Nanoha grabbed the ruby ​​magic tool "Heart of the Rising Sun" on the desk and ran downstairs.

The father, who was sitting on the living room sofa and reading the newspaper, raised his head, "Do you want to go out?"

"Well, Dad, go find Feite-chan."

"come back earlier."

"Know it."

After changing her outdoor shoes, Nanoha ran towards Admiral Lindy's house.

Fitt was temporarily staying at Admiral Lindy's house, and Admiral Lindy helped to handle the relevant identity certificates in this world.

Admiral Lindy is a very gentle and kind person.

But even so, Naiye and Fite did not disclose the news of the chat room.

They made an appointment to meet at Seaside Park. Fate heard the news from his mother and grabbed Nanoha's arms excitedly.

"Really, really?"

Naiha nodded vigorously.

Fei Te-chan is unsmiling, and it is the first time that Nao Ye sees such an expression as Fei Te-chan.

As a friend, Nanoha felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

Fitt's petite body trembled slightly, and her bright eyes were full of anticipation.


in the chat room.

Ye You guessed:

"Always seventeen: here may be connected to the holy city of Yar Hassat."

Wugeng Liuli slammed his hand and seemed to understand something.

"The Fallen Saint Black Cat of Chiba: What do you mean, the Holy City Yar Hassat may have fallen into the void."


Seeing the black cat's speech, Ye You was a little surprised. The kid's mind turned unexpectedly fast.

"Seventeen forever: yes, it's very possible."

"Always seventeen: there may be a very small chance of meeting Precia again here."

Although it is only a guess, but for Fate, it is enough.

After Precia left, Fette couldn't see sadness on the surface, but the sadness hidden in his heart made him even more worrying.

Originally, Ye You thought it could only be healed by time, but now there is a clue from Presia.

"Kaguya: Fette must be in a hurry right now. It would be great if she could enter Aincrad.".

Seeing Hui Ye speak, the corner of Ye You's mouth raised slightly, but his wife understood me.

That's what Ye You meant.

But the dome smelled an unpleasant atmosphere.

"Dome: How to get in?"

Although the magic gun world has a dimensional sailing fleet, the multiverse there does not have a cross-domain void, and theoretically it is still in "a box".

"Seventeen Forever: Subsystem."

Ye You said,

"Always seventeen years old: as long as the subsystem reaches lv.2, it can take people through it."

"Dr. Roman: It takes 6,000 points to upgrade the subsystem to lv. 6. It only takes 3,000 points to invite Fate to join."

"Always seventeen years old: Considering the future of the world on Fette's side, in the long run, opening the subsystem is the best choice. Since it will cost a lot of points anyway, it's better to do it all at once."

Nai Ye couldn't help drooping his head, glanced at Fei Te-chan, and replied in frustration:

"Nao Takamachi: Yes, but...I don't have that many points..."

Activating the subsystem requires 1000 points, and upgrading to lv.2 requires 5000 points, for a total of 6000 points.

"Kaguya: I still have some points here, which I can lend you."

Ye You smiled lightly and said:

"Always seventeen: I have some here too."

Gabriel was wearing a red sweatshirt, and her blond hair was thrown in a mess behind her.

"It's not a waste angel: Huh? I actually have more than 2,000 points. Let's lend it to you too."

"Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: There is also me, although not much."

Black Cat has been hesitant to spend 200 points to transfer to Aincrad.

Alright now, just give it to Nanoha.

Everyone in the chat room gave their points one after another.

But even if the points of the entire chat room group members were drained, it was still more than 3,000 short.

Then fell silent.

If there is a conference room here, Qiong will definitely be able to see that everyone's eyes are falling on him.

"Qiong: Why do you have to open the subsystem of lv.2, isn't it good to invite directly to join with 3000 points?"

While complaining like this, he silently made up the remaining points.

Naiha's heart was filled with warmth at this moment.

Although I understand that everyone in the chat room is a good person.

"Nao Takamachi: Thank you! Thank you everyone!"

"Nao Takamachi: I will definitely repay you all."

"Seventeen forever: don't be so polite. As long as it cheers Fate."

"Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: I won't be able to use it for the time being anyway."

"Dr. Roman: It doesn't matter. Compared with the child's yearning for his mother, the points are nothing to worry about."

