The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 291: Defeat Du Lang

"Is it really repaired?"

All the members of the Tianfeng tribe have a pleasant look on their faces. If that's the case, that would be great.

Although they were not awakened, they already felt the blood in the body being aroused. This shows that the blood source beads are indeed effective.

It's just that I didn't see how Liu Ce moved or how the Blood Orb was repaired. This is simply amazing.

But no matter what, Liu Ce did repair the Blood Orb.

"See the emperor."

The old patriarch and patriarch of the Tianfeng clan gave Liu Ce a big gift, and now Liu Ce has already proven his strength. They naturally need to express their views.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce is also very satisfied with their statement.


Liu Ce did not leave the Tianfeng clan immediately, he still needs to discuss the future plan with the Tianfeng clan. So, be prepared to harass for a few more days in the Tianfeng clan.

In Liu Ce's view, the Tianfeng clan could not stay any longer, and in his view, this place would not be safe sooner or later. Only in Dahan another area can be designated for the Tianfeng people, so that the Tianfeng people can cultivate the best.

In the end, all members of the Tianfeng tribe expressed their views and prepared to move out of this place. After all, the Tianfeng people live in isolation all day long, which is not good for the development of the Tianfeng people. For the Tianfeng clan to develop, it still needs to communicate with the outside world. This was also unanimously passed by the Tianfeng tribe, after all, the Tianfeng tribe had been isolated from the world for too long.

In the past few days, Lu Xi was extremely happy because he knew he was moving to the outside world, and he came to look for Liu Ce every day. The relationship between the two is gradually heating up.

Du Lang looked in his eyes and hated him. Just been patient.

On this day, Du Lang once again saw Liu Ce and Lu Xi staying together, and couldn't help it anymore.

"Liu Ce, I want to challenge you."

Du Lang strode to Liu Ce's face.

"Brother Du, you are crazy, you can't be rude to the emperor."

Lu Xi said to Du Lang.

Lu Xi stayed in the outside world for a long time, but he knew more about Dahan than the average Tianfeng tribe, so he naturally knew the power of Dahan and the power of Emperor Han.

Legend has it that the Emperor of the Han killed tens of thousands of prisoners of war in the first battle. He was so fierce and terrible that those who offended the Emperor of Han had no good end.

"The emperor, Lu Xi apologizes to you for Brother Du Lang."

Lu Xi was afraid that Liu Ce would be angry, so he knelt down in front of Liu Ce.

"Lu Xi don't beg him, I just want to challenge him, it depends on whether he dares."

Du Lang said coldly.

"There's nothing to dare to dare."

Liu Ce smiled lightly.


Lu Xi just wanted to say something, but Liu Ce waved his hand to stop him.

"Lu Xi, it's useless to tolerate it blindly. Some things still have to be solved after all. Leave it to me."

Liu Ce said to Lu Xi.


Lu Xi still hesitated. She naturally knew Liu Ce's strength, but she was worried that Du Lang would be harmed. For people, Lu Xi didn't want to be married to Du Lang. This was not because he hated him, but because he really didn't have **** with him.

"Don't worry, it depends on your face. I won't embarrass him too much."

Liu Ce naturally knew what Lu Xi was worried about, and smiled faintly.

Liu Ce turned his head to look at Du Lang, and said with a serious face: "Du Lang, I know why you are challenging, but you need to know that emotional matters cannot be forced, you should let go, or let go."

"Impossible. Lu Xi and I grew up together, how could they not like me. She must have been tempted by you outside."

Du Lang looked at Liu Ce and said coldly: "I admit that you are the Emperor of Han Dynasty. I am not as good as you in this respect, but if you have the ability, you can compete with me. Who loses and who leaves Lu Xi, dare you?"

"Big Brother Du."

Lu Xi felt embarrassed.

"Do you think Lu Xi's feelings can be solved in this way?"

Liu Ce shook his head.

"No, I just want to prove in front of her who is really strong."

Du Lang said.

Seeing the disdain in Du Lang's eyes. Liu Ce knew right now that he had a weak cultivation base and wanted to challenge himself. Du Lang's cultivation seems to be a distraction.

With Du Lang who was less than thirty years old, he could cultivate to the distracting state. This was indeed a genius. But Liu Ce's combat power cannot be measured by his cultivation. Since he is seeking death for persistence, then he will naturally fulfill the other party.

"I accept the challenge."

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

"Okay, we are going to fight in the cloud ring of the Tianfeng clan."

Du Lang said.

The cloud ring of the Tianfeng clan is a place where the Tianfeng clan used to compete in martial arts or settle disputes on weekdays. The first battle to succumb to enmity.


Liu Ce didn't care about this, and naturally left him alone.

This battle quickly spread throughout the Tianfeng clan.

Inside the Hall of the Celestial Elders

"Hey, Du Lang is too impulsive. Now that we are ministers, and the Emperor of the Han Dynasty is the emperor, how can the courtier challenge the emperor!"

The old patriarch's face was filled with helplessness.

"Hey, forget it, the Emperor of Han's strength is unfathomable and cannot be measured by his cultivation level. I am afraid that Du Lang will be hit."

The current patriarch said.

"Patriarch, you look too much at Emperor Han. This elder admits that Dahan is very powerful, but Emperor Han is only eighteen years old now, and he is only in the Yuan Dan realm. How could he be Du Lang's opponent?"

