The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 356 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

In the captain's room, Director Jian Xiangming from the Yongye Spaceship Observatory is reporting the latest observation results to Pang Xuelin.

Jian Xiangming looked very strange, feeling a little bewildered and a little excited at the same time.

"Captain, so far we have observed Gargantua and its nearby planets through different wavelength bands such as ultraviolet, infrared, radio, and visible light. Among them, there are more than 20 planets orbiting the No. 1 star (red giant star) There are more than five terrestrial planets in the habitable zone, more than fifteen planets orbiting No. 2 star (yellow dwarf), and three terrestrial planets in the habitable zone. In addition, we also found that There are actually hundreds of planets orbiting in Gangtuya. Due to the strong radiation of Gargantua, it is preliminarily estimated that there are at least a dozen terrestrial planets in the habitable zone...but..."

"but what?"

The expression on Pang Xuelin's face was very calm. He was not excited because he discovered so many habitable planets that might be suitable for human survival, nor was he nervous because of Jian Xiangming's but.

Jian Xiangming swallowed and said: "However, apart from these celestial bodies, and some asteroids and dust clouds wandering nearby, we have not observed any other celestial bodies in the universe. It seems that a huge curtain has been formed around this area, and will We are cut off from everything in the universe."

Pang Xuelin frowned, and asked again: "Have you observed the cosmic microwave background radiation in this space through a radio telescope?"

Jian Xiangming said: "This is exactly what I want to report to you next. We have carried out observations through the radio astronomy observatory. In the radio band greater than 100 cm, the ultra-high frequency radiation of Gargantua itself conceals the radiation from extragalactic space. Therefore, it cannot be directly measured, and then we measured from 0.054 cm to tens of centimeters to exclude the interference of Gargantua. The measurement results of each band show that the microwave background radiation temperature in our area is close to 27K The black body radiation is ten times greater than the cosmic microwave background radiation we have measured in the solar system."

Pang Xuelin couldn't help being taken aback.

The cosmic background radiation is isotropic microwave radiation from the cosmic space background, also known as the microwave background radiation.

Speaking of this, we have to talk about the way the universe was formed.

Hubble discovered through the law of galaxy redshift that the cosmic space is in the process of continuous expansion. In this case, the cosmic space in the past will be smaller than it is now.

If the time goes back to a certain time, the universe will become a singularity with no spatial scale, and all matter will not exist at that time.

Later, based on this, astronomers proposed the most recognized theory of the origin of the universe-the Big Bang.

According to the Big Bang, after the birth of the universe, space began to expand, and the matter in the universe was continuously created from the energy from the original singularity.

But because the space in the early universe was small, the temperature was high, and the density of matter was very high, photons were coupled with other charged particles, so there were no free photons in the universe at that time.

When the Big Bang just happened, it was actually not emitting light. It was an extremely dark explosion.

After this explosion, photons and electrons were produced, but because the universe was too small and the temperature was too high at the beginning, the collision between electrons and photons was very intense, and it was impossible for photons to propagate freely.

By the time the universe is 380,000 years old, the universe has cooled down, and the collision of electrons and photons is not so exciting at this time.

Photons can propagate in the universe as free particles, and this is the earliest light in the universe.

As the universe expands, the wavelengths of these photons are elongated. Up to now, the wavelengths of these earliest photons are mainly in the microscopic range.

This is a relic from an ancient time, like the ashes of the Big Bang.

The cosmic microwave background radiation carries information about the early universe,

It can tell us a lot about what happened in the past.

After 380,000 years of continuous expansion of space, the average temperature of the universe dropped to about 3,000 degrees Kelvin (about 2,730 degrees Celsius), and photons were decoupled from other charged particles, and they could travel in space [UU Reading 00kxs] Free movement produced the earliest light in the universe.

