Then things got easier.

As for the other party, a pair of eyes were really staring at this Jiang Feng.

A pair of eyes stared at him.

This is a kind of feeling that if you are locked, you will make a move, and if you make a move, there will be no room for you. You are really seeking more happiness.

Then, does Jiang Feng care, does he care, or what is the situation!

He doesn't care, and he doesn't care, such a virtue as he likes.

Hmm, that's so irritating.

"You wait!"

The other party realized that there were only three or five kittens among them, so it should not threaten Jiang Feng in the slightest. The strength of this dog thing is there, and it is very strong.

The three or five are not a threat, but what about the thirteen or five? Thirty or fifty?

Do not believe that it is impossible to threaten the other party.

It must be to threaten the other party.

Time flies, and I don't know how long it has passed.

No, the figures one by one came to the scene!

But even if the other party's people gathered more and more, Jiang Feng's side seemed to not regard the other party as one thing at all.

It seems that he has never put the other 180 people in his eyes, and still stands in the same place so indifferently, really, just such a virtue, just looking at it makes people angry.

This **** who was bullied by Jiang Feng has already thought about it, he really wants to communicate with Jiang Feng, he can't go on like this, no!

He must fight this guy to the end. With so many people backing him, he will definitely not be afraid of each other.

Will not.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jiang Feng looked at the other party and asked.

"What can I do if I don't do anything? I look like I don't do anything!"

"Oh, then you go away, I don't want to see you, you are ugly, you are really too ugly, um, you are not attractive at all! Can't you have plastic surgery? Make it more festive? "

"You, are you saying I'm ugly?"

"Then you are not good-looking, who are you being deceived by, who said you are good-looking, right? You go on being so self-righteous, really, it's not a thing, ugly is ugly, we must be Respect the facts, you idiots!"

Jiang Feng said to the other party.

It goes back and forth, endlessly, it keeps saying that people are ugly, it keeps insulting others, it's insulting, it's so happy, it's so special on the road of death. It's getting farther and farther to the end.


The other party glanced at these little friends, could it be that he just looked at this person and insulted him?

If this goes on, this is impossible to bear, he will lose his mind.

Whoosh whoosh!

Everyone is out.

Since it was the little friend who looked at everyone like this, it was impossible for everyone to pretend that they didn't understand. Of course, they rushed towards Jiang Feng like this.

It was at this very moment that the reinforcements came.

When the other party came, he set up a jammer. No, when Jiang Feng came forward, he was also calling people.

In this terrifying situation, he procrastinated, and if he procrastinated like this, no, this little friend is here.

These are all the people in the company's security department. At this moment, these people have surrounded this place like this, so I ask you if there is such a possibility to move a little bit?

No, not at all.

If it goes on like this, it gives people the feeling that the head hurts.

This, this is not a situation where people can be happy.

Now, everyone is surrounded by Jiang Feng, and everyone is surrounded by Jiang Feng's friends.

If this stalemate continues, it is impossible for everyone to have good fruit to eat, this is a sure thing.

Well, that's what it takes to do something serious.

It can't go on like this, really.

and then?

So, this is how long it has been in the past.

No, these few people are still ready to take down Jiang Feng first.

"Shoot, play freely!"

Jiang Feng shouted.

Since it was the other person who made the first move, it was impossible for me to continue to sit idly by and indulge it. If you do it, I will do it. It's such a simple matter.

Then, it was like this.

And then, that is to play evenly, not evenly!

In the end, this is such a way of playing that it is impossible to tell the outcome of life and death.

No, this is based on the situation at the moment, so the confrontation has to continue. As for these people who are trying to plot against this Jiang Feng, they are thinking too much.

At first, I thought that people are more powerful, and plotting Jiang Feng is just like having fun.

However, it is only now that I found out that this, is this a matter of how many people are powerful?

Is this the same kind of fun?

This is death, it is a matter of death.

If you are willing to die, people are also willing to give you a ride.

This is definitely not for you to have good fruit to eat.

In this way, these few people have changed from plotting to one-sided beatings. In this way, this is the rhythm of being beaten to the point of crying.

These people's brains are hurting.

These people really wanted to let Jiang Feng die.

and then?

Then what's so special is that he didn't succeed, not to mention that he was still in such a situation where he was beaten on one side, and his brain was really hurting like this.

"You, you ****, I want you to die!"

This man pulled a knife out of his body in an instant, and then, at this moment, he launched an attack, and at this moment, he had to cut your body. to pierce.

It's piercing.

Knife, that's what I swore to come.

After coming here, this Jiang Feng stretched out his hand, two fingers, hey, once he clamped it like this, it took only a few minutes to control the opponent's knife so tightly in his palm, just follow him. It's the same as making fun of it, it's not difficult at all.

This is a start!

Then, this is the second time, the third time, the fourth time, the fifth time!

The opponent's attacks were all unsuccessful.

Without the knife, the opponent can attack with the elbow and the kneecap.

At such a time, you must seize the opportunity to hit you.

What I didn't expect is that people are such a smart person. Your attack, people can see the trajectory, and they can enter the avoidance mode after seeing it, and it will not give you the possibility of hitting.

If this doesn't drive you crazy, then it's impossible.

There is no hope at this rate.

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