The Wandering Planet

Chapter 377 Planetary Engine, Ignite!

After being licked hard by Ghroth's tongue, in addition to leaving an obvious scar on the Eurasian continent, it also led to another result.

That is, the rotation of the earth was suddenly sped up a bit, so that what was facing Gheros now turned into the middle of the Pacific Ocean, instead of Hong Kong where Qiao Li was before.

Gehros turned the earth like a tray on a dining table, and placed what it wanted to eat in front of him.

And this place is naturally the Hawaiian Islands where the planetary engine is located.

Destroying this place is the biggest purpose for it to come to the solar system in person, so it is only natural that it would want to remove this thorn in its side with its own hands.

As for the countless cities that were destroyed before, it was just the result of it turning the big pallet of the earth by the way!

Human beings are not worthy of its attention at all. The only thing that can be seen in the eyes of Geheros is the planetary engine on the island of Hawaii.

It sticks out its tongue again and plunges deep into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, this time to stop the Earth from spinning.

In front of Gheros, the entire Pacific Ocean is like a small water beach, which can be licked to the bottom with a light tongue, and a little force will slow down the rotation of the earth again, so that the island of Hawaii is completely under its nose .

Seeing this scene, Qiao Lv also understood what it wanted to do.

Sure enough, the planetary engine is the first goal of Gheros from the beginning to the end, and the first step to come to the earth is to completely destroy it!

Gehros raised its tongue high, and re-aligned it in the direction of Hawaii Island, like a sword of Damocles hanging on the planetary engine, ready to press it down fiercely, bringing the planetary engine together with the entire The islands of Hawaii are crushed together into powder!

The huge shadow cast by the tongue has already covered the entire island of Hawaii, and the tip of Geheros' tongue penetrated the atmosphere again, like an inverted mountain, gradually pressing down towards the planetary engine fortress!

As if he wanted to lick the jam off the bread, Gherlos ate the best part first, and then slowly cooked the rest.

For it, human beings and even the whole earth are meat on the cutting board, which can be slaughtered by it.

However, this contemptuous idea was immediately ruthlessly broken by the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force.

Facing the huge tongue of Gheros, the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force was completely unmoved, and everyone still stuck to their posts, waiting for the arrival of new orders.

The light prism tower on the top of the planetary engine fortress has been retracted, replaced by the original planetary engine nozzle, aiming at the huge tongue wriggling among the clouds like a cannon ready to go.

In the command room, Zhang Zhezhong calmly waited for the opportunity to issue the ignition order. This time they not only repelled Gheros' attack, but also taught it a painful lesson!

Human beings are not the ones it can wantonly ravage!

When Gehros' tongue finally approached within three kilometers of the planetary engine, Zhang Zhezhong resolutely and decisively ordered:

"Planetary engine, ignite!"

A huge beam of plasma light erupted from the nozzle of the planetary engine,

Like a god-slaying sword raised by a human being, it rushed to Gehros' tongue!

The scorching beam of light washed over the surface of the tongue in an instant, and a big hole was burned on the tip of Gehros' tongue, and huge blisters appeared around it, and the entire tip of the tongue was burnt out of shape.

At this moment, people all over the world who were affected by the sound of celestial bodies heard a heart-piercing scream. There is no doubt that this is the reaction after Gehros' tongue was severely injured.

This feeling is like suddenly licking a lit lighter, and even Gehros couldn't bear the severe pain of being directly burned by the plasma light beam ejected from the planetary engine.

It must be known that the beam of light emitted by the planetary engine has the highest temperature, but it can reach a temperature of tens of millions of degrees similar to that of the core of the sun.

And unlike the short-lived high temperature produced when a nuclear bomb explodes, the ultra-high temperature of the plasma beam is continuous. As long as Gheros does not retract his tongue, the planetary engine can burn until its tongue is completely cooked.

Gehros' tongue naturally retracted at an unprecedented speed. Although the tongue is not its key point, who can withstand being burned like this?

At this moment, it also noticed a blue beam of light emerging from the surface of the earth. This beam of plasma light, like a ray of blue flame, can be clearly seen even in the universe, and it is no longer a thing even for Gehros. Objects that can be completely ignored.

Gehros didn't expect humans to hide such a weapon at all, making it suffer a lot if they were not careful.

But to say that the most surprised people are the desperate people on the earth.

They had already given up struggling when they watched Gehros play with the earth recklessly with their tongues, and they didn't expect human beings to make the slightest resistance under this planet-level monster.

However, when the dazzling blue beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky and miraculously repelled Gheros' tongue, they were all stunned, dumbfounded at this moment, unable to believe what they saw.

At this time, people in the entire Pacific Rim region only need to glance in the direction of the Pacific Ocean, and they can see a hazy light, which is blue and has no shape, appearing very uniformly in the night sky ahead filled with impact dust.

That is the light of the planetary engine!

For a while, people couldn't understand what it was and why it could repel Gheros' terrifying tongue.

But at this moment they all realized that someone is still resisting and has achieved results.

The scream of Geheros is the best proof!

"What the hell is this?"

"Is it a laser weapon secretly developed by a certain country?"

"It's amazing, it knocked back the tongue of that planet!"

"This is a miracle! Everyone kneel down!"


For a while, many people worshiped in the direction of the beam of light of the planetary engine just like the Wall of Life at the beginning. The same thing.

The staff of the Broken Dome base couldn't help but want to kneel when they saw this scene, but Qiao Li stopped them and said:

"Stop kneeling, that's not a miracle, but a miracle created by human beings."

They immediately remembered that Qiao Li came from the Hawaiian island where the beam of light appeared, and hurriedly asked him, "What is that?"

Qiao Lv looked at the blue fire that illuminated the night sky like a lighthouse in the distance, and said with a mysterious smile:


As the planetary engine ignites the spark of resistance, it is time for human beings to officially start to fight back!

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