Since then, about 13.8 billion years have passed, and the space of the universe has expanded to a huge extent, which will cause the frequency of the earliest light in the universe to decrease, the wavelength to become longer, and now it has decayed into microwaves. The average temperature also dropped to only about 2.73 degrees Kelvin (approximately minus 270.42 degrees Celsius).

Since such microwaves are the earliest forms of light, and they are very uniform in all directions, they are known as the cosmic microwave background radiation.

Since the wavelength of cosmic microwave background radiation is much longer than that of visible light, they cannot be detected by optical telescopes, and can only be detected by radio telescopes or specialized microwave telescopes.

In the early 1960s, American scientists Penzias and R.W. Wilson established a high-sensitivity horn-type receiving antenna system in order to improve satellite communications.

In 1964, they used it to measure the radio intensity of the halo gas. They even removed bird droppings from the antennas to reduce the noise, but there was still background noise that couldn't be eliminated.

They believe that these microwave noises from the universe with a wavelength of 7.35 centimeters are equivalent to 3.5K.

In 1965, they revised it to 3K and made this discovery public, for which they won the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Later, physicists continued to make precise measurements, and finally, the physicists accurate the value to 2.7260±0.0013K.

But now, Jian Xiangming and the others measured the microwave background radiation as high as 27K.

If there is nothing wrong with their measurements, combined with what Jian Xiangming said just now, except for the two stars visible to the naked eye, no other stars or extragalactic galaxies have been observed in this space.

Then there is only one possibility left.

This space is independent from the big universe, it is a small universe!

If you consider the plot in the movie Interstellar.

in the movie.

When mankind was on the verge of extinction, a wormhole leading to an unknown space was discovered near Saturn.

So human beings made painstaking efforts to build a spaceship to venture through the wormhole, and found that there is a super black hole Gargantua with a mass of 100 million times the mass of the sun in the space at the other end of the wormhole.

And near this black hole, there are actually many terrestrial planets that can support life.

With the determination to die, the first batch of ten astronauts who went to explore sent back the news for mankind that there are living planets in this space that can survive for human beings.

So the second batch of astronauts of the Lazarus Project headed by Cooper set off to travel through the wormhole to Gargantua.

Cooper fell into a black hole, accidentally entered a five-dimensional space-time, and then transmitted important information about gravity to the earth through this five-dimensional space-time.

In the end, Cooper learned from his elderly daughter that wormholes and five-dimensional space-time are gifts from future high-dimensional humans.

But if wormholes and five-dimensional space-time are gifts from future high-dimensional humans, then why are Gargantua and these planets not gifts from future humans?

In fact, half a year ago, when he first passed through the black hole, Pang Xuelin noticed the abnormality.

The last time he was in the ninth district world, it took him more than ten minutes to cross a distance of 300 light-years through the wormhole.

But this time, it only took a few minutes to traverse the wormhole.

It is impossible for a super black hole with a mass of 100 million times the mass of the sun to exist in the Milky Way. Even the Andromeda Nebula, which is 300,000 light-years away from the Milky Way, has only its central black hole that has reached this level.

But in a place close to such a center of a river system, the density of stars is equally frighteningly high, and it is impossible to present the state observed by Pang Xuelin and the others.

Therefore, the only explanation is that this is a small universe created by a high-dimensional human being specially for human civilization.

Even the so-called black hole Gargantua is likely to be the heart that maintains the normal operation of this high-dimensional universe.

"I don't know, how powerful is the high-dimensional human civilization and system? Can they discover the system bound to themselves?"

Pang Xuelin thought to himself.

After pondering for a moment, Pang Xuelin turned around and said to Jian Xiangming: "Notify all the leaders of the second-level departments to come to the captain's room for a meeting. Your discovery is only known to those inside the observatory, and the news cannot be spread. In addition, prepare yourself The information about the discovered planets, we will discuss the follow-up exploration plan in the meeting later."

Jian Xiangming was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ten minutes later, Murphy, Edmond, Billy, Mann, Brand Jr., Anthony, Carrick, Cathy and others came to the meeting room one after another.

