The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 238: 100,000 people, guaranteed ratings! Anna's history!

With the gift and the reluctance of the audience, Lu Yu decisively turned off the live broadcast.

At the moment of the broadcast, the popularity in the live broadcast room was finally fixed at 40 million, and Lu Yu was left on many lists.

This data not only killed Douyu TV's prime-time anchor in seconds, but also made brothers and sisters on all platforms on the entire network dare not speak out.

Because of Lu Yu's existence, their popularity has also been affected to a certain extent.

Severely shrunk compared to usual.

On weekdays, some die-hard fans in the live broadcast room all put on vests and sneaked into Douyu TV when Lu Yu's broadcast started...

This is the first time such a thing has happened in today's live broadcast circle.

Before this, no anchor has ever had such a great influence and accomplished the feat of cross-platform drainage.

But today, with his own strength, Lu Yu has changed the established popularity pattern for a long time.

Invisibly, it brought a huge amount of traffic to myself, making the editors of some websites complain endlessly...

In addition, in addition to the changes in the popularity of the live broadcast platform, during the entire live broadcast process, Weibo's hot searches have almost completely fallen.

Compared with the previous few times, the scene is even worse.

Several topics related to "Pacific storm" and "surfing" remained high.

In a very short period of time, the number of people discussing has reached tens of millions.


At the same time, the popularity of overseas live broadcast rooms has also grown by leaps and bounds.

In just two hours after its broadcast, it attracted nearly ten million viewers from various countries and regions around the world.

Unlike the previous poor-quality reposted videos on YouTube, this time it was a real-time live broadcast.

Therefore, just the picture quality is enough to make people feel enjoyable.

Right now, although the screen of the live broadcast room is black, there are still many viewers frantically expressing their opinions in the comment area, and the gifts are also desperately refreshing.

"The picture quality is really good,

Immersive feeling! "

"Who knows what brand his drone is?!"

"Oh my god, my t-shirt is soaked!"

"My friends, this is definitely the most exciting live broadcast I have ever watched!"

"Is the anchor still in Hawaii? I want to take a photo with him!"

"Looking forward to the next live broadcast, pay attention!"

"A twitter user from Montana gave the streamer an energy drink x1! - Really awesome, streamer, I will always support you!"

"Andy Brook gave the super rocket x1 to the anchor! ——The first gift, Luy, I hope to see you again, come on!"

"A twitter netizen from Xinxilan gave the host an umbrella bag x1! ——I remember you! I am very happy to be your fan! Haha——!"


No matter how you say it, this world premiere was very successful.

The popularity of the explosion is the best proof of this.

This scene made the staff of Discovery Channel very pleased, especially Jackson and editor-in-chief John.

In just two hours, the number of people online exceeded 10 million.

This achievement, even those popular internet celebrities on youtube, is probably incomparable.

It's really scary.

In any case, it was a wise move to sign Lu Yu under pressure.

It's worth the money.

Although the gifts in the live broadcast room are rewarded, the channel does not share half a dime.

But after this battle, the channel's ratings will definitely rise to a higher level, providing the necessary ratings guarantee for the upcoming "Extreme Sports Record" documentary.

With this achievement as a basis, the ratings of the documentary will definitely not be bad.

Of course, the success of the first broadcast not only provided the Discovery Channel with favorable ratings, but also benefited Lu Yu a lot.

Under the momentum of the relevant American media, Lu Yu's name and image frequently appeared on TV news, and entered thousands of households in the North American continent in one fell swoop.

Even if it's not to the extent that everyone knows it, it's almost there.

Children as young as six or seven years old, and elderly people as old as seventy or eighty years old, almost all of them don't know this Chinese young man playing in the Pacific storm.

In addition to ordinary people, some paper media with great influence in the world were also attracted by Lu Yu, and they were all ready to report on it.

Sam Dick is a senior reporter for National Geographic.

As early as when flying over the Yellow River, he became a fan of Lu Yu.

This time, Sam was even more excited when he learned that Lu Yu was going to make the world premiere on the North Coast.

Not only did he watch the whole live broadcast, but he also immediately found his editor-in-chief, Bill, after the live broadcast ended, and expressed his desire to interview Lu Yu.

Listening to what Sam said, Bill sat on the swivel chair, nodded frequently, and said with a smile, "I'm just going to talk to you about this."

"Sam, prepare well. If it goes well, the front page of the next issue will be yours. This guy is very popular recently. I heard that he climbed Mount Everest a while ago... I have to admit, he His deeds are really too topical..."

After pondering for a while, Bill suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "Go, write a beautiful manuscript for our readers."

"Of course, it's my forte."

"Good luck."

"Your front page, I want to order."




Outside the caravan, the wind and rain could not stop, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Lying in the room, Lu Yu rested for a while.

Afterwards, he first posted a Weibo message to domestic fans to report safety, and then uploaded the edited version of the live broadcast to domestic video sites.

While he was busy, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom—!"

Hearing the sound, Lu Yu hurriedly got up and opened the door.

The next second, the door opened.

Holding a cup of coffee, Anna was leaning against the door frame with a smile.


Lu Yu nodded, "Hi, what's the matter?"

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

"It's just a small injury, it's okay."

Anna smiled and nodded, deliberately reprimanded: "Aren't you inviting me in?"

"Oh, please come in."

After she was seated, she pushed the coffee in front of Lu Yu, "We contacted the National Meteorological Administration. The storm may take another night to pass. Tonight, we may have to stay here."

"okay, I get it."



The important things have been explained.

The two chatted without a word.

Through chatting, Lu Yu learned that Anna's ancestors had a lot of origins.

Her great-grandfather's father was a well-known rich man in Min Province.

The ancestor was even given a yellow jacket by the emperor.

Famous, well-off family.

Later, when the current situation was turbulent, the old man took his family to Nanyang and moved to Malaysia. He cooperated with Ying people to engage in ore mining and made a lot of money.

After the old man passed away, due to the war, Anna's grandfather immigrated to the United States with his parents, and has remained until today.

Anna's father was the coach of the US National Mountaineering Team.

My mother is a photographer and often has outdoor tasks.

Influenced by her parents, Anna has been fond of outdoor sports since she was a child.

After graduating from university, she resolutely joined the national mountaineering team and became the only female mountaineering member in the history of the United States to climb a 3,000-meter snow mountain. She has always been well-known in the outdoor circle, with hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers.

In this world, such a resume can already crush many outdoor experts.


After listening to her words, Lu Yu took a sip of coffee, gave a thumbs up, and praised with a smile.

"Thank you. However, in front of you, my resume is not worth mentioning. Oh, by the way, can you tell me about your climb to Mount Everest? What does it feel like to stand on it?"

Anna asked with interest.

When mentioning Mount Everest, her face was flushed, and her eyes seemed to be full of infinite yearning.

Lu Yu lowered his head and smiled, "I don't have any specific feelings, I just feel that I am very small, my breathing is difficult, and my whole body seems to have become a lung..."


Anna let out a long breath and thought about it: "I hope I can go up there to see the scenery in my lifetime."

"As long as you work hard, you will."

Nodding her head, she changed the subject again and asked, "Lu, your parents, have you watched your live broadcast?"

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm an orphan and I grew up in an orphanage—so, I'm also curious about this question."

"Oh, sorry."

Lu Yu smiled reassuringly: "It's nothing. Because sometimes, I also think about what kind of people my parents are..."

Anna moved her face closer, stared at him for a while, and smiled sincerely: "Trust me...they are definitely great people."

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