The Third Reich

Chapter 411: Junker-Eighty Eight's Return

A Junker-88 was flying low on the sea. Bescher turned his head and glanced at the engine on the right again.

It stopped turning a long time ago, and the propeller did not move. In this way, the propeller brought a lot of resistance and slowed the speed of the plane.

Originally, Bescher wanted to fly at high altitudes to reduce air resistance in order to return to land. However, due to the long voyage, the oxygen in the oxygen cylinder was exhausted, so he could only use the airplane Lower to a low altitude with plenty of air.

Now, every minute of flight is quite long.

There was a rhythmic shaking sound from the plane, and Bescher once again looked at the left side with a calm gaze.

The shock just now came from the engine on the left. Because the engine on the right was destroyed, the jumo211 engine running at full power has been using the left engine just now. Now there is a tendency to strike.

The shock just now must have been caused by a lack of fire in several cylinders.

Hope the engine can hold on!

Bescher thought while asking his navigator: "How far is it from land?"

"There are still thirty kilometers," the navigator said.

There are thirty kilometers! Bescher quickly calculated in his heart, the current speed is 200 kilometers per hour, 30 kilometers, about ten minutes of flight.

Even if the airport is not found in the end, as long as you reach the coastline and make a forced landing at sea, you will be saved.

Of course, it is best to protect the bomber.

"Hold on, we must be able to fly back intact." Bescher said.

Along the way, Bescher has been cheering up his subordinates, and his self-confidence has infected everyone.

The plane continued to fly low and the altitude was still dropping. Bescher tried hard to hold the control stick to prevent his plane from falling and yaw.

Time is calculated in seconds.

Finally, I saw the land ahead.

In the vast ocean, there is nothing, so all the way, the navigation is wrong. Now, seeing the land, the navigator immediately compares with the map and determines his position. The nearest air force base is only 15 kilometers away. !

"Hold on for a few more minutes, and we will be home." Bescher said.

Keep going!

The plane was flying slowly, and at the same time, the vibration of the engine was getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, the huge roar disappeared.

Bescher looked to his left, the propeller stopped and the engine stalled!

An airplane that loses power is like a big rock, which will quickly fall to the ground, relying on the current altitude, it will not float back at all!

"Restart." Bescher said to the co-pilot on the other side of him.

Restart the engine, this is the only option, no matter whether it can be started or not!

Bescher's self-confidence infected the co-pilot on the side. The co-pilot pressed various switches, and then turned the **** for air activation.

"Buzz, buzz." With a puff of black smoke coming out, this engine actually started moving again!

Everyone cheered.

Bescher is also very excited. It seems that God has not abandoned himself!

After continuing for two minutes, the engine stopped again.

Bescher did not ask to continue the start, the runway has already appeared in front of him!

At this moment, on the tarmac in the distance, the returning fighter planes were all lined up neatly. The ground crews and pilots all looked at the planes in the sky with attention.

Now, only Bescher’s plane has not returned!

"Look, our bomber!" shouted a ground crew.

Everyone looked over, and saw the bomber in the air, crooked, and the propellers on both sides did not turn, and there was no sound of engines. They looked at the plane anxiously, really wondering how it flew back.


After losing the power of the engine, the hydraulic operation of the aircraft has no power-assisted system. Bescher almost stood up before pulling the lever backward.

The nose was raised and landed in the correct posture. The main landing gear in front hit the ground, bounced slightly, and then landed again.

Landed successfully!

The brakes didn't work either. This Junker-88 bomber continued to taxi forward for several hundred meters and then slipped out of the runway. In the grass in front, it continued to taxi for tens of meters before it stopped.

On the ground, fire trucks and ambulances rushed over. When the local crew quickly opened the door of the belly of the plane, they only saw Bescher, who was a little pale, and walked slowly down.

"Unlucky, the engine on the right exploded, and the engine on the left failed again. Fortunately, we are back." Bescher said.

Seeing the densely populated bullet holes on this plane, the ground crew were extremely surprised that such an aircraft was actually driven back.

"Captain, you are so brave," said the ground crew.

The pilots coming from behind surrounded Bescher and others, especially the pilots who saw the scene of Bescher's death attack with their own eyes, and they admired the Bescher crew very much. .

This is the last one. The Junkers-88, which was launched, was intact and all flew back. It was a miracle!

After a while, cheers rang out from the entire air base.


In the surprise attack on Scarpa Bay, the German navy and air force united and achieved great success!

The attacked party, the United Kingdom, was only four hours after the base was attacked when a motorboat sailed from the Scapa Bay base to Scotland, and it was considered as reporting the attack.

Britain, being attacked, the Germans, undeclared war, it's really hateful!

When the news came back to London, the whole of London was furious in an instant. The citizens took to the streets and staged massive demonstrations. At the same time, an emergency meeting was immediately held in the Prime Minister's Office.

Chamberlain's face was ugly, he listened to the speech of the Secretary of the Navy Churchill.

Yes, now, Churchill has officially entered the cabinet.

As Germany invaded Poland, Britain had to declare war on Germany. After some consideration, Chamberlain finally brought the representatives of hardliners into his wartime cabinet.

On the other hand, Churchill was officially appointed this morning to serve as Secretary of the Navy and chair the Military Coordination Committee.

Churchill didn't expect that such a major event happened just a few hours after he came to power. At the same time, he also realized that this is an opportunity. Those who dream of peace should be beaten up now, right?

There is no way out of appeasement. Now that the Germans have launched an attack on the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom must respond and must be tough!

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