The Strongest Deduction of the Comprehensive Comics

The Strongest Deduction of Zongman Chapter 529

There was a mocking smile on Jin Baosan's face, his face was torn apart, what was he afraid of, it was just a blatant pit, and according to the law, he was right.

However, seeing Nagato's livid face, Jin Baosan, who knew that this matter was a bit unsafe, immediately winked at Lu Zhenhao who was beside him.

"Indeed, according to the laws formulated by our Governor's Mansion, oral agreements are equivalent to paper agreements. This gentleman, please pay the agreed amount in accordance with the law and take away your goods."

Lu Zhenhao looked at You with a serious face, like a judge with a stern face and a clear mouth.

However, in fact, he has been constantly calculating how much profit he should take. For 3,810 tons, Jin Baosan's asking price this time is really ruthless.

He also understands the purchase price of 2,410 tons of steel. According to the usual 20% commission, he can get nearly 300,000 rebates this time.

What's more, this time he was enforcing the law face-to-face and impartially, so no matter how he said it, he would have to withdraw 40%.

Thinking of this, Lu Zhenhao immediately said to You righteously.

"Sir, if you refuse to make a deal, I would trouble you and this lady to 'take a walk' with me to the Public Security Bureau in accordance with the laws of the Governor's Mansion."

You, who had been staring indifferently at the two hopping grasshoppers in front of him, raised the corners of his mouth slightly when he heard the threatening words.

"According to the law of the Governor's Palace?"

Chapter 62

Looking at the captain of the public security brigade in front of him who was "righteous and honest", and the "small merchant" who was protected by him behind him, his face looked bitter, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

Yuu looked at the two of them playfully, and put his hand into his trouser pocket, but actually he reached into a different space.

With a light pinch of the fingertips, an invoice with the stamp of Kukai City Bank and the anti-counterfeiting mark was taken out.

The reason for this check is simple.

After all, he was the first to agree to the transaction, even if he was displeased with the other party's black business practices, but when it came to the negotiated 'agreement', Yu naturally insisted on keeping his word.

However, accepting this check means that the deal has been reached, and he has successfully cheated him, so it is only natural that he will be retaliated by Yu afterwards.

And since the other party has been using the law to win, then use the legal knowledge that the other party is proud of to deal with.

Although he has absolute force, if he really wants to slap the opponent to death, doesn't it mean that he is a ruler of the domain, and he is legally helpless to these two ordinary people?

He casually took out a pen from his pocket, signed the check for an amount of 3.8 million, lightly held the check with his fingertips, flicked it lightly, and the paper check hit Jin Baosan's chest like a sharp sword superior.

Seeing the flying check, Lexington and Nagato's expressions were slightly embarrassed, but as soldiers, strict rules and regulations have already been deeply rooted in their bones.

Facing such methods of deceiving others according to the law, the two "simple" ship girls could not think of reasonable measures to deal with them.

Fighting with force, knowing the law and resisting the law is just the most stupid way.

The so-called law of the Governor's Mansion relies on the decisive 'violence' combined by all the military organizations in the Kukai area, such as the military police, the admirals, the gendarmerie, and the security brigade.

Even if it is the Deep Sea Dwelling Lady, she has nothing to do in the face of this kind of group violence alone. Only by calling out a large number of elite deep sea dwelling ships and using them to manipulate the massive deep sea can she compete with her.

Otherwise, the current battle situation would not be a cold war situation where the United Governor's Mansion gathered all the Governor's Mansions and the group of deep sea Qi Ji confronted each other.

Just when Lexington and Nagato were fidgeting, he glanced at the warehouse, calculated the total weight of all the steel in an instant, and said slowly.

"The current ownership of this pile of goods is mine, right? From a visual inspection of the amount of steel here, you still owe me 60 tons."

Pulling off the flimsy check from his chest, Jin Baosan, who was worried about being pierced by the sharp sword check before, heaved a sigh of relief, shook the check in his hand, and said proudly.

