The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

The Strongest Deduction of Zongman Chapter 399

If he hadn't planted dark hands in various forces, he would not have known about this explosive news. In fact, when he received the information, his first reaction in shock was to flip the date, but unfortunately, that day was April 10th, nine days beyond the standard.

"It's too bad, what I have to face is the joint encirclement and suppression of the Dead Apostles and the Holy Church?" Araya Zonglian's face became more and more depressed.

"Mr. Araya is worthy of being a magician. Even so, don't you give up the pursuit of the root cause?" Fan Feimu looked at Soren Araya meaningfully.

"So, are you interested in listening to it? There are plans for that ceremony."

Heitong Huahua has been very irritable recently.

She had just entered junior high school, and she was already in the process of expanding her new relationship circle, when she suddenly received the bad news that her brother Hei Tongqian was also attacked by a murderer.

The girl who heard the bad news for the first time was so frightened that she didn't even go to school. Regardless of her family's dissuasion, she hurried from her hometown in the countryside to Guanbuzi City to visit her elder brother.

The reason why Heitong Huahua attaches so much importance to her brother is probably because of her brother-controlling attributes.

That's right, Heitong Huahua is a brother-controlled girl, what kind of girl does she want to marry her brother.

However, she felt that her feelings for her brother had suffered a major blow.

A super beautiful girl with silver hair reaching waist appeared in her brother's ward.

With this astonishing discovery, the frightened Heitong Huahua didn't even notice that the freshly purchased flowers in his hand fell to the ground.

The heartbeat continued to accelerate, and the sound of thumping thumping continued to echo in Heitong Huahua's ears.

Silver-white knee-high hair, playful green eyes, dreamy and delicate face, coupled with an embarrassing expression that seems to be guilty of guilt.

So cute~~ I really want to 'hug' her...

Heitong Huahua's face showed a strange blush, and the girl who noticed that she was abnormal took a few deep breaths.

What's wrong with her? How could there be that kind of thought that is not suitable for children, this kind of impulse is more terrifying than looking at your brother?

No, no, she has to firm up her brother-control position, firm, firm, firm...

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I seem to have gone to the wrong room." A voice like an oriole's cry softly sounded.

Naiyazi, who was caught playing a prank on the spot, scratched her cheek with a smirk, and walked towards Heitong Huahua with stiff steps. To be precise, it was the door behind North Korean Hong.

Just when Naiyazi passed by Heitong Huahua, a small hand stretched out like lightning, and suddenly grabbed Naiyazi's wrist.

"Oh?!!" Naiyako looked at Heitong Huahua with a little surprise, and when she saw the other party's turbulent blue eyes like a pool of spring water, she seemed to have noticed something, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

"Little sister, what's the matter with holding my sister~" Naiyako said jokingly, stroking Heitong Huahua's cheek like a wicked young man molesting a good woman.

"!!" The icy cold touch on her cheeks immediately awakened Heitong Huahua, recalling her previous actions of Meng Lang, the girl's face flushed slightly.

"Well, is sister here to see brother?" Heitong Huahua rolled her eyes and asked seemingly unintentionally.

"Brother?!" Naiyazi tilted his head, looking at Heitong Huahua with some doubts.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce, I am Heitong Huahua, and the person on the hospital bed is my elder brother, Heitong Ganya." Heitong Huahua introduced to Naiyazi.

"Oh, oh!! The younger sister who plays... the patient." Naiyako, who almost blurted out the word "toy", said with an embarrassed face.

"Well, what's your sister's name?" Heitong Huahua blinked and said with a smile.

Inexplicably, Naiyako saw a fox tail swaying behind the girl.

Naiyazi raised her eyebrows, staring meaningfully at Heitong Huadao. "Little Huahua can just call me Naiyako, by the way, Nayako is a great evil god~"

"Hey, really? Sister Naiyazi?" Heitong Huahua blinked and looked at Naiyako with admiration.

"Of course it's fake!"

"Mmm!! It's not good to lie to people."

Unknowingly, the two girls, one silver and one black, walked out of the ward holding hands while talking.

On the ground of the ward, a flower with water droplets slowly withered.

Chapter 451 Madam is Enlightened!

(The cutest loli in Xingyue? Of course it’s Mana-chan~~)

Living room of a certain castle in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany, Europe

Eltruchi rested on the body of the gigantic Bremet, gracefully holding the black teacup, and lightly sipped the black tea.

For several years, the black princess who has been sorting out the intricate forces in Europe is currently drinking black tea in a leisurely way.

At this moment, the door of the living room opened suddenly, and Stuart, who had already recovered from his injuries, walked in with a serious expression and a pile of documents.

"Huh?!" Erte Luqi frowned slightly, put down the teacup in her hand, and said in a surprised tone. "Mr. Stuart, what makes you so serious?"

"His Royal Highness Ji Jun, according to the information I have received recently, it seems that the remnants of Bai Yigong have handed over a valuable item to the fourteenth patriarch Fanfeimu." Stuart handed over a stack of documents to love with a serious face. In front of Erte Luqi.

Erte Luqi took the documents, and gently flipped through the documents with her jade fingers, her face gradually became solemn.

"In the Aluzberry ceremony, Fan Feimu really got something amazing."


City Hospital in Guanbuzi City

A nurse hung a sign with the words "Liangyi" in front of the ward, bowed slightly to the room, then turned and left.

After explaining the situation of the two ceremonies to Mrs. Eryi, the crowd in the ward gradually dispersed, leaving only Mrs. Eryi and Yu who were slightly free to take care of the two ceremonies.

After all, in a big family like the Liangyi family, each member has a lot of affairs, and it is already a rare sight for almost all members to be present when the Liangyi family is admitted to the hospital.

"Have you begun to touch the roots?"

Yuu, who was sitting on the folding stool, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the golden light kept flashing in his eyes.

Located in the sea of ​​consciousness of "two rituals", the two rituals and the two rituals representing yin and yang are constantly floating in this colorless deep sea vortex.

The waves churned by the vortex kept hitting the two of them. Every time they collided, the figures of the two ideologically blurred naturally for a moment.

As the figures blurred, the waves also merged into the bodies of the two of them.

"Is it the stream of the root?" Yu carefully observed the constantly rotating vortex, and in the black hole at the bottom of the vortex, the breath of nothingness slowly overflowed.

In Yu's sight, Ryoji and Ryogi have gradually sunk into the depths of the soul, into the root of nothingness.

You narrowed his eyes slightly. According to the speed of contact, the two rituals would probably take him to lie on the hospital bed for several months, and he could also study the composition of the root cause carefully during this period.

"Madam, if there is nothing wrong with Shiki's health, why not take her out of the hospital." Thinking of observing for a few months, Yu raised his head and said to Mrs. Liangyi who was sitting on the other side of the hospital bed.

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