Finally, the pitiful little white rabbit left the study with his big radish in his arms, his eyes full of tears, and his lips red and swollen.

Leaving only the big-tailed wolf sitting in front of the desk with a small smile on his forehead, with two deep tooth marks on his face.

The big devil who was bitten and cried hugged the radish and returned to the radish, squatting on the ground and silently shutting himself up.

Bite again.

"Host, are you alright?" Erbi, who had just seen another mosaic, carefully asked Jiuci, who was huddled in a ball.

She decided to plant radishes back.

The husband who bites is not worthy of eating radish.

Just as Jiu Ci was trying to dig a hole and bury the radish, a sneaky figure approached quietly.

"Big brother~" Qin Jiaojiao, who was approaching quietly, whispered to Jiuci in a low voice.

Jiu Ci looked sideways, blinking her moist eyes, looking at Qin Jiaojiao, who was fully armed with only one pair of eyes outside, and behaved strangely.

Silent for a while, then said earnestly, "It's not good to be a thief, you will be beaten."

Qin Jiaojiao, who looked around, squatted down and gathered with Jiu Ci, pulled down the mask on her face, and whispered, "The boss is me, Qin Jiaojiao."

"Are you looking for a younger brother?" Jiu Ci frowned and asked in confusion.

"No no no, I'm not looking for him." Qin Jiaojiao looked frightened and paled.

"Oh, he's not here." Jiu Ci glanced at Qin Jiaojiao, who was sneaky and extremely guilty, and turned to continue burying the radish.

"Huh..." Qin Jiao let out a sigh of relief when she heard that Yu Jingshen was not there, and everyone froze, "It scared me to death."

Qin Jiaojiao, who was no longer nervous, quickly revived with blood, looked at Jiuci and looked embarrassed.

The usual carefree temper was a little hesitant at this time, hesitating and not knowing how to speak.

"That Ci Ci... Do you remember how we left the bar?" Qin Jiaojiao asked tentatively.

Jiu Ci buried the radish's hand for a while, and when she talked about the bar, she remembered the scene of being bitten just now, and the radish in her hand was almost crushed by her.

Slowly turned her head and stared at Qin Jiaojiao, whose eyes were trembling.

Two fragmented people come together to experience the same shock and annoyance again.

Qin Jiaojiao hugged her head in a frenzy, with a decadent and irritable face, she asked Jiu Ci for help with a sad face, "What should I do? Jing Chen is strong."

God knows what kind of collapse and thunder she experienced when she woke up the next day and found herself lying in bed with Yu Jingchen when he was still undressed.

Although she has been chasing Yu Jingshen, but she has never thought of using force, he has to hate her?

After finishing the game, her brother Jing Shen left her after all.

"Two two, what does it mean to be strong?" Jiu Ci's daily help system.

"Did you hit?" Erbi thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "Wait, allow me a thousand degrees."

It's too late to say, Erbi's business ability is still great, and I will get the answer soon.

Just a little shy, the white hair on Mao's face was dyed with red.

"Host, Er Er has found it." Er Bi came back in a twist.


"That's right, that's what they're doing." Erbi said quickly and shyly, the cat's paws hugged the cat's head and lay on the ground, pouting his butt, and squirming on the ground.

"What is the sauce stuffed stuffed with sauce?" Jiu Ci was still at a loss.

"It's like this, over and over again." The shy cat's head was almost red.

"Fighting?" Jiu Ci understood a little, and it seemed that the fight was still very strong.

"Ang, yes, they are called goblin fights." Erbi raised his head and thought about the explanation he saw that seemed to contain this note.

It was another blind spot, Jiu Ci wanted to ask when he saw Erbi shyly shrunk into a furry ball.

The more dazed Jiuci looked at Qin Jiaojiao comfortingly, "Did you win?"

The frenzied Qin Jiaojiao looked bewildered when asked, and nodded dully, "Probably won."

I don't know what's going on with Yu Jingshen, how tall a person he usually looks, how could she succeed?

"It's good to win, it's not a big deal." Jiu Ci raised her dirty paws and patted Qin Jiaojiao's shoulder.

It's just a fight, not a big deal.

Jiu Ci's open-mindedness really shocked Qin Jiaojiao. Seeing the little girl's indifferent expression made her wonder if she was making too much of a fuss.

"It doesn't matter?" Qin Jiaojiao was hopeful for some reason.

Since she woke up and was frightened that day, she had been afraid to go out, for fear that she would run into Yu Jingshen and make both parties unhappy.

"Yeah." Jiu Ci nodded affirmatively.

"But when he woke up, he saw me, and he was fierce towards me." Qin Jiaojiao's lips trembled, and she was a little scared.

"?" The big devil showed a curious baby's eyes.

"He pressed me on the bed so much, his mouth was bitten by me, and he beat me fiercely." Qin Jiaojiao remembered that scene and couldn't help hugging her weak self .

At that time, I was blinded by kisses and didn't pay attention to what he said, but judging from his excited and angry expression, it must be swearing.

The curious baby opened his mouth slightly in surprise, and his eyes flickered, "You were bitten too?"

Qin Jiaojiao's trembling expression was stunned, and she was shocked when she saw what Jiu Ci understood, "Could it be that Master Yu hummed you?"

"Ang." It was bitten by him.

The big devil nodded calmly, and suddenly burst into tears.

Jiu Ci looked up at Qin Jiaojiao who suddenly stood up and raised her **** to the sky, and blinked ignorantly.


After venting her anger, Qin Jiaojiao squatted down and held Jiuci's white and tender face in both hands, distressed, "Our Cici is still so young, how dare he? How can he be willing? "

The cheeks of Jiu Ci, who was holding her face, pursed.

"Does Ci Ci hurt? I heard that the first time it hurts, my poor Ci..." Qin Jiaojiao touched Jiu Ci's soft and tender cheeks and said no out of grief.

After a few seconds of injustice for Jiu Ci, I suddenly remembered something, eh? She didn't seem to feel any pain.

It was too chaotic that day and she didn't pay attention, but after returning home, apart from feeling a little down, she didn't have much abnormality.

The waist is not sore and the legs are not sore, just a little tired.

Thinking about it for a while, Qin Jiaojiao finally realized what she was terrified of covering her mouth and backing away, her bright eyes widened with horror and disbelief.

Could it be that… Brother Jing Shen can’t do it? ? ?

! !

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