The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 13: Confucianism of gentleman, Confucianism of villain

Staggered, the host and the guest are happy!

Princess Tilu has a trace of perseverance between his eyebrows and eyes. He is a swan on the grassland, an absolute proud girl of heaven. As a result, the people under his hands are too unbelievable!

However, seeing the seed masters of the Desolate Temple were all overwhelmed, she also knew that the man in front of her was no small thing and should not be underestimated.

After the banquet, it is time to prepare to fight!

Princess Tilu continued to look at Chu Yun with amusement: "His Royal Highness has a three-inch tongue, and I am waiting to admire it, but I am playing hard and want to play a game with Your Highness!"

Chu Yun felt a little pain in his head, and this princess Tilu was too difficult, so he just grabbed himself and didn't let go?

Think we are enemies, I'm here to fight, are you picking a son-in-law?

Chu Yun reluctantly touched his forehead with his hand, and said, "But the princess says it's okay!"

"We are now going to the martial arts stage to fight the generals, but now I don't want to be out of this handsome account, what can you do to make me go out willingly?"

The two eyes of Princess Tilu were sharp and moving, with bright colors gleaming, and a tricky and weird appearance that made Chu Yun a little lost for a while.

Nu Wa must have been eccentric when she created a human. How could this female doll be so good-looking? Everyone in the desert tribe looked like a beast, but this Tilu princess was so charming and moving.

And such a beautiful girl, not relying on her own face to eat, but relying on her own talents, this is the real goddess!

"His Royal Highness..."

Chu Yun was indulged in beauty and lost consciousness. Seeing that he hadn't answered for a long time, Princess Tilu called out softly to make him recover, and touched the tip of his nose with a guilty conscience.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about this problem and lost my mind for a while, the princess forgive me!"

He did not hesitate to open his eyes and talk nonsense, but the subtle eyes of Princess Tilu made him blush, he shouldn't drool, right?

Princess Tilu has been running around on the prairie since she was a child, and countless prairie children have been driven by her, but no one has ever confessed to her, or even dare not expect her.

This is the jewel of the grassland, the darling of the longevity sky, not something mortals can covet.

Seeing Chu Yun's straight eyes now is a different first experience. I have never felt like this before. Perhaps it is because the people around me only fear and dare not blaspheme!

The two people had different minds, and the others felt that the atmosphere was a little subtle, but they were afraid to speak, just quietly waiting for Chu Yun to think.

After a long while, Chu Yun finally condensed his mind, then thought a little, and shook his head at Princess Tilu: "Princess, I really can't help you with your problem!"

Princess Tilu smiled and was extremely happy. He finally got back a round and waved his hand pretendingly: "Hahaha, it's all right, I understand, I understand!"

The other Huangren's hostility towards Chu Yun was much less at this time, but they were still laughing there, Cheng Yaojin and Xiao Lolita stared at them with uncompromising expressions.

Chu Yun hesitated for a while, and continued: "But if the princess is outside, I have a way to let the princess come in by himself!"

Princess Tilu said "Oh?", and then asked enthusiastically: "Really? What way?"

"The princess naturally knows when she moves outside the tent!" Chu Yun smiled and sold Guanzi, but refused to say it.

The others were also very interested, all staring at the field closely, waiting for the response from the Lord of the Furnace.

Seeing her raised her brows and the corners of her mouth, she moved her long legs and walked out. Seeing those slender and beautiful legs, Chu Yun couldn't help but be moved.

Did you eat too much recently?

In Dunhuang City, Wu Chengshou prepared a bunch of delicious foods. They were all tonics, supplementing blood and yang. This barren banquet was also a variety of monster meat hunted from the grassland.

What snow yak whip, century-old soft-shelled turtle soup, Longxi money meat, stewed lamb loin with deer is better than one, and if you are weak, you may get nosebleeds.

Chu Yun followed Princess Tilu out of Shuai's account, and the others followed, watching him curiously. Is there any way for Princess Tilu to enter.

When they came out of the tent, everyone was standing beside him. The home game was reserved for Chu Yun. He was smiling gently, warm and innocent.

"Princess, haven't you come out?"


Princess Tilu was taken aback, didn't you tell me to come out? Now why did you let me in!

However, the next moment she reacted immediately and laughed blankly, rolled her beautiful eyes at Chu Yun, making Chu Yun's mind shaken.

The others were still stunned, but Rama understood it and couldn't help but praised: "Your Highness is brilliant!"