These are the astronauts of the first phase of the Lazarus Project. Later, Pang Xuelin made major changes to the entire Lazarus Project, and the number of astronauts required has also expanded tenfold.

Moreover, most of the newly joined astronauts are professionals from various departments in the spacecraft, and they are not as solid as Murphy and the others in basic aerospace training.

Therefore, Murphy and the others were naturally selected as leaders of various departments.

For example, Murphy, she is the supervisor of the communication department. In addition to being responsible for the communication with the earth, she is also responsible for the construction of the communication system in this small universe.

Emond is the head of the mechanical and electrical department, responsible for various fault repairs in the spacecraft and some spacewalking tasks.

Billy, a computer expert, maintains both Tas and the operating system in the spacecraft.

Dr. Mann, a biologist, is in charge of the four plant cabins in the spaceship, and he is responsible for the maintenance of the entire spaceship's ecological cycle system.


After everyone arrived, Pang Xuelin asked Jian Xiangming to report the discovery of the observatory to everyone.

Everyone in the meeting room was shocked and inexplicable.

Although these people have their own majors, they have very solid knowledge of basic physics and astronomy, so they naturally understand what Jian Xiangming said.

"Okay, what's your opinion? Let's talk about it."

Little Brand was the first to speak out: "Director Jane, could it be that Gargantua's radiation has affected the radio astronomy observatory?"

Jian Xiangming said: "This is impossible. We checked several times and completely ruled out the influence of Gargantua's radiation. The calculated result is still 27k."

Anthony, who has a Ph.D. in astrophysics, said: "Could it be a problem with the radio telescope itself, or something wrong with the control system?"

Jian Xiangming said: "We have considered the problem of hardware equipment, so we changed to a small space-shooting telescope, and even conducted a measurement with a small detection satellite, and the results obtained are exactly the same as before..."

Anthony shrugged and said: "If all these problems are ruled out, and we can't observe the existence of other galaxies and stars, I think that at least the space where Gargantua is located is beyond our understanding."

At this time, Murphy turned his gaze to Pang Xuelin and said, "Captain, what do you think?"

After Murphy finished speaking, everyone in the conference room focused their attention on Pang Xuelin.

After all, Pang Xuelin is not only the captain of the Eternal Night spacecraft, but also the deputy commander and frontline commander of the Lazarus Project.

His opinions and ideas are the most important.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "I don't think there is any need to consider these situations right now. The appearance of wormholes is beyond our knowledge, and with the mass of Gargantua, there are only two stars around it, which is beyond our knowledge. The scope of cognition under the current technical level. So it is completely meaningless for us to discuss this. Our most important work now is how to find habitable planets among the planets that have been observed so far. In addition, regarding today’s discussion topics, I hope that everyone here can keep it confidential. We have a very heavy job ahead, and I don't want any other issues to affect everyone's work mood."

At this time, Little Brand also said: "I think what Captain Pang said makes sense."

Emond also said, "I also agree with Captain Pang."


Soon, everyone reached a consensus on this issue.

Pang Xuelin said: "Okay, then let's move on to the next topic. First, let Jane inform Director Ming about the planets observed by the Observatory in the past few months."

Everyone turned their attention to Jian Xiangming, who coughed dryly and said, "In the past few months, we have discovered that among the terrestrial planets in the habitable zone, there are five planets orbiting the No. 1 star, and three planets orbiting the No. 2 star." One, and orbiting Gargantua, there are more than ten. And through the spectral analysis of these terrestrial planets in the habitable zone, we can basically confirm that ten of them have water. "

"For this reason, we have arranged the ten planets according to their distances. Among them, the nearest planet No. 1 is within the gravitational circle of Gargantua, about three billion kilometers away from Gargantua. Well, if the Eternal Night spacecraft flies at full capacity, it will be able to arrive within three years. And through optical telescope observations and various spectral analysis, we can basically confirm that there is an ocean on this planet."

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