The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 420 International Congress of Mathematicians

"Master, Professor Faltings looks very kind, not as surly as rumored by the outside world at all. You can see how happy Professor Xinyi smiled when he chatted with him."

"Professor Deligne is really amazing. He also praised my thesis and asked me if I would like to go to Princeton for postdoctoral research... Hee hee, I don't want to go, now we are at the Pang Xuelin Mathematics Research Center of Jiangda University , but not much worse than the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study."

"Master, I didn't expect Peter Schultz to be quite handsome, but I don't think he is as handsome as you..."


On the way back to the room, Ai Ai followed Peng Xuelin, chattering like a lark.

Pang Xuelin was a little helpless, he regretted bringing Ai Ai here.

This girl is too noisy.

But maybe because Ai Ai is his student, or because it is rare to find such a beautiful scholar in the mathematics world, everyone has a good attitude towards Ai Ai.

All the way to the door of his room, Pang Xuelin stopped in his tracks, unexpectedly Ai Ai also stopped.

Pang Xuelin looked at Ai Ai. Ai Ai stood on tiptoe, with her hands behind her back, bouncing around like a big penguin.

Pang Xuelin finally saw some clues, and said: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it."

"Ah...Master, what can I do..."

Ai Ai blushed.

Pang Xuelin rolled his eyes and said, "If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my room and sleep."

Pang Xuelin pretended to enter the house.

"Master!" Ai Ai's fair face flushed a little, and after a while, she passed the things in her hand to Pang Xuelin and said, "Master, this is for you."

"For me?"

Pang Xuelin was slightly taken aback.

What appeared in front of Pang Xuelin was an exquisite Russian nesting doll.

A male figure that looks cute.

Pang Xuelin looked at Ai Ai with a half-smile and said, "I bought this when I went shopping today?"


Pang Xuelin smiled and took it over and said: "Thank you, it seems that you haven't forgotten me as a master when you went out to play, so I will accept it."

Speaking of which, Pang Xuelin took over the matryoshka doll from Ai Ai, seeing that Ai Ai hadn't shown any signs of leaving, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Is there anything else?"

Ai Ai opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, hesitated and said: "It's nothing, master, then I'll go to rest first, and you should go to bed early."

"OK, good night."

"Good night."

Ai Ai hadn't taken two steps before she turned around suddenly and said, "Master, after returning to China, can you let me meet the two mistresses? I heard that they are very beautiful."


Pang Xuelin couldn't help being stunned.

Ai Ai chuckled, and without waiting for Pang Xuelin to respond, turned around and walked away bouncing around.

Only then did Pang Xuelin come back to his senses, and muttered to himself: "I'll go. How did Ai Ai know, could it be Zuo Yiqiu?"

Thinking about it, Pang Xuelin thought it was not possible.

Zuo Yiqiu's political literacy is there, and it is impossible to reveal his privacy to the outside world indiscriminately.

Pang Xuelin shook his head, no longer thinking about it, just know it if you know it, and you can't hide this kind of thing.

The next morning, Pang Xuelin happened to meet Zuo Yiqiu when he was eating the breakfast buffet.

The two sat down at the table for breakfast.

Perhaps because of her participation in the International Conference of Mathematicians, Zuo Yiqiu specially wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses on her face, and matched it with her suit and skirt, giving her an intellectual air.

Maybe he noticed the strange look in Pang Xuelin's eyes when he looked at him,

Zuo Yiqiu was a little strange, and said, "Professor Pang, is there something on my face?"


Pang Xuelin shook his head.


The two chatted while eating.

When he was about to finish eating, Zuo Yiqiu hesitated for a moment, and took out a Russian matryoshka from the small bag he was carrying, and said, "Professor Pang, yesterday, Ai Ai and I went out to buy gifts for our family, and the results were so bad." I bought a nesting doll, and I will give this to you."

As she said that, she put the nesting doll in front of Pang Xuelin in a panic, stepped on her high heels and hurriedly left the restaurant.

As a result, when going down the steps at the entrance of the restaurant, he pinched his feet and almost fell down.

Pang Xuelin sat on the spot, looked at Zuo Yiqiu's flustered back, and shook his head helplessly.

The conference of mathematicians will not be officially held until tomorrow. There is nothing to do today, but Pang Xuelin is not free.

Today, his status in the mathematics world has faintly surpassed that of Grothendieck back then.

Almost every mathematician who arrives at the hotel will take the initiative to visit Pang Xuelin. Some hope to discuss some mathematical problems with Pang Xuelin, and some simply want to know Pang Xuelin and have more contacts.

