Naturally, it was impossible for Yang Bailu to follow Essie to Africa. Essie said that she paid a one-year deposit for this house, and she could live here for a few more months if she wanted to.

After that, Essie packed two boxes and left. Going abroad was not something she could do immediately, and she hadn't resigned yet. So she found a relatively secluded hotel to stay. This time Jiang Yu was knocked down by her because she was unprepared. His family used to be in the arms business. Who knows if he would be so angry that he would shoot her in the middle of the night. Even the house was blown up.

Ai Xi couldn't afford to take this risk. No matter how good her martial arts skills were, she was still afraid of bullets, so she should just hide if she could.

The next morning, Ai Qian went to submit her resignation. The leader looked at Ai Qian with confusion in his eyes and said, "Why resign properly? You just entered the exam not long ago. This is not an easy job. You have to know how to cherish it." .”

Essie said that she must resign, and the leader asked: "What's the reason?"

Ai Xi stood there and thought for a long time, then said: "The world is so big and I want to see it."

The leader looked miserable, "You think I'm stupid, don't you?"

Ai Xi sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, to be honest, I'm actually going back to my hometown to get married."

The leader banged the table and said, "Call your partner here. I want to see who has to resign after getting married these days? Are they not going to give you a leave or something?"

In the end, the leader asked Ai Xi to think carefully and gave her a few days off because of the impulsiveness of young people. Elsie stood at the door of the unit. For the first time, she was troubled by the fact that the leader cared so much for his subordinates. The leader was a good person, but he was a bit inconsiderate. Couldn't he see the anxiety in my heart?

Essie put on a mask and sunglasses, hunched over her breasts and ran to the hotel like a wanted criminal being arrested. Halfway through, I was stopped by a black car at a corner. The window rolled down to reveal a familiar face. Ai Xi ran away without saying a word. The people in the car were stunned, and then drove to chase her.

Essie ran into the alley and then entered the vegetable market. An aunt greeted me: "Buying vegetables, our food is very fresh."

Ai Xi squatted on the ground, pretended to look at the vegetables, picked up a handful of vegetables and said, "How do you sell this?"

The aunt started to load the dishes for her while promoting other dishes. Ai Qian looked around, hoping that Jiang Yu was a little blind and couldn't see her. She still had the gun she snatched yesterday in her bag, and she wasn't afraid of using it if she wanted to, but there were too many people here and she couldn't use it.

At this time, someone tapped her shoulder. Ai Qian froze. When she looked back, she saw Jiang Yu standing behind her.

Ai Xi reached out her hand without thinking. Jiang Yu held her shoulder and said, "I want to talk to you."

Ai Xi looked at him suspiciously, and Jiang Yu said, "Just go to the coffee shop not far away."

Essie was doubtful, stood up and said, "Let's go then."

After taking two steps, the aunt said to Ai Xi, "You don't want it?"

Elsie: "No more."

"Hey, what do you mean? I've weighed myself, aren't you kidding me..."

The aunt talked for a while, and finally Essie and Jiang Yu entered a coffee shop with a bag of vegetables. The waiter served coffee and looked at Essie strangely as she brought vegetables to drink coffee.

Ai Xi smelled the aroma of the coffee and did not dare to drink it. She was afraid that Jiang Yu had tampered with the coffee.

Jiang Yu didn't drink either. He said, "I have a question for you."

Essie nodded, "Ask."

"Why didn't you let the police arrest me yesterday?" Jiang Yu said: "A year ago at Lao Li's house, why didn't you inform the police of my location?"

Of course, it was because she didn’t want to see the biological son she created go to jail. Essie clenched her fists in confusion, and then said, “What do you think is the reason?”

Jiang Yu looked into Ai Xi's eyes and said, "I don't know."

"Just think it's my sympathy." Aisie said: "So I have saved you twice. Why don't we keep the same in the future? You see, I am not a policeman now, and I probably won't be in the future. When dealing with you, it’s better to forget all the unpleasant things in the past. You won’t bother me, and I won’t bother you. Is that okay?”

Jiang Yu did not answer Elsie's question. He asked, "Why don't you become a policeman?"

"I don't want to do it." Elsie said, "I'm not suitable to be a police officer."

Jiang Yudao: "I think you did a good job as an undercover agent."

"It's because I was an undercover agent that I didn't want to be a police officer." Essie sighed and took a sip of coffee in a state of confusion. When she realized what she was doing, her face turned green on the spot. Why did she drink it accidentally? What if there is paraquat in it? She forced herself to calm down and said: "Don't look at me as if I have made you miserable. In fact, I am not easy either. I can't sleep well at night because I am afraid that you will find me and be killed."

