The Strongest Hacker

Post a single chapter on all issues in the opinion section

Post a single chapter on all the questions in the comment area ()

I have been busy for several months, and today I finally have time to look at the opinions of everyone in the opinion area. If there is anything ill-considered, Stone can only say, sorry, sorry, sorry. Because Stone has been busy every day recently, going to work before 8 o'clock and leaving get off work at 7 o'clock in the evening. Write novels the rest of the time.

10,000 words are updated every day. I don't say how many people can do it at this speed. I just say that the number of words in *** is close to 1 million. I don't think many people can do it. And the stone has never been broken.

Thanks to all the readers who have been supporting Shitou and giving serious comments to Shitou, Shitou is here to solemnly thank you, because of you, Shitou is what it is today, thank you all.

Stone will not explain the problems in the opinion area separately. Some problems are pitfalls and have not yet come out. Let's just talk about the first chapter, the main character is gunned down, as long as careful readers will find that the gun was not shot by the FBI.

For the rest of the question, Shitou can simply say a word. Don’t think hackers are too mysterious. It’s not that Shitou can’t write about technical flow. If I analyze all kinds of data and codes throughout the article... How many people can understand it?

Hungry, as for those who say that the identity of the protagonist written by Shishi is exposed, Shishi doesn't want to explain anything. As for the cynical patriotic complex, I don't want to comment on the government~~~ I just love this country, that's all, thank you, if you think you don't love, you are full of all kinds of negative emotions towards the country, you are free Moving abroad is now easy. At least places like Ethiopia are easy to get out of, just go and experience it.

People always have all kinds of fantasies. Regarding the issue of the heroine, everyone has a fantasy. What's more, the girl written by Stone is not a fantasy, but a real person. There may be slight differences in personality, but the overall difference is not big.

A single heroine is for sure, as for other things, don't always think things are complicated, people are sometimes very simple. There have been a lot of people who are angry at Chongguan and become a confidante since ancient times, and there are even more people who love beauty and don't love country. If you don’t understand, don’t make excessive comments. Even the president of the United States is also a human being, and he has emotions and desires. In addition, regarding the intelligence department, don’t think it is so mysterious. The intelligence department is very powerful, but it is made up of people.

It is no exaggeration to say that when a low-level intelligence officer collects information, he may ignore the most important information due to an oversight. Do you expect the most senior officials to analyze all the collected information by themselves?

Hungry, so much gossip, in a word, thank you for your support, thank you for your opinions, thank you all. Many thanks.

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