But Shinichi Mochizuki and Perelman were a little out of character, these two guys went out early in the morning.

He obviously knew that if he stayed in the hotel today, he might not be able to calm down all day.

After finally dealing with these trivial matters.

Finally, the day of the opening of the International Congress of Mathematicians came.

August 8, 2022.

At 8:30 in the morning, more than 3,000 mathematicians from all over the world entered the venue one after another.

Pang Xuelin's position was arranged in the middle of the first row, and he was surrounded by top figures in the mathematics world.

For example, the former chairman of the International Mathematical Union, the winner of the Fields Medal, and the Japanese mathematician Shigefumi Mori. Representative figure in the field of algebraic geometry, well-known German mathematician Faltins, disciple of Grothendieck, representative figure of Princeton Mathematics Department Pierre Deligne, disciple of Mr. Shiing-shen Chern, Wolf Prize With Qiu Chengtong, a double winner of the Fields Medal, Canadian mathematician, Robert Langlands, the proposer of the Langlands program, etc.

After Pang Xuelin shook hands with these bigwigs one by one, he sat down in his seat.

On the left side of Pang Xuelin is the German old man Faltings, and on the right side is the old friend Pierre Deligne from Princeton.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the venue of the conference was already full.

The host of the conference came to the stage to announce the official opening of the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians.

Soon, Marcelo Viana, chairman of the Organizing Committee of the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians whom Pang Xuelin had met before, took the lead to deliver a speech.

"ladies and gentlemen:

good morning guys.

Today, the 29th International Congress of Mathematicians opens in St. Petersburg. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Congress, I am very pleased to extend my warmest welcome to the guests and representatives from all over the world.

Mathematics has always been known as the "Queen of Science" for its brilliant intellectual achievements, such as the proof of BSD conjecture, ABC conjecture, Hodge conjecture, the proposal of Ponzi geometry theory and so on. It represents the height of intelligence that we humans can achieve.

But at the same time, mathematics is [a servant of science].

As the great German mathematician Gauss pointed out when referring to mathematics as the "Queen of Science", the application of mathematics has experienced unprecedented vigorous development in the past more than a century.

The highly abstract language structures and methods created by mathematicians have been repeatedly proven to be generally applicable tools in other scientific and technological fields and social practice production.

This just reflects the profound and wonderful connection between mathematical theory and the objective world.

Please review Riemannian Geometry and Relativity, Turing Machines and Real Computers, Pulling Integrals and CT Scanners...

Mathematics is highly abstract and widely used, and it is playing an increasingly important role in modern civilization and human progress.

Humanity is entering a new era in which the development of society depends more than ever on the advancement of knowledge.

This trend has brought unlimited opportunities for the development of mathematics, but also presented severe challenges.

Mathematics is not only a scientific language with universal significance, but also a language of communication between different cultures, backgrounds, and countries.

Mathematics itself is also developing rapidly. No one person can summarize the entire situation of the research frontier. Only on the basis of international cooperation and the joint efforts of mathematicians around the world can we understand the whole picture of mathematics.

Today, mathematicians from more than 180 countries and regions around the world gathered together to participate in this grand event.

Here, I hope that with the help of such a grand event, the development of mathematics and international cooperation can be further promoted.

I also sincerely wish this St. Petersburg International Congress of Mathematicians a complete success.

thank you all. "

Amid the warm applause from the audience, Marcelo Viana walked out of the lecture hall slowly.

Immediately afterwards, Carlos Kenny, President of the International Mathematical Union, took the stage to deliver a speech.

Faltings, who was sitting next to Pang Xuelin, yawned and said, "It's the same old tune again. If you want me to say, it would be great if this kind of meeting gets straight to the point. After the awards are awarded, there will be various report meetings immediately. Red tape is the most boring thing."

Before Pang Xuelin could speak, Deligne on the other side smiled and said, "This kind of speech won't take much time. I think Wiener's speech just now was very good. The Mathematicians Conference is a place for everyone to communicate. It's pure Talking about academics is so boring.”

Faltings was about to say something, at this time, Carlos Kenny's speech also began.

Faltings had to close his mouth and stop talking.

After the two bigwigs finished their speeches, it was ten o'clock in the morning before they knew it.

At this time, Marcelo Viana, chairman of the organizing committee of the conference, came to the stage again, looked at the audience, and said with a smile: "Okay, after the routine work is over, it's time for the awards ceremony that everyone loves to see. First of all, because of a certain Due to some special reasons, a small adjustment has been made to the awarding order of the major awards of this International Congress of Mathematicians. We will first award the Nevanliner Award, then the Gauss Award, the Chern Award, and finally the Fields Award. prize."

