The Strongest Badger at Hogwarts

Six hundred and fortieth chapters army expansion mobilization

[Dawn potion formula has been mastered]

[Pseudo-Dawn Potion Successfully Produced]

[Pseudo-Dawn Potion: Mental Power +10%, Total Magic Power +40%, Magic Control Power +30%, Magic System Overall Talent Rank +1]

[Note: The above attributes are the theoretical maximum values ​​of the pseudo-dawn potion. In actual use, it will be reduced depending on the strength of the drinker. 】

[Note: Pseudo-dawn potion is invalid for legendary level wizards! 】

After looking at the black barrage floating across his retina for a while, Link nodded in satisfaction.

Although this wave of "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" is ineffective against legendary level wizards, and the most important magic affinity level improvement attribute even disappears directly.

But overall, Link is satisfied.

After all, isn't there still a legal system's overall talent rank promotion attribute left?

This is Link's purpose in making "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

This talent enhancement attribute is actually brought about by Link's title effect of "Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, Fear of Hardship".

Compared with this effect, other effects such as the increase in the total amount of mental power and magic power are not worth mentioning at all!

Of course, this does not mean that effects such as increasing the total amount of mental power and magic power are not important.

It is always good to have.

It is this reduction effect that still needs to be tested.

Thinking of this, Link bottled the liquid medicine in the crucible. After obtaining 13 bottles of the finished "Pseudo-Dawn Potion", he lightly waved his wand, and the door to the basement was slowly opened.

"Newland, and Sceffen, come in."

Hearing Link's soft call, the figures of the two appeared at the door together.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Newland said respectfully, but it was only on the surface.

Link could clearly feel that when Newland said this, his eyes were always on the pile of "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

He didn't come to those fake ones, he waved directly and said:

"Come in, the potion is finished, I guess the effect should be pretty good, you can try it first."

This is actually an excessive requirement, because Newland and Sceffen didn't even know that Link had a data panel to know the properties of the medicine he made in advance, so in their view, this was a human drug test.

However, neither of them hesitated.

Newland was even more excited, trotting all the way out like a child, grabbed a bottle of potion and poured it into his mouth.

God is sorry, he is a lively person, and the celebration ceremony being held by the Ministry of Magic can be said to have a fatal attraction for him.

And the reason why they suppressed the desire to celebrate together and stayed in Forli Castle as guards was to enjoy the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" as soon as possible.

After all, Link already said it back in the days of the International Confederation of Wizards.

The first batch of "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" to be produced will only have the best materials to ensure the success rate.

An opportunity like this is once in a lifetime!

As for the replica "Dawn Potion" made by Link, there will be side effects?

Newland and He never worried about this.


Link had communicated with Dumbledore about the idea of ​​replicating "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

If Link's pharmaceutical level is really not enough, then Dumbledore will definitely bring it up.

So this is nothing to worry about!

On the other hand, the process of drinking the medicine by Sceffen had to be much more solemn.

If it is said that Newland was born in the mire, he was eager to go to the sea and become a loach in the ranks of ocean overlords.

Then Sceffen is the first batch of coelacanths to land on land. They want to realize their ideals on land, and they want to prove it to their compatriots in the ocean.

There is a fundamental difference in the mentality of the two.

Newland has never enjoyed the so-called 'upper family', so he yearns for it.

Sceffen, on the other hand, has enjoyed it all, and what he pursues is a more advanced concept to a certain extent, that is, to realize ideals and ambitions, and to prove himself.

But the two of them are the same on another level.

That is, for their own ideas, they do not hesitate to pay any price.

The "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" took effect very quickly.

However, perhaps because the key ingredients were replaced, Newland and Sceffen's drug performance was different from Link's previous lethargy.

What the two of them felt was more of a pure cold.

The cold went deep into their internal organs and bone marrow, making them feel the urge to cut open their chests and light a fire inside to keep warm.

Seeing them in so much pain that they kept scratching his chest, Link was unmoved.

It is indeed painful to take the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion", but this pain is far from causing people to collapse or even die.

If Sceffen and Newland couldn't bear this bit of pain, then they weren't worthy of Link's investment, and they might as well be dead.

