The Strong Beauty is a Goddess in Showbiz

Chapter 433: I only complied with his wish

Chapter 433: Only his wish was granted

After chatting with Ke Lu for a while, Qi Wu and the others followed the Sanzhu Group's vehicle to the hotel where they were staying.

"This hotel belongs to my family, you can rest assured." Ke Lu said coldly, "There is a mixed crowd of people who have entered the port city recently. I am afraid they all have the same purpose as you."

Shen Xi: "Just because of a few rumors that I don't know whether they are true or not, so many people are flocking to them?"

  “One of the sayings is enough to attract them.”

 “Which point?”

 “Have you ever heard of the lost ancient country that reappeared a year ago?”

Hearing Ke Lu's inquiry, Shen Xi restrained his expression and nodded calmly: "Have you heard of it? Is it related to that?"

Ke Lun snorted: "It is rumored that the map guides people to the land of destiny, which is the place guarded by the priests. Once there, the temple priests can grant a wish, regardless of serious illness or power and wealth."

ˆ “.”

 The three of them were silent.

Before the fall of the ancient country, people throughout the ancient country worshiped temples and prayed to the statues of gods day after day, hoping that one day the temple priests would answer their wishes.

 But the temple priests never responded.

Shen Xi coughed and moved his teasing gaze to Qi Wu: "Can you give me your thoughts?"

Qi Wu said six words calmly with a serious expression: "Don't believe rumors, don't spread rumors."


The moment Shen Xi was dumbfounded, Jin Si couldn't help but laugh muffledly.

Ke Lu turned her head and looked over with some confusion.


Shen Xi held back a smile and shook his head.

 After arriving at the hotel, Ke Lu did not follow him any further.

 Jin Si and Shen Xi went to check in, and Ke Lu left Qi Wu in the lobby to talk.

“This is the property of the Ke family. No one who is short-sighted would dare to come here to cause trouble. You can live here with peace of mind.”


Qi Wu nodded obediently.

Ke Lu looked at her quiet and peaceful face, and couldn't help but frown at the thought of her getting involved in a troublesome matter.

 “Why don’t you get involved?”

She hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to blame Jin Si for bringing Qi Wu to such a dangerous place, but she didn't say it in the end.

 “It’s also related to me.”

"and you?"

Ke Lu was stunned for a moment. Although her eyebrows were still frowning, she had relaxed a lot. She did not continue to ask, but just nodded: "I understand."

Qi Wu seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and looked directly into her eyes: "Don't do anything that will embarrass yourself."

".I know."

Ke Lu paused for a moment and nodded somewhat sarcastically.

Looking at Jin Si who was already walking towards them from the corner of his eye, Ke Lu suddenly asked: "Are you getting married?"

Jin Si raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but his steps slowed down.

"Soon." Qi Wu said with a smile on his lips, "Will you come then?"

"Will do."

 Ke Lu nodded solemnly, "I will definitely come."

Outside the hotel lobby, several members of the Sanzhu Group were sneaking around the door, trying hard to observe the situation inside.

“Who is that little girl?”

 “This is the first time I’ve seen the eldest lady like this.”

 “I remembered!”

One of the people suddenly screamed, which immediately attracted the curious eyes of others. They surrounded him, blocked him in the middle and asked eagerly: "What do you think of? Tell me!"

“I went to Kyoto to meet the eldest lady before, and she specially asked me to bring the special pastries from Hong Kong City, just for this little girl.”


Others immediately made a sound of surprise.

They sighed: "I didn't expect that the eldest lady would actually like such a delicate and soft little girl."

 “She is not a delicate and soft little girl.”

Ke Lu's cold and unique voice sounded behind them, startling everyone, and even her voice trembled: "Miss, eldest lady!"

Ke Lu's warning gaze swept across a group of gossiping subordinates, and she responded coldly: "You will know soon."


 All the subordinates stood upright and looked intently, but they all muttered in their hearts - the eldest lady is indeed protecting her shortcomings!


Ke Lu was too lazy to care what her subordinates thought and took the first step.

In the hotel suite, Jin Si packed up their luggage and walked out. There was a curved floor-to-ceiling window in the suite, facing the night view of the sea in the distance.

Qi Wu was leaning on the sofa rocking chair next to the floor-to-ceiling window, quietly staring into the distance.

Jin Si could not help but walk lightly and walked over.

Qi Wu raised his head when he came to her side.

“The auction will start in three days. Do you want to have some fun in the port city during these two days? Or do you want to stay with Ke Lu for a while?”

Jin Si lifted up the hair hanging down by her ears and tucked it behind her ears.

Qi Wu shook his head: "Ke Lu said that there are many people in Hong Kong City these two days, and she needs to be in charge personally."

"I see."

Jin Si’s lips curled up, “That’s still mine.”

Qi Wu reminded him helplessly: "Have you forgotten Shen Xi?"

“He is not so short-sighted as to be an eyesore, not to mention this place is more attractive to him. I guess he is no longer in the hotel now.”

 In his previous life, Shen Xi lived a carefree and wild life. He liked to hang out in entertainment venues and have a good time, and he could get into any little tricks.

Hong Kong City has a developed entertainment industry and is known as the city that never sleeps. For Shen Xi, it is not an exaggeration to call this a dream paradise.

ˆ “.”

Qi Wu thought of how depressed and tired of studying he was when he was in the temple. This was indeed very possible.

 She shook her head helplessly and amusedly, no longer worrying about his affairs.

 “Then where are we going?”

 “Go where you haven’t been.”

 Jin Si confided gently.

 He still remembered that when she first came to this world, she was curious about every plant and tree here.

Whether it’s good or bad, she wants to see it.


Qi Wu raised his eyebrows, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Jin Si did not point it out directly: "You will know tomorrow."

Qi Wu looked at him quietly for a while, then lowered his head silently and shifted his gaze to the street scene outside.

  She said nothing, but you could tell from her back that she was sulking.

Jin Si couldn’t help laughing.

 “So angry?”

He squeezed into the sofa and stuck to Qi Wu's side. His deep voice lingered in Qi Wu's ears, low and low, with a slight hoarse magnetism.


Qi Wu didn’t even look back.

Jin Si laughed dumbly and hugged her into his arms: "You told Ke Lu today that we are getting married soon?"

Qi Wu’s eyebrows moved and his tone slowed down: “Yeah.”

 “This time, you will get what you want.”

 The tone is calm, but it is like a prophecy.

Jin Si tightened his grip on her slightly, and sighed like a whisper floating in the wind: "The moment I got you, I already got my wish."

 The temple priests always only fulfilled his wishes.

 (End of this chapter)

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