The Strongest in Prince of Tennis

Chapter 37 Weaknesses, technology

above the court.

Shimurasuke stopped at the back left of the court.

His feet are open, most of his body's center of gravity is on his left foot, and the racquet in his hands is level with his waist.

at the same time.

Shimura quickly grasped the upper part of the handle with his left hand, and turned his right hand to the left at the same time. The knuckles of the index finger and the center of the palm moved to the upper surface of the handle, and the thumb of his right hand was close to the back of the handle.

In the blink of an eye.

Shimura changed his grip from the Eastern forehand to the standard Eastern backhand.

The process of his changing the way of holding the racket is not up and running.

But it is very standard.

Ball speed: 145.6km/h

Speed: 152.3r/min

Rotation direction: bottom left

Bouncing height: 15.5cm

Falling point: the left rear corner of the court, 5.7cm from the left sideline, 6.5cm from the back sideline

A large amount of data emerged in Shimura's mind.

At the moment the tennis ball was hit, Fuji’s serve had no secret to Shimurasuke.

Shimura is ready to catch the ball

Outside the barbed wire around the court.

"It started moving as soon as Fuji was serving!"

"See it again!"

"The super-fast reaction speed shown by Shimura in the match with the seniors last week!"

Kikumaru blinked.

Although Shimura on the court is fully prepared to catch the ball, the tennis ball played by Fuji has not actually landed, and the distance from Shimura is close to two meters.

This reaction speed.

Kikumaru, who is very confident of his own reaction, was not sure to do it.

"Shimura's reaction was really amazing."

"No matter who the opponent is, whether or not he is familiar with the opponent's playing habits, Shimura-san can react quickly without any hesitation when the opponent is serving."

"As if at the moment when the opponent is serving, you can see through the trajectory of the tennis ball."

The dry eyes were full of wonder.

As a data stream player, if you have complete data as the basis for analysis, you can also react immediately after the opponent serves. But the so-called "immediate" also takes time, and you must first analyze and compare data in your mind.

Shimurasuke reacted instantly.

And there is no need to do a lot of data statistics and data analysis in advance.

This makes Gan envious.

"The subconscious sense of the ball..."

Tezuka looked serious.

In the professional tennis world, some players who are born with an excellent ball feel are able to react almost instinctively to tennis after a long period of exercise and competition.

Shimurasuke's reaction looks very similar to that of a tennis player with a super ball feel.

While Kikumaru and other onlookers still looked surprised, Fuji's tennis ball quickly fell nearly half a meter to the front left of Shimurasuke.

Immediately after landing, the tennis ball quickly bounced toward the left side of the landing point.

"Relying on the rotation reduces the bounce height of the tennis ball, and it also makes the tennis ball deviate at the moment it bounces."

"Nice serve!"

"But there is no threat to me!"

Shimurasuke watched the trajectory change rapidly at the moment it bounced, but it was exactly what he expected of the tennis ball.

Rotate the right shoulder and exert force on the leg.

Shimura, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly pulled out the racquet in his hand.

With a bang!

The tennis ball blasted directly to the opposite court.

Fuji's serve doesn't seem to bring any obstacles to Shimurasuke.

Opposite the court.

Fuji's complexion has not changed at all because his serve was broken.

exactly the opposite.

More assurance and confidence emerged in Fuji's eyes.

"The standard textbook-like backhand stroke posture, but it's just a standard action."

Fuji has bright eyes.

He was more certain of his guess.

Last week, Shimura used serve to make the thirteen players in the tennis club helpless. At that time, his serve speed was already very fast.

But today there has been a lot of progress?

This is very abnormal for a player whose ball speed of serve is already called the strongest player in the country.

Unless there is a qualitative change in a short period of time, it is almost impossible for a tennis player to make great progress in a short period of time.

Even if the player's name is Shimurasuke.

It should be the same!

In addition to the great progress of serve, there are still many places that have puzzled Fuji.

In the game against the 13 old players, Shimura used the textbook-like serve movement, the textbook-like catch movement, the textbook-like basic pace, and the textbook-like draw.

Although Shimura's tennis skills are very standard, they are also very simple. They are all basic tennis moves.

There has never been a complicated technology.

Reminiscent of Shimura's materials just after it surpassed two technologies and five dimensions.

Fuji confirmed his thoughts.

Shimura's technology is indeed weak.

His time to catch the Let ball is not even too long!

"Shimura-san, your weakness is not strong ball control and lack of experience in handling complex tennis. As long as you make full use of these two shortcomings, I can suppress your speed and strength!"

Fuji was determined in his heart.

The highest of Fuji's five dimensions is technology.

He is good at technology!

I am also very good at playing complex tennis that requires strong ball control!



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