The Rise of Iceland

Vol 3 Chapter 265: Highlights in Sweden

Beginning in February 1633, the fate of the Protestant coalition being blocked in Leipzig for half a year changed.

With the surrender of Wallenstein, the strength of the Protestant Union increased greatly. In the entire German region, except for the southern Burgundy, Savoy, Milan, Switzerland and other dozens of principalities and countries of various sizes, the remaining 80% of the land was settled. In the hands of the Protestant Union, especially the northern principalities and free city states, they now pledge allegiance to King Gustaf II of the United Kingdom of Sweden.

After the fall of Leipzig, Germany has become the back garden of Gustav II, the morale of the Catholic League is low, and the Habsburg monarchy composed of more than a dozen states including Austria, Bohemia, and Hungary is also facing Faced with the crisis of the Protestant coalition forces.

  The situation of the Catholic League is now precarious. Everyone knows that if the army of the Bavarian Principality and the army of Bohemia lose to the Protestant coalition, the Catholic Church that has ruled Europa for a thousand years is likely to be replaced by Protestantism.

   As a Catholic with a filial son, the Habsburg emperor is really anxious, including the Spanish Union Kingdom also began to garrison a large number of troops on the border. Ready to join the battlefield at any time.

When Leipzig Fort was besieged, the Catholic Union felt that the building was about to fall. Ferdinand II immediately requested the church’s support for mediation. At the same time, he sent people to the French Prime Minister Richelieu and King Louis XIII to send autographs. Letter, I hope they can stop supporting the Protestant Union and return to the embrace of Catholicism.

Both Richelieu and Louis XIII knew that the Emperor Habsburg must be suppressed for the benefit of France. As good neighbors between Spain and Germany, the French royal family had been trying to restore the glory of the ancestor Charlemagne for many years and unify the European continent. Even if they cannot be unified, they cannot make the two neighbors too strong.

   Only a weak Spain and a scattered and divided Germany are in the interests of France. In the face of national interests, religious beliefs are no longer important.

   Richelieu and Louis XIII did not agree to Ferdinand’s request. Even if the Pope sent someone to express the same meaning, Richelieu still showed the flexibility of his religious piety and his firm loyalty to French interests.

   The Habsburgs have stood firm in Europe hundreds of years ago, and they are getting stronger and stronger. It is not just a betrayal of the lower body, but also a keen political speculative vision.

Spain and Austria did not have the mentality to succeed in winning the French Association at the beginning. Even though their domestic finances were very tight, they did not allow the Protestant Alliance to control Germany. After the first wave of Bavarian and Bohemian reinforcements set off, Habsburg Still launching the silver bullet offensive, using the savings of gold and silver to recruit a large number of mercenaries, ready to continue to send new forces to the German battlefield at any time.

   The first part of the much-anticipated All-Europe War was dominated by Denmark, but with the fiasco of Christian IV, the victories during the second phase of the Swedish dominance made Denmark more like a clown in people's memory.

After Sweden joined the battlefield on behalf of the Protestant League, northern Germany quickly fell. Last year, it controlled more than half of Germany. After Wallenstein's return, he was deliberately trying to defeat Gustav II and finally found a chance in Lüzen. However, with the addition of the Icelandic Viking Army, the chance of the Catholic coalition's strategic victory was lost.

   Since the end of last year, the Catholic coalition army has been retreating steadily, until the surrounding area of ​​Leipzig is captured, leaving only the besieged Fort Leipzig in the north of Bavaria.

   The decline of the Catholic coalition is very obvious. The kings, prime ministers, and dignitaries of European countries all know that the stage of the war led by Sweden seems to have given the Protestant coalition a phased victory.

Most of the German territory fell. Habsburg knew that the peace talks would put him in a very unfavorable condition. Therefore, after obtaining the Pope’s funding and other support, Habsburg has decided to desperately and drive the Protestant coalition back. Northern Germany, and then peace talks with Gustav II.

   In the heart of the Habsburg emperor, he can be satisfied if he can divide Germany equally with Sweden. After all, Gustav II of Sweden is too strong, and even Wallenstein is not his opponent.

   When the Bavarian army contacted the Wallenstein rebels and was defeated for the first time, Habsburg knew that Wallenstein had not shown the loyalty he should have, but had become a traitor.

The news that Wallenstein led the army to betray the Catholic coalition has dealt a heavy blow to the Catholic Union world. Before that, the highest commander of the Catholic coalition was Wallenstein. In addition to his own army of more than 30,000, there are also 40 to 50,000 coalition forces. Be subject to the commander-in-chief of Wallenstein.

   But now Wallenstein surrendered with his mercenary army, and the Catholic glory of northern Germany has completely disappeared.

  The defeated Maximilian I soon gathered the defeated army and recruited countless defeated Catholic generals scattered into the forests of the German region, and then quickly retreated to the northern part of Bavaria to defend.

When retreating to the fortresses of northern Bavaria, Maximilian I wrote to Ferdinand II every day, telling the emperor that he had long seen Wallenstein’s natural rebellion and insulted Wallenstein, hoping that God would let China as soon as possible. Renstein and his **** army went to hell.

The venting letter of Maximilian I did not make Emperor Ferdinand II angry, because Maximilian I was one of the few henchmen he could rely on now. In case Bavaria also fell, not only the whole of Germany would be Lost, I am afraid that I will have to give up my title to Gustav II.

After defeating Maximilian I, Wallenstein did not pursue the but stationed in Erft Castle, showing a permanent garrison, just turning the castle into a copper wall and iron wall. Ready to let Wallenstein, who hit him, meet the bloodied Maximilian I, resented.

   After an encounter on the southeast battlefield of Germany, a confrontation was formed as a result of the Bavarian death and injury of a thousand people and retreat to the territory.

The army of Bohemia is a mercenary recruited by the Emperor Habsburg himself. These mercenaries composed of mountain peoples in southern Germany have very good combat effectiveness, and their temperament is strong enough, because the loyalty fed by the generous treatment is also above the horizontal line. .

   The Bohemian Legion personally stopped by Gustaf II in the southeast of Leipzig also gave him a surprise, allowing the Protestant coalition forces to encounter another nail besides Wallenstein.

   After a **** battle, the Protestant coalition suffered more than 2,000 casualties, and the Bohemian Army also suffered more than 3,000 casualties, but the exhausted Protestant Army still failed to win.

   The brave Bohemian army eventually occupied several high grounds and passes, making Gustav II lose his initiative and strategic advantage, and could only retreat to the east and south towns of Leipzig.

   Gustaf II wanted to defeat the Bohemia reinforcements in one fell swoop, and infiltrated Bohemia and threatened Habsburg to obtain unconditional peace talks. The plan was also aborted due to the failure of the first battle.

Although Germany is now mostly in the palm of Gustav II, a win and a tie on the two battlefields also allowed the Protestant League to achieve the biggest result in more than ten years of war, but Gustav II quickly won The plan was still blocked.

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