At this time, on the border between Germany and Poland, German troops wearing iron-gray military uniforms were crossing the border and entering Polish territory.

This was a long-planned invasion, for which the Germans had been preparing for several years.

In other words, since Germany failed in the last war because of a two-front war, the German soldiers have been looking for a plan that does not require a two-front war, and in the first stage of the war, they will get back the territory that Germany lost in the last war. One of their top picks.

However, before the head of state came to power, Germany and the Soviet Union still maintained a certain degree of friendly relations.

Although both sides knew that the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact would be torn up sooner or later, both Germany and the Soviet Union were very restrained and remained restrained and friendly until the treaty expired.

But with the failure of Austrian art students to take power, the White Plan and the proposal of German eastward expansion put Poland in danger.

And not only the Germans are eyeing Poland, the Soviets are also eyeing this piece of fat, intending to seize Poland as a buffer zone against Germany.

In fact, the original Poland had been partitioned at the end of the 18th century. After the end of World War I, at the Paris Peace Conference, in order to target the newly established Soviet Union and the defeated Germany, Britain and France supported Poland to regain its independence and restore it to its original state. The territory in 1772 was what it looked like almost a hundred years ago.

This was undoubtedly unacceptable to the newly born Soviet Union. In addition, Poland at that time was also seeking to expand eastward, so the Polish-Soviet War broke out between the two countries.

Although the Soviets once reached the walls of Warsaw and even destroyed the city several times, the Poles still defended their capital, and the war finally ended with the Soviet Union's initiative to offer peace talks.

For the Soviet Union, this was an unsatisfactory war. In the next two decades, the Soviet Union had been planning to retake Warsaw and plant the red flag on the city of Warsaw again.

So they and Germany hit it off immediately, and the partition of Poland became a consensus between the two countries.

During this period, Germany and the Soviet Union launched a series of cooperation projects, including but not limited to the Soviet Union providing weapons testing sites to Germany, and Germany providing military instructors to the Soviet Union.

This also led to the fact that in the original history, not long after Germany began to invade Poland, the Soviet Union also invaded Poland. It took the two countries less than a month to destroy Poland, completing the historical battle between Germany and Russia. Fourth partition of Poland.

In this timeline influenced by Chen Mo, Germany postponed the invasion for a full year in order to perfect its undead army.

When Germany did not take action, the Soviet Union did not take the initiative to attack, but waited for the opportunity.

Now, the Germans took advantage of the fact that all countries were paying attention to the graduation examination of students from the magic academy in Egypt, and launched a brazen invasion, attacking Poland with a faster and more violent offensive than in history.

Although the Soviet Union had received the news before the Germans started the war, the Germans did not tell the Soviets the exact date of the German action in order to gain greater benefits.

This also led to the fact that although the Soviets also secretly deployed their troops on the Soviet-Polish border, they did not start their actions until the Germans had torn apart the frontal defense of the Polish army and the war lasted for almost a week.

But the Soviet army in this time and space is not the one in history.

Historically, the Soviet Union was not very good in terms of military and technology. Although their army had a very tenacious fighting will and firm beliefs, it lagged behind the European countries at that time in all aspects, including technical equipment and military thinking.

This is also the reason why in the early days of the war, the Soviet Union was once beaten by Germany to the gates of Moscow.

If it weren't for the fearlessness and sacrifice of the Soviet Union, it would be difficult for the Soviet Union to withstand the rolling iron hoofs of German tanks at that time.

But this time and space was disrupted and influenced by Chen Mo. Relying on military exchanges and technical cooperation with Egypt, the Soviet Union's military ideas and weapons and equipment were much more advanced than its own at the same time in history.

It can even be said that the level of software and hardware of the Soviet army at this time was already close to that of the Soviet Union that had adjusted in the middle of the war, and because it retained a large number of excellent grassroots commanders and combatants, its combat effectiveness was not even inferior to that of the Soviet army in the later stages of the war.

Especially in terms of military command, the exchange and cooperation between Egypt and the Soviet Union proposed by Chen Mo because of his concern for Zhukov led to a considerable improvement in the Soviet Union's military thinking, and also allowed the Soviet army to launch an attack on Poland. Since then, progress has been much faster than at the same time in history.

Of course, this is still unknown news to the students who are still taking the graduation examination. They are still racking their brains on how to defeat the Scorpion King.

The two British students only had a complete heavily armored zombie and Jeff's Chinese-Canadian zombie that was smashed by George Blake. The other one had been eliminated by the German Bazel.

There had been contact between them before, and the British were outmatched and escaped at the cost of losing a heavily armored zombie.

But even so, they still tried to challenge the Scorpion King, and of course they were defeated again and again.

From the initial challenge between a student and a heavily armored zombie to the challenge between two people and two corpses, they were all easily defeated by the Scorpion King.

As for the more powerful Germans and the American-French Alliance, although they were slightly better than the British, they were also defeated very humiliatingly.

The Stitch Monster from the American-French Alliance even had two of his hands chopped off. If they hadn't been able to pick up the stumps and sew them back on, their combat power would have been greatly reduced.

However, the strength shown by the Scorpion King did not make these students lose their confidence in passing the examination.

Because George Blake and two Soviet students had already passed the assessment by playing a different way and entered the ruins behind the Scorpion King to get the token.

It's just that the way they passed the assessment was covered by Cassandra's spell, and other students didn't see how they passed the assessment.

They only heard the clash of weapons and the sound of shouts coming from behind the smoke summoned by Cassandra. Then not long after the smoke dissipated, the Scorpion King announced that the three of them had passed the examination.

Although everyone doubted whether George Black and the others had cheated, facing such a powerful being as the Scorpion King, they had no way to question or ask for a reassessment of George Black.

After all, as early as the first year in the academy, what they learned the most was that the winner takes all, and the strong will not be criticized.

Now that George Blake is undoubtedly the winner, no matter what method he uses, it is an indisputable fact that he successfully passed the examination. They can only admit this rather than overturn it.


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