Jiang Yu nodded and said, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Essie looked confused, "What's the problem?"

"Why don't you hand me over to the police? You obviously have two chances to do so." Jiang Yu said word for word.

As soon as Essie heard this question, she became entangled. She said: "Things have passed. Does the reason really matter?"

"It's important." Jiang Yu looked at Ai Xi and said, "It's very important to me."

"Because I don't want you to die." Essie broke the jar and drank all the coffee in one gulp. "Is this an acceptable reason?"

Jiang Yu looked at Ai Xi, as if the hand that had been holding his heart for a long time had finally loosened. He never gave up looking for Essie. He thought he wanted revenge, but at this moment he realized that he just wanted to know the answer.

Jiang Yu's voice was a little dry, and he said, "Why?"

"Why?" Aisie said, "Didn't I just say that?"

Jiang Yudao: "Why don't you want me to die?"

Ai Xi was stagnant and speechless.

"Can't you tell? Or you don't know either?" Jiang Yu reached out and grabbed Ai Qian's hand on the table, "Let me tell you, in fact, you also..."

Ai Xi shook off his hand, stood up and said, "I've said what needs to be said. I'm leaving. Don't bother me again in the future."

After saying that, she quickly walked out of the coffee shop. It wasn't until she returned to the hotel that Essie felt a little panicked. She also felt that there was nothing to panic about. What else in the world was worth her panic? Aiqi took off her shoes and lay on the bed. Jiang Yu forced her to do this. If she didn't go to him and die together, she would be good-tempered. What else was there to panic about?

Jiang Yu returned to his office, and his assistant brought him a cup of coffee. He leaned on the chair without moving, and the sunlight behind him shone on his back.

Lao Hei opened the door and came in, looked at him for a while and said, "Have you seen her?"

Jiang Yu said nothing, and the old gangster asked: "Are you still planning to avenge your brothers?"

Jiang Yu's expression changed and he said, "Why do you ask that?"

"I see that you had no intention of doing anything to her from the beginning." Lao Hei, a carefree man, showed his fragile emotions in front of others for the first time, "You have fallen in love with her, and you started to look for her. I have no intention of doing anything to her."

Lao Hei sneered: "My brothers and I followed Mr. Jiang at the beginning. After Mr. Jiang passed away, we followed you. I know you don't like doing this business. You have always wanted to get out. What happened in that transaction is actually You don’t feel uncomfortable at all, you even think this is a good opportunity to escape, right?”

Jiang Yu frowned and said, "I didn't..."

"You have." Lao Hei said with red eyes: "You have indeed done this. Look at you now, you are a big boss of a formal enterprise. The money in your hands is clean, you can go wherever you want now You don’t have to like whoever you want, you are different from mice like us who can only live in the shadows, you are a good person now!”

The last few people, Lao Hei, almost shouted, and Jiang Yu stood up suddenly, "You are not allowed to say that!"

"I'm going to say it!" Lao Hei glared at Jiang Yu fiercely and said, "I'm quitting. I'm not going to be your lackey anymore. I've had enough of you."

Lao Hei pointed at Jiang Yu and said: "I've had enough of your words. Why is this career not a long-term solution? I tell you, I was not born a good person. I was born not to live a peaceful life. You just go on your way." Yang Guan said, I won't just let it go."

Looking at Lao Hei's leaving figure, Jiang Yu felt as if ice water had been poured on his head, freezing to the bone.

Essie slept until midnight and was woken up by a knock on the door.

She opened the door and saw Jiang Yu standing outside, so she waved her hand and closed the door without saying a word.

Jiang Yu stretched out his hand to block the door and said, "I have something to tell you."

Aisie held her head against the chicken coop and said, "Didn't we talk about something during the day? Do you want to let me go? If you don't let me go, just say it and we can solve it all here."

Jiang Yu said: "Old Hei is gone."

Elsie: "He didn't come to my place."

"I know." Jiang Yu said, "I don't think he will let you go. It's not safe for you to stay here."

Essie looked confused for a moment, "You mean he doesn't listen to you anymore and is going to do something to me?"

"Yes." Jiang Yu said, "He has always wanted to avenge his brothers."

Essie nodded, turned around and said, "Then I'd better pack up and continue preparing to go abroad."

"Ke Lei..." Jiang Yu reached out and grabbed Ai Xi's arm. He paused and said, "Can I continue to call you that?"

Ai Qian turned to look at him, and Jiang Yu looked at her with eyes as bright as the stars, "You come with me, I will protect you."

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