei!

Only dare to say these words.

Shi Yuzhu felt in a trance that although Yang Fei was a stranger, he knew himself better than himself!

He couldn't help thinking of a sentence: "In this world, no matter how high your status or wealth is, if there is someone who is willing to criticize you in front of you, then you have the most sincere friendship in the world."

Yang Feidao: "Greedy, greedy, want everything, don't want to let go, this is human nature. It is also very common for enterprises, but the result is that they can't catch one. Many times we I have forgotten that stopping the bleeding is equivalent to stopping the loss, which is equivalent to saving yourself."

Shi Yuzhu propped his chin with his hands, frowning and listening.

Yang Fei said: "I have been paying attention to your company. In February last year, you spent 50 million in advertising fees in a week, which caused a sensation all over the country. Others advertise, at most, they do full-page advertisements, but you do cross-page advertisements! Others do projects one by two, but you do it with twenty or thirty together!"

Shi Yuzhu showed a smile, like a general, recalling his past glory.

Yang Fei said: "Actually, at that time, your company was showing signs of crisis. If you were willing to kill more than half of the projects, you could at least save half of the profitable projects. It's a pity that you didn't do this, but spent more The money, to shout for those loss-making projects! As a result, the giant fell, the building could not be built, and all the projects were all in vain.”

Shi Yuzhu slowly closed his eyes, the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched constantly.

Yang Fei said: "When you spent 50 million on an advertisement, did you ever think that one day, for 50 million, you will run around and borrow money from all the people you like, hate, or even people you don't know? After all the cold looks, you can't even raise fifty thousand yuan?"

Shi Yuzhu's Adam's apple rolled up and down.

Yang Fei said: "Besides, the advertisements you run have gained popularity and attention, but have your sales increased? No?"

Shi Yuzhu nodded: "No."

Yang Fei said: "Because your focus is not on the consumer's attention. You don't know what consumers need, so what are you advertising?"

Yang Fei said: "Let me talk about your arrogance again. In the company, you say what you say, and the management is very strict. I heard that your company has formulated a thick set of rules and regulations to manage employees. Is it effective?"

"It's useless. There are endless incidents of executives and employees taking advantage of the company."

"Because you expanded too fast, the team expanded rapidly, and the talent pool couldn't keep up, and the recruits were mixed."

"Well, now that I think about it, it's true."

"Also, in fact, the loss of executives and employees taking advantage of the company is not too high, but the cost of doing wrong things, investment, wrong direction and strategy is the highest. Executives take advantage, at most a million a year? And One mistake could cost hundreds of millions.”

Shi Yuzhu was silent.

Yang Fei's words are heartbreaking!

But it makes sense!

Yang Fei analyzed other successful companies just to learn from them and to prevent himself from taking these detours.

Yang Fei said, "How much do you owe now?"

Shi Yuzhu was stunned for a while, then said, "Two hundred and fifty million."

Yang Fei sighed sadly.

The 250 million in 1996 is no less than the 200 million in later generations!

How many people in this world can turn their backs and pay off so many debts?

No wonder his friends all ran away when they saw him!

The scene of the conversation suddenly became quiet.

Yang Fei didn't speak, neither did Shi Yuzhu.

It is more difficult for people to accept their failures than their successes.

Yang Fei said: "I am willing to help you. But you have to think clearly first. What exactly do you need?"

Shi Yuzhu took a deep breath and said, "Lend me 500,000! Five years later, I will pay you back 500,000,000!"

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