And that was indeed the case. After nearly twenty minutes of struggling, Newland and Sceffen, who had already been drenched in sweat, finally calmed down gradually.

Following that, a faint blue halo began to burst out from their eyes.

This is a slight loss of control of magic power caused by the surge of magic power in the body.

The occurrence of this situation is enough to show that the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" has taken effect, and it has added a lot of magic power to Newland and Sceffen.

"How does it feel?"

Link sat up straight and asked a little seriously.

"This feeling is really... really great!"

Newland panted heavily, and said while looking at his hands, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

But upon hearing this, Link frowned.

What Newland said was complete nonsense, wouldn't it be great to increase his strength?

What he wanted to know was the specific boost of "False Dawn Potion" on Newland and Sceffen.

Fortunately, as a knowledgeable person, Sceffen was far less excited than Newland, and added after seeing this:

"I can feel that my mental power, total magic power and magic control have been increased, and the specific increments should be around 10% to 15%. In addition, there seems to be other improvements. I said this kind of improvement Nothing specific, but like Newland just said, it feels great."

"Wait! You said you've only increased by 10% to 15%?" Newland said triumphantly, "My total magic power has increased by more than 20%! Much better than you!"

Sceffen didn't speak, but turned his head away from Newland's look that deserved a beating.

Link, on the other hand, looked at Newland with the look of a fool.

"If I were you, I would never be happy."


"Because the effect of the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" I refined depends on the strength of the drinker." Link smacked his mouth and said, "Let's take myself as an example, this potion is very effective for me. As for you, your magic power has increased more than Sceffen, which means that your total magic power is far inferior to Sceffen."

Hearing this, Newland froze all of a sudden.

The principle behind this is actually not complicated. The reason why Newland didn't expect it was entirely because of his ignorance, and he was dazzled by the refreshing feeling of the sudden "surge" in strength.

But I didn't think about it, and there was a big ugliness.

Especially in front of Sceffen.

Thinking of this, Niura subconsciously looked towards Sceffen.

Seeing that Sceffen was still turning his head, maintaining the appearance of not looking into his eyes.

But the constantly loose shoulders of the other party are enough to prove that Sceffen can't help laughing out now.

Furious, Newland let out a strange cry and jumped on Sceffen's back, and the two began to fight immediately.

Link was not annoyed when he saw this, but rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

Both Newland and Sceffen have outstanding magical talents, and after working under Link for a long time, they have almost reached the level of senior Aurors after enjoying the blessing and training of various resources.

Of course, this strength evaluation is the result of having all kinds of rare magic and rich combat experience.

The normal level of magic power and mental power of these two people should be only at the level of ordinary low-level Auror players.

"False Dawn Potion" can achieve such an effect on them, which means that it can also achieve similar or even better effects on most of the other Aurors.

In this way, perhaps it is time to consider the mass production of "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

This is actually an unreliable idea.

After all, the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" in Link's current hand was actually produced by relying on the effect of the title of "Integrity, Loyalty, Honesty, Fear of Hardship".

This means that "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" can only be produced by Link himself, and it cannot be mass-produced mechanically or in workshops.

In addition, cost is also a big problem.

The materials used by Link to make the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" are worth about 5,000 Galleons in total. This is the channel price that old Kled received as the head steward of the Foley family and the current head of the Auror Command.

If you want to purchase in large quantities for mass production, the previous price may have to be more than doubled after setting aside the value of status and affection.

Then rule out possible refining failures.

That is to say, the cost of the "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" with the current effect is roughly around 770 Gold Galleons per bottle.

But Link finally decided to give it a try.

After all, "Pseudo-Dawn Potion" was what Link came into contact with, and it was the first permanent potion that could be created by him.

Gu Kai\u003c/span\u003e With the blessing of this potion, the military power in his hands can be further strengthened.

This is extremely important for Link in the current situation.

Gritting his teeth, Link finally made the decision to mass-produce "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

Immediately, the fight between Newland and Sceffen was stopped by Link.

They were given a new task by Link to purchase all the materials on the market related to the production of "Pseudo-Dawn Potion".

In addition, in the name of the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom of the Kingdom of Magic, members of the Magic Apothecary Guild of the Kingdom of Kingdom of England were recruited to conduct alternative research on some pharmacological content.