"It's refreshing enough. All the goods must be delivered to the designated place within three days. Captain Lu can be fair about this matter."

Lu Zhenhao on the side nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Yu, showing a teachable look, especially when Lexington's eyes swept towards him, his expression became more and more satisfied.

Lu Zhenhao turned his head subconsciously, glanced at the banknote in Jin Baosan's hand, saw the brand new Kukai City Bank stamp, his face froze slightly.

Recently, a man from Kukai, accompanied by a young and beautiful girl, Lu Zhenhao, who had guessed Yu's identity, looked rather ugly.

But when he thought that he had just done a notarization, and his behavior was completely in line with the law, his face calmed down again, and even his eyes were full of sarcasm.

‘Even if it’s really the admiral stationed on Hong Kong Island, so what about the highest authority in the military department, why don’t he obediently hand over the money after a word from him. '

Sensing the blatantly sarcastic gaze, Lexington's face became slightly embarrassed, and there seemed to be a red light flashing in the blue eyes vaguely.

Apparently, the rampant behavior of the two gangsters after they succeeded perfectly aroused the anger of this gentle ship girl.

"Oh, Captain Lu is fair, that's okay, it saves me a lot of trouble." He walked slowly to the shelf beside him.

Leaning down slightly, fingertips hooked a piece of steel, Yuu raised his eyelids slightly, and said in pretended surprise. "Boss Jin and Captain Lu, why are there such inferior products among my goods?"

Lu Zhenhao's expression froze.

Looking at the yellow-brown, rusty steel in front of him, Lu Zhenhao only felt a stuffy breath stuck in his chest, unable to spit it out or swallow it, his face flushed extremely red.

The ferocious eyes covered with bloodshot eyes fixedly stared at Jin Baosan, and the words that came out of his mouth seemed to be suppressing infinite anger.

"Jin Baosan!!! I just did it - notarization!!!!!!"

Jin Baosan on the side had already lost his eyesight, staring at the pile of steel on the ground in a daze, and screamed incomparably sharply.

"Impossible, it has appeared once, how can it appear a second time!!!!"

In one day, he 'bumped into ghosts' twice in a row, and on such a critical occasion, Jin Baosan roared like crazy, his expression extremely disfigured.

"Impossible, this is impossible, this is not science, this is not magic!!!"

You looked at the crazy Jin Baosan with a calm expression, it's not like he doesn't understand the truth of the cunning rabbit's three caves.

In fact, there are a total of 29 places where he maliciously damaged steel, and the one he pointed out before is just the closest one.

"Miss Nagato, the first shelf at the door, I just saw a tinge of yellowish brown, and there is something wrong with the upper shelf of the third shelf I walked by before."

With his hands behind his back, Yuu turned towards Nagato with a calm face, spoke in a calm tone, and spoke clearly.

Under Yu's guidance with a strange face, Nagato uncovered the true colors of the batches of steel. Even under his own observation, he found 6 more traces of the camouflage intact.

Looking at the rusted steel in front of him, Nagato turned around and said to Yuu in the distance with a blank expression. "Report sir, a total of 8 camouflages have been found, and the actual number needs to be checked in detail."

As soon as the words fell, Nagato's face flashed a bit strange, and she subconsciously called out the words of the officer.

After sweeping, with his hands behind his back, his face was indifferent, feeling the inexplicable aura of the other party, the corner of Nagato's mouth twitched.

No wonder she would subconsciously act according to the behavior of the chief soldier. The other party's terrifying aura was deeper and more terrifying than that of the famous Lionheart King when he was furious. very!

"Lexington, if you find counterfeit and shoddy products purchased by the military department, please check for me." Furui Wubo's voice sounded slowly.

"Yes, Commander."

Lexington smiled at the twisted request for leave, and called out the accurate (love) name of Yuu under Jin Baosan's astonished eyes.

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