The great elder shook his head with an unbelief.

"Elder, your eyes are too narrow, Emperor Han is an absolute genius, and his combat power is not limited by his cultivation level."

The old patriarch looked at the great elder with earnest words.

Although the elder dared not refute, the expression on his face was full of unbelief.

The old patriarch didn't say much.

"Old patriarch, shall we stop?"

The current patriarch asked the old patriarch.

"No, since the Emperor Han agreed, he naturally had his intentions. It is not a good thing for us to intervene arbitrarily."

The old patriarch said solemnly.


The current patriarch nodded.

On the cloud challenge, people from the Tianfeng clan gathered at this moment.

Lu Xi was also among the crowd. Not only the ordinary people of the Tianfeng tribe, but also some high-level members of the Tianfeng tribe, most of them have arrived at this moment.

The current patriarch, old patriarch, great elder and others are also here.

No one believes that Liu Ce can defeat Du Lang. Because Du Lang is the first genius of the young generation of the Tianfeng tribe. Being less than 30 years old is already the cultivation base of the Distracting Realm.

Although Liu Ce didn't know his cultivation base, he was much younger than Du Lang at his age. No matter how talented he was, he would not be able to catch up with Du Lang in cultivation base, so not many people were optimistic about Liu Ce, except for Lu Xi of course.

"It's too late for you to admit defeat."

Du Lang looked at Liu Ce and said.

"Go ahead."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"I heard that you use a sword, draw it."

Du Lang said to Liu Ce.

"When needed, I will draw my sword."

Liu Cedao.

"What, you..."

Du Lang's face was a little ugly. This Liu Ce meant, isn't he saying that there is no need to use a sword to deal with him. This is already extremely despising him.

"You have to use it."

Du Lang assassinated Liu Ce with a sword.

This sword contains a terrifying flame sword intent. Like a terrifying fire dragon, it smashed against Liu Ce's body. Wherever he went, it seemed that the emptiness would be burnt up.

"Xinghe Breaking Punch."

Liu Ce snorted coldly, and slammed the past with a punch.

"Boom!" A sound.

One punch and one sword collided in the void.

Du Lang felt that his sword collided with Liu Ce's fist, and every sword would feel the endless counter shock. As if an invisible force. Swept toward him.

"Strange, the opponent's cultivation is obviously only in the Yuan Dan realm, why is the combat power so strong, and the fist can withstand my attack?"

Du Lang felt a little shocked.

"Fire Dragon Slash."

Du Lang roared angrily. Another sword smashed towards Liu Ce's place.

This sword, like a roaring fire dragon, spreads across the world.

"Xinghe Breaking Punch."

Compared with less than 30% of the force previously used, Liu Ce used 70% of the force with this punch.

Void trembling, behind Liu Ce, the vision of Galaxy appeared. The powerful force made the entire void solidify.


One punch and one sword collided in the void.

Du Lang turned into a fire dragon and was shattered in an instant. The powerful impact made Du Lang snorted, and the whole person stepped back a dozen steps, trying to stand still.

"Ling Bo stepped slightly."

Liu Ce's figure flickered, and the whole person rushed towards Du Lang like a ghost.

Du Lang's heart was slightly shaken, because even he had not discovered Liu Ce's body style. There is no way to lock the opponent's figure.

"Catch the wind and catch the shadow!"

It is the first style of Fengshen leg.

The shadow of the legs, like a ghost, swept towards Du Lang with the power to sweep across the army.

"What kind of legwork is this!"

Du Lang looked surprised.

"Tianyan Slash!"

Du Lang riveted his full strength and swept out with a sword.

It's just that Du Lang's speed is fast, but Liu Ce's speed is even faster. When his sword was only halfway, Liu Ce's leg was already swept across Du Lang's body.


Du Lang screamed. Feeling a powerful force swept over and rushed into his body, the whole person screamed, under this strong force, the whole person flew upside down like a broken kite. Flew out of the cloud ring.

"What, Brother Du lost?"

"It's too fast."

"Impossible, do you think I am dazzled?"

The children of the Tianfeng tribe who watched the battle under the clouds felt incredible.

"you lose."

Standing beside Yun Lei, Liu Ce looked at Du Lang condescendingly.

Du Lang was defeated by Liu Ce, and he felt extremely depressed at first. Seeing Liu Ce's breath at this moment, he suddenly didn't come up with a breath, and fainted.

The Tianfeng tribe also worships the strong. Although Liu Ce defeated Du Lang, now Liu Ce, as the Han emperor of the Han Dynasty, is already the monarch of the Tianfeng clan. Therefore, these members of the Tianfeng tribe not only did not blame Liu Ce. Instead, they faintly identified with Liu Ce. It also gave the people of the Tianfeng clan a sense of belonging to the big man.

On the side of the cloud ring

The old patriarch of the Tianfeng clan sighed: "The strength of the emperor is really unfathomable. I originally thought that even if the strength of the emperor can defeat Du Lang, it will be after a hundred moves. I don't want this seat to underestimate the emperor."

"Yes, I also feel that the emperor doesn't seem to be doing his best."

The current patriarch also followed.


Although the elder was not convinced, the facts were there, but he couldn't refute it.

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