Marcelo Viana paused, and continued: "Next, we invite Mr. Sudan, the winner of the 2002 Newanglinna Award, a professor of electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to come on stage as the winner of this year's Newanglinna Award. Awards."

Soon, a suave-looking mathematician wearing glasses stepped onto the stage.

He took the awarding envelope from the staff of the conference, opened the envelope, glanced at it, and then said with a smile: "The winner of this year's Wanglinna Award is a professor from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Bilkent University and a mathematician from Turkey Erdar. ·Professor Arikan. The polar code he discovered is the first coding scheme that can be theoretically proven to approach Shannon’s channel capacity. It solves the nearly 60-year-old problem in the field of Shannon’s information theory and lays the foundation for the development of 5G technology. Let us congratulate Professor Erdar Alikan from Turkey."

Soon, there was warm applause at the scene.

There is no surprise for those present that Eldar Alikan won the award.

This man is not unknown in the mathematics world. Four years ago, he had already won the Shannon Award, the highest award in the field of communication, for his discovery of polar codes. [UU Reading 00kxs]

Now it is well-received to win another Nawanglinna Award.

After the awarding of the Navarrena Award, the subsequent awarding ceremonies of the Goss Award and the Chern Award were somewhat uneventful.

The Gauss Prize was awarded to a professor at the University of Paris VI for fundamental contributions to the mathematical, statistical and computational analysis of important problems in signal processing.

The Chern Award was presented to Robert Langlands.

This boss is 86 years old this year, just one position away from Pang Xuelin, and he looks quite tough.

Robert Langlands won the Wolf Prize in Mathematics in 1996 and the Abel Prize in 2018 for his famous Langlands program.

This time, Robert Langlands received the Shiing-shen Chern Award from the International Congress of Mathematicians, which can be regarded as an affirmation of his life by the international mathematics community.

The so-called Langlands program is a set of far-reaching conjectures.

These conjectures precisely predict possible connections between seemingly unrelated areas of mathematics.

Especially in recent years, the influence of the Langlands program has been increasing day by day, and every new development related to it is regarded as an important achievement in the mathematical community.

The strongest support for the Langlands program is that when Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem in the 1990s, Wiles' work led to the solution of the Taniyama-Shimura-Weil conjecture.

The conjecture reveals the relationship between elliptic curves, geometric objects with profound arithmetic properties, and models, which are highly periodic functions originating from distinct fields of mathematical analysis.

At the same time, the Langlands program proposed a relationship between Galois representations in number theory and automorphic forms in analysis.

The last Fields Medal winner, Laurent Laforgue, won the award because he proved the overall Langlands program in which functions correspond to situations.

The corresponding overall Langlands program proved by Laforgue provides such a complete understanding for the more abstract case of so-called fields of functions, rather than the usual case of fields of numbers.

We can divide functions and hypotheses into a set composed of polynomial quotients. For these polynomial quotients, we can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations like rational numbers. For any given function, Laforge established a Galois group representation and the Precise associations between hand shapes associated with domains.

There are even recent studies that show that there is a profound connection between the Langlands program and the geometric construction of Ponzi geometry.

Therefore, Robert Langlands' award can be described as expected.

After Marcelo Viana presented the award to Robert Langlands, he stopped Robert Langlands who was about to go down, and said with a smile: "Professor Langlands, wait a minute."

"What's wrong?"

Langlands asked curiously.

Marcelo Viana said with a smile: "It's up to you to announce the next Fields Medal winner."

Robert Langlands froze for a moment, nodded and smiled, "Okay, then leave it to me."

Marcelo smiled, motioned to the staff on the side, and handed the envelope containing this year's Fields Medal winner to Robert Langlands.

The entire venue fell silent, and everyone was staring at the envelope in Robert Langlands' hand.

As the highest award in mathematics, the Fields Medal is awarded every four years. The award ceremony is held at the quadrennial International Congress of Mathematicians hosted by the International Mathematical Union. Each time it is awarded to four young mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions. Home.

Winners must be under the age of 40 before New Year's Day of the year, and each person will receive a bonus of 15,000 Canadian dollars and a gold medal.

This award is different from the Chern Award, the Abel Award, etc. It pays more attention to the academic achievements of the winners, rather than taking into account their qualifications and other contributions to the mathematics community other than academics.

Therefore, the biggest highlight of the quadrennial International Congress of Mathematicians is the Fields Medal.

