In short, it is still a body made of information.

Therefore, for the information body, all existences in other worlds can constitute the "nutrient" of the information body.

But if there is a degree, it is too much.

"Medicine" and "poison" are often just different in quantity.

When the body of information was completely exposed to the unknown world without any preparation, the huge amount of unknown information instantly turned into a violent poison.

Just like a person who eats uncontrollably, he will die.

In addition, the information body acquires other information, which is passive and cannot be stopped.

Therefore, there is a scene just now.

The current Nagato Yuki has forcibly created an isolation domain to isolate all information from other worlds, and this has been prevented.

"Are you all right now?"

"It's okay... 33.55% damage to computing functions."

Can this be called okay?

"Sorry." Ye You said.

"It's fine. I made the decision myself, I'm coming," Yuki said.

Her body is translucent in the energy shield that separates information, like a three-dimensional projection.

"This transfer to another world is a very valuable experience. If we want to transfer in the future, it seems that we must first establish an outpost."

Youxi summarizes the problems and proposes countermeasures.

"Where is Mooncell?"

This is the main purpose of her coming.

Ye You pointed to his feet, "It's inside the moon. Are you going now?"


Youxi nodded.

The influence of the erosion of information from different dimensions has been eliminated by her. It's just that the damage is temporarily irreversible.

As a body of information, it is difficult to operate here without analyzing the unknown information of another world.

But to connect to Mooncell, all you need is a "network", no physical action required.

Nagato Yuki slowly closed his eyes, began to manipulate information, and was soon connected to Mooncell.

She instantly broke through the fifth floor of Mooncell, passed through the "404 light-years" on the sixth floor, and crossed the "Electronic Ocean" on the seventh floor, reaching the center of Mooncell.

Here is the mind that operates the moon, observes the earth, and collects the infinite past and future.

It is a single-eyed box that observes and calculates the constantly branching "destiny" in seconds, and closes it in the form of "light".

A phylogenetic tree that encapsulates the light of hundreds of millions of light-years away and operates with light at the same time. The light that can replace and change the laws of physics simply by information - the event selection tree, the threshold of the blazing sky.

It was not until the threshold of Blazing Heaven that Nagato Yuki's erosion stopped.

Chapter 484 Lunar Transformation Plan

The event selection tree, the threshold of the blazing sky, is the core of Mooncell, and it is all of it.

The interior of the moon, including the seven levels, is, in essence, nothing more than "additional storage" for Mooncell.

And SE.RA.PH is not originally owned by Mooncell, but a "moon-circle urban engine" created later to allow itself to operate smoothly.

At this moment, Nagato Yuki's consciousness came to the ocean of light.

Everything that has happened on Earth during 4.6 billion years is recorded here.

However, this seemingly huge amount of information is still only a drop in the ocean for the information body that has existed since the birth of the universe.

However, there are possibilities.

The possibility of breaking through self-discipline purification has plagued the bottleneck of the information body for hundreds of millions of years.

And the so-called "small" is only relative to the entire information network. Just Nagato Yuki alone, this 4.6 billion-year-old planetary information can be regarded as quite large.

Because the observer should not have intelligence. If the observer has knowledge, the meaning of things will be determined by the observer. For this reason, Mooncell only acts as an eye, continuously maintaining its absolute objectivity, and as a pure "observation", no "holder" is allowed.

It's just the instrument that exists here, the god's notepad, the observation crystal that runs through the moon.

Originally in this world, no one could break this rule.

But at this moment, the "Eye of the Moon" is gradually being analyzed, taken over and opened by Yuki Nagato.

After waiting for half a day, Nagato Yuki opened his eyes.

From her pupils, blue cubic crystals could be vaguely seen.

"Success?" Ye You asked.

"Having 50% authority."

Nagato Yuki bent towards Ye You, "Thank you for your help."

"You're welcome, let's help each other."

Ye You waved his hand indifferently, Mooncell wasn't his own anyway.

"What are you going to do next?" Ye You asked.

"Stay here. Until all points are consumed, three days."

"Is there any problem with Haruhi Suzumiya?"

