The Strong Beauty is a Goddess in Showbiz

Chapter 446: Man can conquer nature

Chapter 446: Man can conquer nature

 The stone gate is heavy and huge, and the sound it makes is roaring.

As the bronze stone door opened, the wide and long tomb corridor inside was revealed.

 “I’d say I’m very useful.”

Shen Xi smiled proudly, stood up, lit the map with fire, and threw it on the ground.

 “Let’s go.”

In the corridor of the tomb palace, the first thing that catches the eye is the murals that are still brightly colored on both sides of the stone wall after thousands of years of silence.

 In the murals, temple priests are everywhere.

This is a square tomb, with a huge bronze tripod enshrined in the middle. Jingxiu suffered from an occupational illness and couldn't help but glance inside. He immediately let out a sound of air-conditioning sucking in: "Hiss—"

Inside the giant cauldron, various gold artifacts were piled up randomly as if for free. What was even more strange was that, after such a long time, these gold artifacts still glowed as if they had just appeared.

“Who is the owner of this tomb? It’s just that there are so many burial objects piled at one entrance?”

Hearing Jing Xiu's question, Shen Xi glanced at Jin Si meaningfully.

 “The owner of this tomb has a great background.”

"you know?"

Jing Xiu suddenly raised his head and looked over.

Seeing that Jin Si was indifferent, Shen Xi boldly spoke: "This is a general's tomb, from an ancient country that has disappeared in history."

“General?” Jing Xiu’s eyes were confused, “What kind of general? The size of this tomb is comparable to that of a royal family!”

“Ahem.” Shen Xi felt as if he had been hit by an arrow. Thinking of his poor tomb, his defenses were broken inexplicably.

 “Keep going inside and you will know.”

On both sides of the tomb corridor, there are still countless murals carved, which vividly display the great achievements of the tomb owner.

This time, Shen Xi and Jing Xiu walked in front, while Jin Size and Qi Wu walked slowly behind.

He pointed to the picture on the stone wall and said: "It was in this battle that I became a majestic general."

"I know." Qi Wu chuckled, "This was a battle that had long been predicted to be a failure, but you unexpectedly won and repelled the invaders."


Jin Si responded, his eyes flickering slightly: "I only remember your words."

The fierce battle at that time is still fresh in the memory of the general even today.

With insufficient troops, insufficient food and fodder, and broken support from the rear, the soldiers were exhausted after months of fierce fighting and lost confidence in victory.

At that time, there was always a sense of despair and death in the military camp, and only the soldiers' instincts were still supporting them.

 What was the general thinking at that time?

 He forgot.

 All he knew was that before he left for the battle, he went to the temple priest to beg her to bless him.

The temple priest at that time only had a short eight words -

Man is determined to defeat Heaven, and you can be determined to defeat him.

 “Man is determined to defeat Heaven, and you can be determined to defeat.”

Qi Wu chuckled and said those eight words again.

Jin Si held her hand tightly and said in a deep voice, "Yes."

 So, he won in the end.

From then on, the king did not dare to say anything to him, and he did not even dare to collect the spoils of war into the treasury.

 But after that victory, the people gave him increasing responsibilities, and the strength of the rebel army sprouted in his army.

Even now, the general doesn't know whether this is the consequences of his own doing.

  Shen Xi and Jing Xiu who were walking in front suddenly stopped.

"do not move."

Jin Si also heard the sound of people clinging to the ground and rock walls. With a sharp look in his eyes, he took out the Molotov cocktail from his backpack.

 “It’s a phantom insect.”

A common creature in tombs. If bitten, it can cause hallucinations in mild cases, and even threaten the brain in severe cases.

 Fortunately, these insects are afraid of fire.

The firelight fell, forming a circle around the area. Along with the burning smell, most of the bugs were burned to death in the firelight.

  Shen Xi: “Tsk, luckily there’s nothing else powerful.”

As he finished speaking, he received three speechless glances.

ˆ “.”

When Shen Xi thought of his poisonous milk, he hurriedly said, "I'm talking nonsense!"

Jin Si: "With such a bad mouth, it's better to think about where the main tomb is."

Shen Xi complained: "You had already built the tomb palace at that time, how could I remember it all at once?"

Jing Xiu keenly grasped the key points. She looked at Jin Si in shock: "What is 'your tomb'?!"

 The feeling of dissonance at the beginning finally found the key here.

"Jing Xiu." Qi Wu stopped her, "When you think about it, you will know the answer."

Jingxiu’s mind was in a mess at this time.

—Could she be visiting the tomb with three ancient people from an unknown dynasty? !

 After confirming that there were no phantom insects ahead, they continued to move forward.

Midway, they encountered several more square tombs, each of which enshrined a tripod, and the tripod contained various extravagant utensils.

Jing Xiu was stunned from the beginning, but became numb later on.

And she joked with Jin Si well: "You are really worthy of being a general. No royal family's tombs have as many burial objects as you."

Jin Si raised his eyebrows and was noncommittal.

Shen Xi couldn't help but get angry: "Of course, this guy is only in his twenties and has fought hundreds of battles. Most of the trophies captured were not handed over to the national treasury."

Jin Si sneered: "If I hand it over, will your father dare to ask for it?"

At that time, the king was old and fatuous. Decades of extravagance had already made him unconscious. In his later years, he just wanted to enjoy it.

The general is guarding the country for him outside. Although his achievements are impressive, how can he dare to raise any opinions?

 Jingxiu: "."

 Are you serious?

She carefully recalled the murals that ran throughout the corridor. It was really a depiction of a war every few steps.

 After walking around inside for a long time, Shen Xi could not get out of the main tomb chamber.

  “.Are you sure you still remember?”

Jin Si’s patience is gradually running out.

Shen Xi’s guilty eyes glanced wildly: “Ahem—”

Qi Wu suggested: “Let’s take a rest.”

This sentence saved Shen Xi, and he nodded quickly: "We have been walking for a day, let's take a rest, take a rest."


Jin Si snorted coldly, but still obeyed Qi Wu's wishes and stopped in a small square tomb.

Shen Xi couldn't stop talking, and not long after he rested, he began to mutter: "Don't tell me, our business is going really well, although there are some minor twists and turns. Could it be that the general's evil spirit is enough to suppress this tomb palace?" Bar?"

Jin Si looked over coolly: "Have you ever thought that it's because of Qi Wu?"

ˆ “.”

 Shen Xi made a gesture to shut up.

 Why did he forget again, the priest of the temple has invincible luck?

The bizarre snow leopard guiding the way is the best evidence.

 (End of this chapter)

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