"【】: Yes, let's go."

"Naba Takamachi: Thank you everyone."

Fate couldn't see the content of the chat room, but could vaguely feel something.

Naiba opened the video, and everyone saw the two little girls bowing and thanking them very respectfully.

Next, Nanoha put Fitra into the subsystem.

They plan to transfer to Aincrad.

Although the chances of finding Precia are slim, as long as there is hope, the steps towards the future will not be lost.

But before that, you need to think of an excuse and how to explain it to your family.

"The Black Cat of the Fallen Heaven of Chiba: How about I tell the truth? Even if I tell my parents about the other world, they don't think it's a big deal. It's business as usual."

"Mei Kato: Your parents are very receptive."

"Always seventeen years old: Thinking about it carefully, Nanoha really has no need to hide from her parents."

"Seventeen forever: Nanoha, your father, mother, and two older brothers and sisters are far more powerful than you think."


Naiha tilted her head slightly.

Chapter 563 Isn't this a spider? Why is there only one brain?

In "Magic Girl Nanoha", Nanoha confessed her identity like a family member, about a year later from this point in time.

Her parents, older brothers and sisters, calmly accepted the fact that Nanoha was a magical girl.

Nai Ye's family are very reasonable people. Nai Ye's will and practice of "as long as you open your heart, you will be able to convey your words" is largely due to the family environment.

So as long as they communicate well, they will understand Nanoha.

Even if my daughter is young. Naiha's father probably only laughed and said, as expected of my daughter.

On the other side, Ye You came to the 31st floor.

Although he has left the world of magic cannons, he has always kept the matter of Fite in his heart.

Whether it was picked up by Fitt from the Dimensional Sea, or whether Precia gave him what she had learned all her life. Ye You will always remember it in his heart.

He is not someone who likes to put gratitude in his mouth, he will only do it with actions.

Ye You repeatedly went in and out of the passage between the 30th and 31st floors, but unfortunately, she never saw the shadow of Presia again.

But since it appeared here, it is not that there is no possibility of encountering it again.


Ye You looked at the green grass with the fragrance of birds and flowers in front of her. Is it really connected to the void?

From his brief contact with the void, Ye You learned that the existence of the void is at least above the infinite universe.

There are endless mysteries there, and even if he looks at it at the very edge, it seems to contain the amount of information that is so vast that it is about to dissipate his consciousness.

Its infinite amount of information made him feel like he knew everything, but in fact he didn't get any information.

When Ye You came back to his senses, nothing was left.

Ye You converged his thoughts and walked forward on the strange 31st floor. He began to explore this world. It would be nice if he could find clues related to Presia before Fett came.

This is an area surrounded by natural aura, and the area seems to be much smaller than the sea below. Evergreen forests and numerous lakes scattered throughout make up most of the land, with a huge lake in the center, white rock walls on the south bank and a pebble beach on the north bank. The rest of the place is full of beautiful coniferous forests.

Ye You walked through the tall and straight coniferous forest, and the golden rays of light penetrated the tree cracks in bundles.

Compared to the wild area where the wild monsters are rampant below, it is extraordinarily peaceful and peaceful.

Then, Ye You saw a round white beetle?

It's very big, looks a bit hideous, but it's unexpectedly cute.

Variety never seen before.

No, if you look closely... more like a head.

It's like the whole body was blown off, leaving only one head.

After Ye You approached, she could see obvious panic in the eyes of the head.

"Well, not dead yet?"

Ye You picked it up curiously, its surface seemed to be covered with a layer of iron armor, very hard and cold.

"Who are you?"

Then there was a very weak mental fluctuation in his head, the voice was very small, and full of social fear, it was like staying at home for decades and communicating with people for the first time.

Ye You didn't respond, staring at it for a while as if remembering something.

"A little familiar."

So he asked tentatively, "Ruoye Jise, do you know him?"

Due to the added layer of the chat room, the opposite side could easily understand Ye You's words.


It's a spider.

Ye You hugged her head and looked left and right. How did you get it to look like this?

When Ye You was passing through, he saw the spider son fighting the ground dragon Alaba.

However, the popular science of sand sculpture group friends also roughly understands the structure of the whole world, but the specific details are not clear.


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