"My peers continue to observe work."

isotopes? Never heard of the word, does Yuki Nagato in "Suzumiya Haruhi" have this skill?

Well, maybe there is, after all, he is the almighty big cute god.

"Why didn't you answer before?"

Ye You couldn't help but ask this question.

"Because no permission was obtained."

"Permission? Is that your superior?"

Nagato Yuki blinked at a fixed frequency, almost like a high-precision atomic clock, "Superior... The semantics are a bit off, but it's almost a similar feeling."

"So, now you have permission to contact chat room members?"

Yuki Nagato shook his head, "No, they couldn't observe the existence of the chat room, so they didn't approve my application. Contact with you is just my own opinion."

Eh...that's it.

It seems that every three days I send Nagato Yuki's magically revised version of "Haruhi Suzumiya" to some effect.

But the decisive factor is probably the photon crystallization.

Wait, no.

"Are you okay with contacting us without permission?"

"no problem."

Nagato Yuki said, "I crossed the information network."

The information network is probably similar to all information terminals.

"Can you still do such a thing?"

"Instinct can't do it, but you can do it by observing the information in the chat room every day."


Isn't this what people usually call "BUG"?

It's not that there is a bug in Nagato Yuki, but a bug in the information network.

After chatting a few more things, Nagato Yuki sneaked his consciousness into Dao Mooncell again, trying to continue to analyze the authority of its center.

Unconsciously, two days passed by.

During this period, I finally realized a problem - how do we get back to Earth! !

After BB personally handed the photon crystal to Ye You, it disappeared.

Seele can transfer the dimension and return to St. Freya Academy.

But there are also Sakura, Illya, and Aika.

Even Aiko can't cross the universe.

The only way Ye You could come up with was to wrap them in the Void Tree and fly for more than ten days.

But the oxygen is probably not enough, and the Void Tree does not have the ability to create oxygen out of thin air.

This BB is really a pit.

Fortunately, there is no need to worry about food. There are quite a lot of Sakura Labyrinths.

We can only see if Nagato Yuki can send everyone back after analyzing Mooncell.

BB can do it, there is no reason why the almighty big cute **** can't do it.

BB has only obtained a small part of Mooncell's permissions, and Nagato Yuki is becoming the ruler of Mooncell.


Tiamat wanders on the uninhabited moon.

Wherever you go, the environment is randomly designed.

Ye You and Xier followed behind Tiamat.

Being able to pull Tiamatra out of the Sakura Labyrinth was already the maximum that could be done.

Aige used the Holy Grail to block her connection with Renli.

So it can float up from the imaginary space.

After all, this is the moon, a barren land that has not yet been illuminated by the light of human civilization.

If it is a prosperous Earth, if you want to bring Tiamat back, the difficulty factor will increase by several levels.

Furthermore, if Tiamat is going to return to Earth from the moon, it will probably be swallowed up again by the imaginary space before it reaches the atmosphere.

This is also of course.

As the evil beast of the principle of "return", it is the antithesis of human principle.

Humanity on that planet has not been burnt, and it has developed and prospered, and does not constitute any element of "return".

In other words, except for the Earth with a stable environment and an established ecosystem that was once transformed by Tiamat, any other planet Tiamat can go to.

Planet... Standing on Mooncell, Ye You can't help but think of fate/extra. In the Gilgamesh line, when the protagonist was decomposed by the Moon Grail, Jin Shining rescued him from the Grail and eloped together to a planet 1,500 light-years from Earth.

Does Ginger also have the ability to travel across galaxies?

"Brother Ye You..."

The delicate voice pulled back Ye You's thoughts.

The pure white earth exuded a faint light, and Xi'er had a pure smile on her face, "It's so good to be able to walk on the moon like this."

"If Xier likes it, you can come here often in the future."

Where Tiamat passed, although the environment was arbitrarily designed, it conformed to the basic conditions of human existence.

It can be seen from this that she has always loved humans, right?

But speaking of this, can we transform the moon? And then as a base in the model month. "

Chapter 485

Walking on the soil of the moon, Xi'er wanted to step forward and hold Ye You's hand, but she was too shy.

Ye You was thinking about things.

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