The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 340: Large Face Slapping Scene

America, the White House.

Pang Xuelin attended the press conference at three o'clock in the afternoon, which was two o'clock in the morning local time in Washington.

"Mr. President, there is an urgent matter to report."

He was woken up by a loud noise, and when he got dressed and came out of the bedroom, he saw Secretary of State Peppen, Vice President Pence, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs O'Brien and other White House heavyweights were already outside the bedroom Waiting in the reception room.

"What happened to wake me up in the middle of the night?"

asked out of nowhere.

Pei Peng'ao and Peng Si looked at each other and said, "Mr. President, news just came from China that they have successfully developed a lithium-air battery."

"Li-air battery?" Te Meipu was a little puzzled, "Is this thing important?"

O'Brien on the side coughed dryly and said, "Mr. President, the energy density of lithium batteries in the world is mostly between 200 and 300 watt-hours. The Chinese have directly increased the energy density of lithium batteries by ten times. Its appearance, It will change the current global energy industry structure and further promote the further development of China's manufacturing industry. Its threat to us is a hundred times that of Huawei's 5G technology!"

O'Brien's last words made Te Mopu realize the seriousness of the situation.

"How did the Chinese come up with this thing? Why didn't there be any information on this before?"

Unexpectedly, he looked a little excited.

"This...Mr. President, it's like this..."

O'Brien hesitated for a while, and told how Pang Xuelin got Kirton Walker from Princeton to Jiangda, and how he made a bet with others to produce a lithium-air battery within half a year.

In the end, O'Brien said: "In fact, Pang Xuelin's research on lithium-air batteries is not a secret, but neither the academic community nor our intelligence department expected that that genius boy could actually come up with lithium-air batteries."

Te didn't make any sense and looked at O'Brien silently, without speaking.

The reception room fell silent, and everyone seemed to be waiting for Mr. President's decision.

Suddenly, Te Mipu clenched his fist,

Loudly said: "Stealing, the Chinese are stealing, they stole our scientists and our technology!"

"Mr. President, do you mean...?"

Pei Pengao was puzzled.

The special said: "Kurton Walker is a professor at Princeton University, an American, without him, the Chinese can produce lithium-air batteries? This is our technology!!! It must not be monopolized by the Chinese!! !"

Everyone in the reception room looked at each other, and Pei Pengao's eyes lit up.


Not to mention the reaction of the United States.

At this time, in China, there is already a trend of boiling against the sky.

Although the press conference was still going on, it was as if a magnitude 9 earthquake had erupted on the Internet, and cheers and discussions were everywhere like a tsunami.

The trending Weibo searches from the first to the tenth were completely dominated by this news.

#彭学林和必钟飞电池#, #金龙软件#, #国产办办报议会#, #金龙软件的名字好土#, #彭学林和田宏考计#, #金龙集团应该始#, #中油中石化化消定# , #四部队委发布合同报告#, #新凯材料科技有限公司#, #星环科技投资金龙集团#…

Almost every one is closely related to Pang Xuelin and lithium-air batteries.

"My God, when CCTV said this morning that a press conference would be held at 3:00 p.m., I was still worried that something big was going to happen to our country. It wasn't until I finished watching the press conference that I was convinced that it was A great thing. I still feel like a dream. The 2.78kwh/kg lithium-air battery is simply a miracle!"

"I feel the same way, it's incredible!"

"Professor Pang dominates Weibo hot searches again!!!"

"Don't you think the name Jinlong Battery is very earthy?"

"Haha, the earth is not earth, the combat power is five!!! (manual dog head)"

"If you all feel dirty, then I can rest assured."

"Academician Pang Xuelin deserves to be a unparalleled national scholar. Thinking about the cynicism and ridicule of Academician Pang Xuelin on the Internet in the past six months, I was one of the ridiculers at the time. Now although my face has been swollen by Academician Pang, I don't feel angry at all. Here , I formally apologize to Academician Pang!"

