The Third Reich

Chapter 447: Peace Ambassador Chamberlain resigns

As early as the 4th century BC, the famous military strategist Sun Bin during the Warring States Period of China proposed the idea of ​​"fighting one, defending two", advocating that one-third of the troops should be used as the forward to fight the enemy; two-thirds of the troops should be used as the forward As a rear team, wait for orders.

European Macedonian King Alexander proposed the idea of ​​using medium-equipped infantry as the reserve team, and established and put into the reserve team in the battle of Gaugamela, defeating the Persian army.

Napoleon's failure that year was also because there was no reserve team in the end.

At a critical time, one more reserve team can play a decisive role.

But now, Gan Malin can't wait to press up all the reserves, which makes the British generals feel uneasy, especially now that the person speaking is the highest representative of the British side, the Secretary of the Navy Churchill.

With the cigar in his mouth in his hand, Churchill's brows were frowning, and he asked Gan Molin on the opposite side of his own question.

The war has just begun, so will all the troops be pushed up?

"Now is the best time to enter the reserve team. We have already determined the direction of the Germans' main attack." Gan Malin said: "We must use a beautiful victory to tell the Germans that no matter how advanced they are. Tanks cannot pose a substantial threat to us."

Now is the best time to defeat the Germans thoroughly! This was Gan Molin's judgment. At this time, he believed in his own judgment.

After he finished speaking, he paused and continued: "Although the reserve team has been pushed up, we will immediately carry out national defense mobilization, and there will be a steady stream of follow-up troops formed. At most one week, we will have another. A reserve force of ten reorganized divisions."

Now that the war has begun, a new war mobilization must be carried out. Retired soldiers are conscripted into the army, and it is easy to gather another army.

Thinking of the cruel meat grinder of World War I made many people's hearts tremble, but now, they have no choice. In twenty years, just after a new generation of young people have grown up, they need to be consumed on the battlefield.

To blame, blame the Germans!

Churchill still had questions, but before he could raise them, an adjutant hurried in and said to Churchill: "Mr. Churchill, please return to London immediately."

Return to London immediately? Churchill couldn't help asking the adjutant: "What happened in London?"

"Chamberlain is going to resign. He nominated you to take over as Prime Minister." The adjutant's words gave Churchill a stunned, followed by another joy.

Arthur Nivelle Chamberlain, he is the representative of the British appeasement policy in the 1930s.

Born in 1869, he is now 70 years old.

People who have experienced the First World War never want to go through a war again. The call for peace is echoing over Europe. In this case, Chamberlain, who was prime minister, made a series of concessions to Germany and Italy. In exchange for peace in Europe.

The policy he implemented was called "appeasement policy" by later generations.

Germany advanced to Sudetenland, sent troops to invade Austria, and then moved to the Czech border. Chamberlain gave a speech in the House of Commons condemning Germany's aggression, but no specific actions.

After Germany invaded and occupied Czechoslovakia, Britain began to take measures to strengthen its defenses, and Chamberlain announced that it would give Poland military guarantees.

However, when Poland was invaded by Germany, although Britain declared war on Germany, there was no war action.

All of Chamberlain’s actions are for the peace of Europe. They don’t want Britain to enter a state of war. Britain is already afraid of the death of another generation of young people.

In fact, these behaviors of Chamberlain were welcomed by the British. After the signing of the Munich Agreement, the old Chamberlain returned to Britain by plane. At the airport, Chamberlain received unprecedented welcome.

He brought peace to Britain!

However, as the situation changed, Chamberlain was finally given up by the British.

When Germany bombed the British naval base, Britain was in an uproar, and they felt extremely indignant about it.

Facing the German attack, Chamberlain made some decisions, such as bombing Libyan oil fields, etc., but these did not play a real role, and Germany's all-out war was the last straw to crush the camel.

"You have been sitting here for too long and have done nothing good. Let's go, let us tell you in the name of God, get out!" In Congress, a member of Congress quoted Cromwell's dissolution of Parliament. His declaration, he waved his fist, extremely angry.

He seems to have forgotten that when the Munich agreement was signed, he also waved this arm in support.

"You must vote on a motion of no confidence in the, right away!" Another member of the Diet exclaimed, "Look at our government, what good things have been done over the years!"

Germany's attack on the French mainland has made these British politicians realize that Chamberlain's policy has been wrong. Appeasement has made Germany a little stronger. Now, Germany has begun to truly threaten Britain and France!

In fact, from the perspective of later generations, all the appeasements Chamberlain made in the 1930s were in line with the conditions of that era. No matter who sat in that position, he had to do that.

Churchill was tough, but at the time, who had supported Churchill? When Churchill released the German threatening remarks, Churchill was met with rebuke.

"Fatty Qiu, get out and leave the parliament!" Once a member of Parliament directly scolded Churchill like this, saying that people don't like to listen to people, and that's how they end up.

Churchill’s war arguments were not supported by anyone, but Churchill was expelled from the government.

When the war started, the British people suddenly realized that Churchill was right, and quickly invited the tough Churchill back to serve as their prime minister.

And now, this process is going on.

The vote on the motion of no confidence in the Chamberlain government took place almost ten minutes later. Dozens of MPs who originally supported the government voted against it. Chamberlain, who stood by, knew very well that he should step down.

Although Chamberlain intends to remain in office until the end of the new round of crisis, at the juncture of this crisis, he wants to turn the tide and draw a successful end to his political career, but he still had to submit his resignation to the king and formally recommend Churchill as his successor. British Prime Minister.

At this time, Churchill, who had been predicting Germany's ambitions a few years ago, was finally met.

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