Seeing that just by revealing his identity, the direction of the wind was reversed in an instant, and Zhou Xiong was so frightened that he stepped forward to frame himself, Chu Tian sneered in his heart.

;;'A bunch of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong! ’

;;Despite this, Chu Tian still did not intend to give up.

;;These people are just afraid of his identity. The suspicion that he sent Mr. Peng fake goods has not been cleared yet!

;;Chu Tian looked at Zhou Xiong coldly and said: "You swore that what I gave Mr. Peng was a fake. Do you have any evidence? Just because you saw me buying it for fifty yuan at a street stall, that's the reason , but it proves nothing.”

;;'Here he is, is he still unwilling to let me go? ’

;;Zhou Xiong's heart was filled with despair. He opened his eyes and said tremblingly: "Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu Chu's family master, I, I, I, I was wrong. I was just talking nonsense. How could you possibly be able to give me leave?" It’s just my eyesight that’s wrong. That jade Buddha of yours must be real...”

;;Good guy, Zhou Xiong was frightened to the point of stuttering at level 8. Hearing this, he said something against his will under pressure.

;;He still didn't believe that the Jade Buddha was real.

;;Seeing that Zhou Xiong had been frightened out of his wits, Chu Tian felt contempt in his heart and no longer had the intention to continue arguing with Zhou Xiong. He turned to look at Mr. Peng and said:

;;"Mr. Peng, can you lend me the Jade Buddha for a moment?"

;;Although some of these people dared to accuse him due to his status, they did not dare to do so in front of him. After the banquet was over, they might gossip about him and say bad things about him behind his back.

;;He must prove to everyone that the Emerald Buddha is real. Only in this way can they stop their mouths.

;;"That's...ok." Mr. Peng hesitated for a moment, looked at Zhou Xiong with some pity, and nodded in agreement.

;;Seeing Chutian's confident look, Mr. Peng knew that the Jade Buddha must be a genuine product, otherwise Chutian would not let him show it out in public for verification.

;;It’s just that Zhou Xiong was pitiful, he didn’t know clearly and just said that what Chu Tian sent was a fake.

;;This is probably going to be bad luck.

;;After taking over the Jade Buddha from Peng Qingsong, Chutian conducted an appraisal on the spot in front of everyone.

;;He is a disciple of the Hidden World Tianji Sect. He has learned a lot of miscellaneous knowledge and is also familiar with Feng Shui metaphysics. He is naturally no stranger to jade.

;;Even if he can't tell the origin and age of the Jade Buddha, he can still identify the authenticity of the jade.

;;The jade Buddha, which is slightly larger than a palm, aside from its historical value, the value of the jade itself is not a small sum of money.

;;After Mr. Peng and several antique lovers at the venue carefully viewed the Jade Buddha, they also agreed with Chutian's words.

;;The origin of the Jade Buddha remains to be studied, but the jade is not gone, and it is definitely not plastic anyway.

;; With the approval of Mr. Peng and several antique lovers, the onlookers were greatly surprised.

;;It turns out it’s not a fake, it’s real!

;;There are even a few people who are jealous. They spent fifty yuan to pick up such a big leak. How come they have never encountered such a good thing?

;;Well, I will also go to the antique market tomorrow.

;;In this wave, Chutian directly pushed the value to the max, making everyone's faces burn.

;;Even Zhou Xiong temporarily forgot his fear and was extremely shocked!

;;The clown is me? !

;;After explaining, Chutian returned the Jade Buddha to Peng Qingsong. …

;;Mr. Peng was also overjoyed. Needless to say, the value of the Jade Buddha, once the provenance is found out, if it has any special significance, the value will be even higher.

;;But he doesn't care about the price, he just simply likes this kind of object.

;;This time, Chu Tian undoubtedly became the new target of everyone's pursuit, and a group of profit-seeking businessmen stepped forward to flatter him.

;;The miracle doctor is impatient to pay attention to us, so we shouldn't bother others, and we won't gain much benefit.

;;If we can cooperate with the Chu family, there will be great benefits!

;;This opportunity must be seized.

;;This has never happened before

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