"Apologize to Academician Pang +1."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +2."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +3."


On Zhihu, there are far more people queuing up to apologize than on Weibo.

You must know that when Pang Xuelin and Tian Hong made a bet, the criticism on Zhihu was the most fierce.

One of the netizens raised such a question.

[Do you think Professor Pang's lithium-air battery project is reliable? 】

This question has been asked for half a year, and now the answers have exceeded 2,000 people, and 90% of them are pessimistic about this project.

The top answer is this: "1. The terribly high specific capacity of lithium-air batteries is pure nonsense, because it is calculated based on Li and O2, which are almost insignificant substances. You take a small number As a denominator, of course, a huge number will be divided, and elementary school students can play it. But the real capacity of the battery must be honestly counted all the electrode components (this does not include the equipment that separates pure oxygen from the air. , or the quality of a pure oxygen cylinder), this calculation, haha, is not much higher than LiCoO2. The cowhide was completely kicked.

Didn’t you see that the bad-fame lithium-air expert in Scotland later had to factor in the quality of the Au electrode? (However, people still post it on Sce, so you can’t accept it.) As a result, the capacity is now only more than 500 after pinching the water (how much do you want after using Au).

2. Lithium-air or lithium-pure oxygen? These are two vastly different concepts. Li-air concept stocks are fooled by the fact that free air can be used to achieve huge capacity, which is simply another magical water-to-oil transformation! But the fact is that pure oxygen must be used. You don’t know that nitrogen will also react with lithium, and it is irreversible. So how much nitrogen is in the air? Therefore, the brains of people who are empty of lithium will automatically filter out the problem of 'how to effectively and reliably separate pure oxygen from air', which has always been an extremely challenging problem. If pure oxygen is separated, many energy problems will be solved, so why bother to make batteries?

By the way, because the lithium-air system is notoriously active, high-purity oxygen must generally be used. Generally, there is a little water in the pure oxygen, so you just wait for it to react with the lithium electrode or electrolyte. Imagine that a large cylinder of high-purity oxygen is loaded on the car in the future. Is this a rocket?

3. DuPont was fooled by some evil person (I'm talking about Cotton Walker), and spent a lot of money on the lithium-air project. But then the whole project was completely uprooted, and the leader went to Princeton to distribute the test questions. In fact, DuPont is still the real conscience of the industry. I calmed down and studied it carefully, and finally found out-who brought us into this plague-stricken pit. "

But now, all the posts below this post are posts about flogging corpses.

"Although what you said made sense, Professor Pang ignored it and threw a Golden Dragon battery at you."

"An expert on Zhihu, an expert on Weibo, even if you are an industry insider, if you are not a big guy, please don't express your opinions casually, maybe the big guy will slap you."

"Haha, watch the large-scale face-slapping scene."

"Professor Pang said he doesn't read Zhihu, you say yours, I'll do mine..."

"I think Zhihu owes Academician Pang an apology."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +1."

"Apologize to Academician Pang +2."


As for the Zhihu column of the Stanford doctor Tian Hong who bet with Pang Xuelin, it was also exploded by netizens at the same time.

The following are also comments asking for an apology from the other party.

And news about Pang Xuelin and Jinlong Battery quickly grabbed the headlines on major portal websites and media.

[Tencent News: National Scholars Unparalleled, the lithium-air battery developed by Academician Pang Xuelin's team officially appeared]

[Pig Raising Network: The future era is beginning to emerge, King Long battery will change the global energy pattern]

[Sina News: The State Council Information Office held a press conference, Academician Pang Xuelin announced the successful development of lithium-air batteries]

[ Young geniuses usher in a great era, and China's industrial upgrading will usher in a strong impetus]

[The Paper: The four ministries jointly announced that the industrialization of Jinlong batteries will soon enter the fast lane]

[Observer: Academician Pang Xuelin is a gift given to us by the times, and he will surely rank among the greatest scientists of the 21st century]

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