In addition, Link also personally wrote a letter to communicate with Snape, who was still at Hogwarts, and asked him to conduct joint research with him at the core stage.

At the same time as a series of orders were sent out of Forli Castle, Old Batty and the others who were having a victory celebration in the Ministry of Magic finally received the army expansion order from Percy.

In fact, although Link and Dumbledore's victory in the International Federation of Wizards this time was not as exciting and honorable as the war, the impact on the native wizards of the country far exceeded Link's expectations.

The title of the report on this victory in the "Daily Prophet" is enough to explain everything-"Another great victory after more than 400 years"!

The "Daily Prophet" this time is not a headline party, and even in a sense, the headlines used by the "Daily Prophet" this time cannot really describe the excitement of the local wizards in the country.

The Chinese magic world and the French magic world are feuds.

And the reason is because of the war more than 400 years ago, that is, the "Hundred Years' War".

The wizards also participated in that battle.

However, unlike the results of the Muggles, in the battle of magic at the wizard level, it was the wizards of the country who won.

It is by virtue of this victory that the magic world of the country has gradually become the strongest in the entire western magic world, and it can be said that it is at the pinnacle.

However, after the peak, the decline began.

The decadent system allowed the pure-blood nobles to unscrupulously embezzle the interests that originally belonged to the Ministry of Magic of the country. There were many oligarchs, and all walks of life were monopolized and dictatorial, which led to complaints from the entire magic world of the country.

Then, Grindelwald rises.

During that turmoil, because of Dumbledore's relationship, Grindelwald never launched any large-scale activities in the magic world of the country, so the magic world of the country did not actually suffer any substantial losses.

On the contrary, for the sake of relative safety, the country's magic community even took advantage of this to absorb a large number of refugee population resources.

This is a big deal in the poorly populated magic world.

But it was also because of Dumbledore's relationship and the rigidity of the Ministry of Magic at that time, which led to the fact that the Ministry of Magic of China became a melon eater when the Ministry of Magic all over the world was besieging Grindelwald.

This disgusting behavior made even though Dumbledore and the International Federation of Wizards defeated Grindelwald later, the Ministry of Magic of various countries only recognized Dumbledore's favor, not the Ministry of Magic of the United States.

And since then, the magic world of the country has been isolated, except for a very small amount of business contacts, almost no one on zz is willing to deal with them.

When Fudge held the Quidditch World Finals before, the Bulgarian Minister of Magic dared to humiliate Fudge in public with language problems, which was also the reason.

To be honest, in the hearts of the ministers of the Ministry of Magic of various countries, the Ministry of Magic of the country and the magic world of the country are really rubbish.

If it weren't for Dumbledore's support, it would have become a third-rate organization long ago.

And then, the rise of Voldemort.

If the appearance of Grindelwald has both advantages and disadvantages for the Chinese wizarding world, then Voldemort is completely a world destroyer.

The pure-blood aristocratic class represented by Voldemort successfully destroyed the hard work of the country's magic community for the past nearly a hundred years in just a few years.

Not only did a large number of people flee, the overall social solidification became more serious, but it also caused the backbone of the country's magic world to break down. At that time, the outstanding young wizards basically escaped to death, and there were not many left.

After that, the Ministry of Magic of the Nation and the magic world of the Nation completely declined and became half-dead.

But if that's all it is, the local wizards in the country can actually accept it.

After all, although everyone is defeated now, they were rich before!

Occasionally get together to get drunk and brag, and scold the Ministry of Magic of the country to live.

The problem is, in the past hundred years, the French magic world has stood up!

After they officially established the Ministry of Magic, relying on a more open concept and market, as well as the hard work of the ministers of the French Ministry of Magic, they have become the fashion capital and commercial center of the wizarding world.

Good guy.

Now the ordinary native wizards of the country feel uncomfortable as if they have ants crawling on them!

They can accept the rise of the magic world in the United States, because although the United States was once a colony of the United States, it is also rising now, but after all, they have no background and are not a big threat.

The most important point is that the country of America is a bit far away from the country of Ying, and it is very difficult for ordinary local wizards of the country of Ying to meet a few wizards of the country of America in their lifetime.