Everyone also understands. Just now, Princess Tilu asked Chu Yun to find a way to let her come out willingly, wouldn't Chu Yun let her come out now?

Princess Tilu smiled calmly: "Your Highness is brilliant, the little girl is willing to be down!"

Su Longtu was a little dissatisfied, and stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness made opportunistic tricks and even cheated. I'm afraid it was not the work of Confucian scholars!"

Confucian? When did I call myself a Confucian? Obviously you are talking about it, OK? Do you want to measure me by your standards? Have a good meal!

And literati? Do you see from my dragon sword that I am a literati? Do you want to teach you with a dragon sword? Am I a literati or a warrior?

But at this time, if you lose, you don’t lose. If you want to tell me a Confucian, I will teach you what a Confucian is!

In fact, this is Chu Yun's misunderstanding of Su Longtu. He saw that Chu Yun and him were talking about the Confucian Classics, and naturally he regarded him as a Confucian person, so he came up with such a saying.

Chu Yun didn't care so much, his eyes were open and open, looking straight at Su Longtu, as if to see his heart through his eyes, and said sharply:

"You keep saying'Confucianism' to me, and I will teach you today what is the real Confucianism!"

"Confucianism also has the difference between a gentleman and a villain. I wonder if you Su Long knows it?"

"A gentleman's Confucianism, loyal to the monarch, loves the country, guards justice, and drives away evil, must let his talents contribute to the current society and people, and his reputation can be left to future generations as an example!"

"The Confucianism of the villain only knows the tricks of digging insects. All thoughts are spent on writing and writing. When you are young, you can chant poems and make fus. When you are old, you can bury your head in the scriptures. Strategy."

"Su Longtu, what do you think?"

Su Longtu's complexion flushed, and he looked forward to Ai Ai, sweating coldly, but he couldn't say a word of rebuttal, and finally turned into a sigh.

He straightened his head and put on his hat, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and gave a respectful salute to Chu Yun: "I understand! Thank you for your confusion!"

At this time, Cheng Yaojin stepped forward and patted Su Longtu on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "My Royal Highness is pedantic, this is recognized by the Lord Tilu, and it is an honor for you to get his guidance!"

Su Longtu knew that he was inferior to others. Although he was influenced by the Confucian classics, he was also a free and easy prairie man. He quickly covered up the depression in his heart and put on a free and easy smile.

He arched his hands at Cheng Yaojin: "Thank you General!"

"If a general is not a general, just call me old Cheng!" Cheng Yaojin is also a hero in the army, and he is generous in his work. When he drank just now, he was in the same spirit as those ridiculous warriors.

Rama was also beside him comforting Su Longtu: "His Royal Highness Chu Yun is talented, I admire him, after this incident, welcome His Highness Chu Yun to play on the grassland!"

"The snow is full of long swords, the bows are shot at the big eagles, and the wine and beauties on the grassland can all give your Highness a different experience!"

The group of people talked and smiled and headed to the martial arts stage. There was no feeling of hidden murderous intent among the enemies, but more like friends.

The eyes of Princess Tilu were so colorful that it was not easy for Chu Yun to gain the friendship and respect of these people in just a short while.

I think I have been fighting on the grassland for almost ten years, but I have never encountered such an interesting and capable man.

When a group of people came to the competition stage, it was actually a clearing out of the camp, which was similar to the feeling of an arena.

Princess Tilu sits on top of the main seat, with Rama on the left and Chu Yun on the right. The others sit in the order of the guest and the host.

"His Royal Highness, I have already written out the rules of Dou Jiang in the Dou Jiang Zhan Tie, do you have any questions?" Princess Tilu asked.

Chu Yun nodded solemnly, and said, "Yes! I must take the Ninth Princess back home, but the three cities on the northwest border have a checkpoint. I also want to take it back."

"There is no explanation in the Dou Jiang Zhan Post. I don't know what the princess planned?"

Princess Tilu pinched his chin and pursed his lips: "The agreement reached between King Haru and your court is for the nine princesses to make peace with each other. We will also return the three cities and one pass!"

"When we win, the nine princesses will become our princess. Naturally, the three cities and one pass will be taken over by your army!"

Damn, mentally handicapped, then Concubine Lin's brain is not good, so she directly gave people money, food, and weapons. Isn't this an enemy?

And it was not that Concubine Lin gave them the border token, how could Princess Tilu enter the northern border with so many troops? Isn't this silly?

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