The Summoner

Vol 2 Chapter 111: . Rumors of Caladea

Unconsciously, Palawan, the capital of the Kingdom of Swadia, circulated a new religion-an organization called the Sect of Nature began to spread widely from the aristocracy, with a wide audience and extremely far-reaching influence.

The requirement of this religion is not high, as long as you maintain a love and maintenance of nature, you can join the sect.

The civilians at the bottom do not know how many people join.

But the top level is different.

For example, all the noble class and big merchants and big landlords joined it.

This has almost formed a fashion that has swept the entire Palawan. Even the towns outside Palawan have begun to have believers of the natural sect, although it is only for the expediency of entering the power and wealth circle of the Palawan aristocracy. But it must be said that this sect has become popular throughout the Kingdom of Swadia.

The reason why it is so popular is actually less related to the hard rules of this sect. As long as it does not do things that strictly damage nature, such as setting fire to mountains and large-scale extinct fishing and hunting, even if the rules are followed.

Nobles and rich people do not need to be lumberjacks and hunters.

So just a few months.

The Sect of Nature has spread throughout the Kingdom of Swadia.

Even because it is located in the center, there are caravans connecting the towns of the five countries, the outside world has also brought out this religious atmosphere, and the advocacy of nature has also begun to spread throughout the Kaladea continent.

Palawan, the popular source and origin of the natural sect, is that most nobles respect nature.

And in this trend there are mysterious remarks of the Father of Nature.

Many nobles are also convinced of this.

no way.

Faced with the various peculiar forces that their children can show, who can doubt their authenticity?

What's more, inside Palawan, King Harlaus, who has mastered the call to natural allies, can't stand his loneliness at all, nor does he mean to conceal his ability. Derian, the natural apostle's same calling ability, quickly formed a shock wave at the official level.

Even the wise king of Harlaus learned how to summon natural allies, the hyena-like snow rat and the lion-like giant wolf, and the stout-like wild boar, how come they have no idea?

This is the field of occultism. It is really the kind that appears in front of you and you can learn directly!

Every child in his family has learned how to perceive nature and understand the true meaning of nature.

Why don't they want to learn?

Not to mention.

Adrian did not prohibit outsiders from contacting the occultism he taught.

Even the child apprentices of noble families, after returning home, will generally write out the content of the story to the elders of the family to observe, hoping that through this method of disguised learning, they can get the means to display the field of mysticism, get Transition and promotion from ordinary to mysterious.

According to Harlaus’s undisguised discourse, this field of mystics can really make people immortal, and the summoned creatures of every district have fallen behind.

Immortality does not die, but only the legends of gods in mythology appear in front of us.

No one wants to give up this hard-won opportunity.

Especially the nobles of Palawan.

Even more so!

Even they secretly formed an alliance.

The news of the field of occultism was firmly locked in the noble circle of Palawan.

Due to its wide spread, although various secret messages of occultism were also spread, most of them were used by outsiders as a means of deceit and abduction. While seeing the strange ones, they also sneered at some nobles in Palawan.

If it weren’t for wanting to enter Palawan’s aristocracy, no one would believe this sect.

Respect for nature?


Nobles are more concerned about what they can get in nature!

But after all, it is the beginning of communication. As more and more people believe in the sect of nature and advocate the father of nature, slowly many people with deeper beliefs also realize what they seem to feel.

Somewhat wonderful, as if there is a void in the bottom of my heart, something grows in it.

The emotions brought are also as warm as bathing in nature.

There is also a sense of security.

As more and more people get such insights.

Eventually, the reputation of the natural sect spread throughout the major towns of the Swadia kingdom.

The secret news about the sect of nature was instantly spread to the ears of all believers like a storm, and even those citizens who did not care about such things at all, but just listened as rumors, noticed something strange.

This natural sect has a mystery that can live forever, and the nobles of Palawan have mastered many secrets!

Someone believes.

Some people don't believe it.

But in the end there were robber gangs who wanted to take advantage of the rumor by rumor. When they hijacked three aristocratic young masters who went out to play, more violent rumors suddenly swept the country at a very rapid rate-real mystery appeared!

The young masters of the three noble families summoned fierce big rats like 15 hyenas.

Shengsheng killed the six robbers on the spot!

Not even the guards!

Real goods!


Even the civilians at the bottom are sensational!

Palawan, the capital city of the Kingdom of Swadia, is packed with people who want to join the sect of nature.

And in the hills outside the city, it has already been placed under martial law by the knights of the Kingdom of Swadia to prevent the entry of any ghosts, because during this time, spy agents from foreign countries have Appeared.

Nords, Wikyas, Kugits, Salanders, Rhodoks.

All the other five countries in the Kaladea continent sent spies to investigate the truth.

The influence of occultism is too great.

In just one year, no war broke out.

This is unthinkable on the chaotic continent of Kaladea, especially when the Kingdom of Swadia occupies most of the rich plains. The five poorer countries around it seem to be handicapped, and they dare not be easy for a time. Initiating disputes, and even the contradictions between them have subsided.

No one knows what the ability of this natural sect with occultism is, but it is scary enough to look at the only exposed summoning methods, such as summoning giant rats and giant wolves!

The giant rats and giant wolves who dared to die were tremendous psychological pressure on ordinary troops.

Plus there are more weird news circulating.

It is said.

Even devotees who adore nature will not fall into **** even after death.

Instead, I will go somewhere to the secret of nature. There are mountains and fields that grow white wheat that can make white bread. There is well water that can be used to detoxify and cure diseases in the river, and hunting will never end. Fresh red deer, and rivers with honey and milk!

There is the most precious beauty in the world. It is a secret realm that only believers of the Father of Nature can reach. For them, death is not the end, but the beginning of a good life given by the Father!

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