But the French magic world is different!

These two are neighbors!

Still a feud!

Adhering to the mentality of 'seeing the enemy get rich is worse than losing money myself', the ordinary wizards of the country wished for another hundred years of war and tore all the French wizards to pieces!

And now, Link meets their needs in this regard.

Not only did it win back the face of the French magic world, but it also brought the French magic world back to 1790.

This wave can be regarded as making ordinary wizards in the country roll their eyes with joy.

Nowadays, Forli Castle is relatively quiet.

Both the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts were having official celebrations, the Vixen's Bar was full, and Tom, the owner, was busy with his feet on the ground, both painful and happy.

The Diagon Alley at the back was even densely covered with a large number of celebrating crowds.

Everyone hooked their shoulders, held beer in their hands, and sang songs, completely turning Diagon Alley into a sea of ​​joy.

What's more, they went to the Muggle world to mess around.

Today alone, the Reversal of Accidental Magic Incident Team has received dozens of reports on violations of the "Secrecy Act". Prime Minister Melon was blown away.

However, no one cares about such things at all.

Work overtime to perform tasks during Daqing?

Are you kidding me, the Ministry of Magic is throwing a big banquet too!

Who is available to work?

The current Ministry of Magic is a sea of ​​joy.

Under the stimulation of alcohol and bonuses, the usual polite and polite staff became more outrageous than street gangsters. They danced and danced excitedly. Give it a clean slate of destruction.

Old Batty and other senior officials watched this scene and didn't want to stop it.

Anyway, the etiquette and rules in the Ministry of Magic of the Kingdom have long since become ugly due to the joining of a large number of Foley family hunters.

They just retreated into the inner hall and enjoyed their own happiness with the people in their small circle.

And now, this happiness has also disappeared with the military expansion order brought by Percy.

The expansion of the army requires money to support it.

After Link came to power, most of the money obtained by harvesting the oligarchs was used for commercial subsidies and military expansion. This time, he managed to get a little oil from the French magic circle. Everyone was still discussing excitedly. , it should be their turn this time, administrative officials, right?

But in the end, Link continued to plan to join the army.

This is undoubtedly cutting the flesh of these officials.

Of course, money is still a minor issue.

Mainly Link's military expansion behavior shows that the war is coming!

Once the war starts, not only will they lose the opportunity to develop new interests, but even the old oil and water will be lost due to reshuffle.

For a moment, the entire inner hall became silent, and even the automatic music group stopped playing, and everyone stared at Old Barty and Percy silently.

Barty Sr. and Percy also had ugly looks on their faces.

With the formal reform of the Ministry of Magic, the power in their hands is actually expanding rapidly, and their respective small groups have finally grown into real, party-like organizations.

This is not because they have disobedience to Link and want to make trouble.

Sitting in their position, even if they have no idea themselves, the people under them will try their best to lean towards them, eventually forming a similar situation, so this is not something they can decide with their will, but an inevitable situation.

But they are also happy to see the success of this situation, after all, the feeling of power is really wonderful.

So good that neither Percy nor Barty Sr. wanted to let it go.

But if the war breaks out, then their groups that have just grown up will be finished.

With Link's personality, he might be able to ignore the existence of old Batty and Percy's small group, but at this juncture, he will never allow anyone to drag him back in matters like war.

Even not only the small group will be finished, but even old Batty and Percy themselves may be implicated.

This was something Barty Sr. and Percy didn't want to see.

However, what can they do?

Old Batty and Percy looked at each other, and there were wry smiles on both of their faces.

After all, this is a world where strength is the most important thing. Link's current strength has soared to the point where old Barty and Percy can hardly understand it. They can only use Dumbledore as a combat unit to draw an equal number.

And compared to Dumbledore, who just wants to do Hogwarts well, Link is more ambitious and more ruthless.

Facing Dumbledore, they may be able to perfunctory, or use the official rules to suppress it.

But Link, they really dare not!

Because Link can really kill people!

"So... execute it."

Percy spoke first, tentatively speaking to old Batty.

Old Batty sighed and nodded, and gave orders to the anxious officials in the inner court.

Although he was dissatisfied, the huge Ministry of Magic was still running fast at this moment.

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