ps: The third update is here, for the sake of Xiaobao's hard work updating, please support me a lot. ≧Apex Fiction, "Marvel World Traveler" is looking forward to your subscription, reward, monthly ticket and other support!

Regarding the reaction of these Green Lantern Corps companions, Liu Ruian was not surprised and did not take it seriously at all.

Although the entire Green Lantern Corps is responsible for the security of the universe, it is still a place where strength is paramount.

Liu Ruian, who knew this very well, didn't have any disapproval or even contemptuous mentality and was not at all unhappy.

Instead, with the care and patience that no one can find fault with, he shared his experience of "finding another way".

I have to admit that believing in the supremacy of strength also has its benefits.

No, when Liu Ruian demonstrated the realization process of the hyperspace engine and various naval guns, there are also the key points of use.

Especially the huge effects shown by these skills, even Sinestro has to admit that he has benefited a lot from it.

Among them, the most amazing thing is the method of using the ability of the ring to manifest the energy system and weapon system, and then using external raw materials to generate energy and then attack.

It is not that no one has thought of this method, but in the eyes of all Green Lanterns, doing so is really taking off their pants and farting, and it is superfluous.

But it's so hard to die, the power possessed by Parallax Monster and Green Lantern lead to the same goal by different routes, and it has a certain degree of immunity.

In addition, the willpower of the members of the Green Lantern Corps is also strong and weak, even the strongest Sinestro was almost beaten out.

In this case, it is not as effective as Liu Rui'an's "superimposing" method.

Of course, this is also Liu Rui'an showing that this method really works. Otherwise, what the result will be is another matter.

As for the question of whether taking out hyperspace engines, naval guns, and energy systems will be too disadvantageous. Actually not.

First of all, the three technologies presented by Liu Ruian are not the latest technologies in his hands. Instead of eliminating goods.

Secondly, even if this is the case, it is not easy to successfully manifest these three technical devices.

Not to mention that there is no one in a million in the entire Green Lantern Corps,

One in a thousand is more appropriate.

Finally, Liu Ruian's sharing is not without rewards.

Not to mention the experience and technology that also came from sharing, just a new energy material specially produced by the guardians after Sinestro reported the matter to the council is enough to return the ticket price.

To a large extent, this material is even more powerful than the new elements developed by Iron Man.

The volume is small, but the energy produced by the energy reactor is quite huge.

With this ingredient. Any Green Lantern who can manifest an energy weapon can form a powerful attack.

If such materials could be used in the previous actions against parallax monsters, there is also the technology provided by Liu Rui'an.

Not to mention being able to completely kill the parallax monster, at least it can cause great damage to the opponent, and at the same time, there will be no casualties.

In addition, with this material, not only naval guns, but also energy weapons that usually appear can also be used.

While invisibly reducing the limit of willpower, it also invisibly improved the combat effectiveness of the Green Lantern Corps.

at the same time. The action plan against parallax monsters was also put on the agenda again.

After a part of the Green Lantern Corps had successfully mastered the new usage skills, soon, a team of Green Lanterns headed by Sinestro took action again.

soon. The task force arrives at yet another planet being devoured by parallax monsters.

But this time, no one rushed forward to fight the opponent in a melee like last time. Instead, different naval guns appeared from a distance. Then launched a long-range attack.

Red, green, blue, white, and yellow. The thick light beams of five colors instantly hit the parallax monster whose volume had recovered to the ed6e planet in sector 2312.

The ultra-high temperature instantly vaporizes the hit area. Added a lot of "bullet holes" to the parallax monster.

After three consecutive rounds of attacks, the parallax monster has already suffered a certain amount of damage.

But at this moment, not only did the parallax monster not attack the Green Lantern Corps, but the entire "person" sank into the atmosphere, completely covering the huge city on his body.

Seeing that the first three rounds of attacks had achieved very good results, Sinestro immediately prepared to launch further attacks.

But after this man published his pre-war declaration, Liu Ruian, who was named and participated in the operation by the experiment, said:

"Sinestro, I personally don't think it's a good idea to fight deep inside the planet."

Before changing to yes, Sinesto would definitely ignore this statement, but with the previous sacrifice and the record just now, he has to ask:

"what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, everyone concentrates their firepower to attack directly below from the orbit of the planet." Sensing the flash of annoyance in the other party's eyes, Liu Ruian said calmly:

"Strive to directly eliminate the parallax monsters on this planet."

"What about the civilization on the planet?" Sinestro asked coldly.

"As long as the parallax can be prevented from devouring other planets, the inevitable sacrifice is acceptable." Liu Ruian said simply.

Faced with such an answer, Sinestro was silent for a while but said:

"If this planet was Earth, would you still say that?"

"I am a member of the Green Lantern Corps first, and then I am a human on Earth." Liu Ruian, who didn't pause for a moment, asked rhetorically after speaking:

"Don't you think so?"

Sinestro, who originally wanted to use this to attack the opponent, suddenly felt like shooting himself in the foot with a stone.

If you want to say that you don't think so, compared to the safety of the entire galaxy and even the universe, sacrificing a planet, even your own home star, is really nothing.

As the leader of the Green Lantern Corps, if you don't even have this spirit of sacrifice, you can still be a fart leader.

But if you want to say that, you think so. I just attacked the opponent with this topic just now, and it is bound to cause some bad thoughts in other team members.

"Mark your own words."

Sinestro, who was silent for a moment, also knew that no matter how he answered this question, he would be wrong, so he could only change the subject** and said:

"We have mastered the method of eliminating parallax monsters, and the people of this planet are in a critical state of being destroyed again."

"As a Green Lantern who protects justice, how could he ignore those lives dying in front of his eyes."

Seeing this guy insist on going his own way, Liu Ruian, who had made enough gestures, did not stop dissuading him. Instead, he received his mission cooperatively, and then rushed into the planet's atmosphere with the large army.

I don't know if it was more worn out after the injury just now, or if the gluttonous temperament has been engraved in the parallax monster's bones.

After the cargo quickly landed in the city, the huge tentacles were still devouring the weird alien intelligent life forms.

The Green Lanterns who have always taken the responsibility of protecting the universe as their own, seeing one life after another being swallowed up, naturally feel quite angry in their hearts.

After occupying a suitable place, they quickly manifested naval guns capable of causing great damage to parallax monsters, planning to launch a great battle to wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that the first half of the whole plan was really smooth, but after those Green Lanterns landed in the right place, things suddenly changed.

Before the first energy beam was fired, Sinestro was astonished to discover that one of the team members who had been connected had suddenly lost contact.

The sudden situation made Sinesto make another wrong decision.

Soon, the Green Lantern who was sent to find out the situation also quickly disappeared from the connection state.

That's not counting, it's just a short delay, and the Green Lanterns in the connection began to disappear one after another.

It didn't even take half an hour before and after, and more than half of the team that was still in high morale had been lost.

Facing this extremely weird situation, Sinestro knew very well how much responsibility he had to bear in it.

Of course, Sinestro knew better that now was not the time to pursue responsibility.

But before the leader of the Green Lantern Corps could figure out the truth of the matter, the danger came quietly.

The tactical position chosen by Sinestro was at the top of a skyscraper. With a "bang", the security door on the top floor was knocked open, and then a group of survivors rushed to the ground, scrambling and yelling. out. (To be continued..)

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