Robert Langlands opened the envelope in his hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced thoughtfully in the direction of Pang Xuelin.

Then, he said with a smile: "Next, I will announce the list of Fields Medal winners of the 2022 International Congress of Mathematicians."

The first recipient is Professor Jacob Lewis.

Professor Lewis was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1986. He has dual citizenship of the United States and Brazil. He is currently teaching at Harvard University and the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics of Brazil.

Professor Lewis was awarded the Fields Medal for his outstanding contributions in dynamical systems and analysis. His idea of ​​renormalization as a unifying principle changed the face of the entire dynamical system field.

Professor Jacob Lewis is best known for his research in the fields of chaos theory and dynamical systems, which study systems that change over time, but where small differences in their initial state can lead to vastly different outcomes, such as weather model. [Butterfly Effect] is a metaphor used to describe this system—because the weather is a chaotic system, the flapping of a butterfly's wings may cause a hurricane hundreds of kilometers away.

In this field, one of the main contributions of Professor Lewis is: it is clear that there is a large class of dynamical systems that must eventually fall into one of two outcomes. These systems will either evolve into a stable state or a chaotic random state—although it cannot be predicted precisely, it can be described in the language of probability.

The second recipient, Professor Occam Rodney.

Professor Rodney was born in Ontario, Canada in 1985. He has dual citizenship of Canada and the United States. He is currently working at Princeton University.

Rodney was awarded the Fields Medal for introducing some powerful new methods in the field of geometric number theory, computing small rank rings and defining the average rank of elliptic curves.

There is a class of fundamental problems in algebraic theory: what are the characteristics of polynomials with integer coefficients (such as 3x2 + 4xy -5y2). The great mathematician Gauss of the 18th-19th centuries developed a powerful tool for dealing with such polynomials, but only if they were no more than quadratic.

Professor Rodney carefully studied Gauss's works and incorporated a lot of unique insights into geometry and algebra, and successfully extended Gauss' tools to higher-order fields, greatly expanding the number theorists' ability to study these basic mathematical objects. ability.

The third winner, Mark Muller, is a German who lives in the UK and works at Oxford University. Professor Muller was awarded the Fields Medal for his outstanding contributions to the theory of stochastic partial differential equations, especially for establishing a set of regularity structure theory for these equations.

Differential equations are widely used in mathematics, physics and engineering. It can describe processes that change over time, such as the movement of a cannon after it has been fired, or the trends in stock and bond prices. There are many different types of differential equations: Ordinary differential equations have only one variable, while partial differential equations deal with many variables. Deterministic differential equations can be calculated in advance. If the measurement error is not considered, there is no doubt about when and where a cannonball will run; while stochastic differential equations have random factors in it. The movement of sugar particles in a cup of coffee Neither the price nor the price of a stock at a certain moment can be completely determined.

Stochastic partial differential equations have traditionally been difficult for mathematicians to deal with. Professor Muller has developed a new theoretical framework that makes these equations much simpler. The application in is of great significance.

The fourth winner..."

Having said that, Robert Langlands' tone paused.

Everyone at the scene focused their attention on Pang Xuelin. Some scholars who were expected to compete for the Fields Medal but whose names had not been called before also gave up the idea of ​​winning the prize.

This boss has almost 100% reserved the Fields Medal of this year's Mathematicians Conference, and no one is qualified to compete with him.

Even the three people whose names were mentioned earlier won awards at the same time as Pang Xuelin, which was a bit unfair to Pang Xuelin.

Because their achievements, compared with Pang Xuelin, are completely different from Yinghuo and Haoyue.

It is not the honor of Pang Xuelin that the Fields Medal is awarded to Pang Xuelin, but the honor of the Philippine Award.

Just when everyone thought there was no suspense, the next sentence of Robert Langlands made the entire conference hall of mathematicians silently heard.

"The fourth laureate, Professor Antonio Forelli.

Prof. Friary was born in 1984. He mainly studies variation and partial differential equations. He is currently a professor at ETH Zurich.

Prof. Fleilly has been working on optimal transport theory, he uses optimal transport techniques to obtain improved versions of anisotropic inhomogeneity, and obtains the stability of functions and geometric inequalities.

He is good at converting what seems to be a partial differential equation into a geometric inequality. So later on, many important equations were involved in his work, such as Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Schrödinger equation, Vlasov-Poisson equation, etc..."

By this time, however, no one was listening to Robert Langlands any longer.

After the entire press conference hall was quiet for a short while, it soon boiled violently like a volcano about to erupt.

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