The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

The Strongest Deduction of Zongman Chapter 102

Yu still sat on the sofa, silently recovering his spell power, while Rama, who was holding Aisha in his arms, naturally stood still without Yu's permission, letting everyone fly out of the classroom.

"Everyone! Go back to your classroom!"

"Don't run around in the corridor!"

"Don't panic! Go back to the classroom!"

In the school building of Kuou Academy, a group of teachers relied on their past prestige and experience in dealing with disasters to comfort the students who had arrived at Kuou Academy and were in panic due to the "earthquake", and arranged for the students to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Although the earthquake still existed, the chaotic situation gradually stabilized.

Rias flew high above the school, staring at the teaching building of Kuou Academy, focusing on the classroom that was originally the student union.

The exterior of the classroom seemed to have been patronized by a fire. Not only were glass shards and equipment fragments scattered everywhere, but the surrounding walls were also stained with scorched black marks.


Rias flapped the wings of the devil and rushed into the classroom from the air first, and then she saw it. On the ground of the student union, there was a scene of scorched people lying all over the ground.

These people are all members of the student union.

And just like the members of the Mystery Research Club are all members of Rias' families, all the members of the Student Union are Sona's family members.

That is to say, the people lying on the ground are all demons.

Akeno Himejima followed Rias into the classroom, and she, who was proficient in manipulating magic power, immediately sensed the wisps of light in the air.

Akeno Himejima's expression darkened immediately, and he said to Rias and Tagi Kittenko and Kiba Yuto who were guarding in mid-air. "It's the power of light, it should be a good deed by Kirkball!"

Rias anxiously turned over the unconscious people on the ground, looking for Sona's figure.

Himejima Akeno hurriedly held Rias down and said calmly. "Calm down, the most important thing for Rias at the moment is to wake them up through treatment and ask about Canna's whereabouts!"

Rias woke up suddenly and said hastily. "Healing? Aisha! Where's Aisha?"

The Tacheng kitten quickly looked left and right, looking for signs of Aisha, and then said softly. "It seems that he didn't come over, and Senior Yu is not here either!"

"At a critical moment, how can you lose the chain, you bastard ancestor!" Lias yelled angrily, gnashing her teeth.

Crack! A fist hit Rias on the head, and then the space was torn apart.

Through the crack in the space, everyone saw Yu who was still lying on the sofa opposite him. Looking at his lightly raised right hand, they naturally knew where the huge bag on Rias's head came from.

Yoo looked at Lias with dead fish eyes, and said coldly. "I heard it all. It's not a good habit to curse people behind your back. Let's try a new posture tonight."

Ignoring Rias' flushed face and Himejima Akeno's teasing gaze, Yuu patted Rama's face lightly and said lightly. "Heal it!"

Rama's pupils shone with golden light, and the essence of the earth gathered on many demons. In the blink of an eye, the injuries of the people lying on the ground disappeared without a trace.

"Hmph..." At this moment, a girl on the ground let out a painful snort, and slowly opened her eyes.

Rias also noticed that person, knelt down, hugged him up, and kept asking. "Zhuang Ji! Zhuang Ji! Wake up! Where did Cangna go!"

Yu looked at Rias with the eyes of a mentally retarded person, and said with hatred. "Where are your eyes? Look at the wall!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking at the undestroyed wall of the student union.

On one of the walls of the student union office, there is a line of handwriting that has just been written in blood.

"Cangna Sidi, I took it away, if you want it, come to the abandoned church in the suburbs!"

There is no doubt that this is an invitation, and it can also be said to be a challenge.

The other party didn't even think about hiding what he did.

Looking at the line of blood on the wall, and feeling the magic power of Ji Tsangna emanating from the blood, Lias trembled all over, her delicate pretty face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and an incomparably dark magic power emerged from her whole body.


The sky outside the window began to darken, shrouded in layers of dark clouds.

Like, the calm before the storm.


On the outskirts of the town, there is an abandoned church.

Around the church, there are almost all dense trees.

Because of this terrain, almost no one in the town will come here to pray.

Over time, it closed down.

Closed churches like this can be said to be places that fallen angels often look at.

As former angels, after falling, many fallen angels love and hate the gods they served before.

Therefore, seeing dilapidated churches that are under the management of God is undoubtedly the most favorite dwelling place for the fallen angels.

Rias, Himejima Akeno, and Tacheng Kitty came here fully armed.

As a result, as soon as they saw the abandoned church in the middle of the woods, three 10-meter-high crosses came into the eyes of the group, and three bruised figures hung on them imitating the posture of Jesus' crucifixion.

Everyone's face suddenly changed, and they exclaimed.

"Xenovia! Irina!"

"Has the holy sword user of the church failed..."

Rias looked at the figure of Jitori Sona on the cross in the middle, her pretty face turned aside suddenly, her face was full of fierce anger, and she shouted angrily towards the surroundings.

"Get out, Kirkball!"

As soon as the words fell, a voice full of ridicule sounded.

"Don't be so anxious, Sister Suzeks, this is something like a greeting gift, and it won't kill you directly."

Accompanied by these words was an extremely terrifying coercion, and everyone froze immediately, unable to move.

They barely raised their heads and looked above the cross.

A man with ten wings on his back, a pale face, and blood-red pupils, who was closer to the image of a vampire than a fallen angel, sat on a throne above the cross, looking down at everyone, and said in a puzzled tone.

"Where's Sajkes? Where's Serafur? And Michael?"

"Without the three people above? Just you trash? What can I do?"

Chapter 128 You Can Play For Awhile

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