The Wandering Planet

Chapter 309 Harvest of Cooperation

In an empty training ground area, Genji and Tracer stood facing each other, as if waiting for a duel in the west at noon, each with their hands on their weapons.

"Ready, Tracer?"

"Anytime, dear."

After a brief greeting, Genji took the lead in launching the attack. Three specially-made shurikens popped out of his prosthetic hand, slipped between his fingers and caught them, and flung them towards Tracer!

The three shurikens formed a straight line in the air, their trajectories were straighter than bullets, and they roared towards Tracer almost in no particular order.

Tracer also pulled out her pulse guns at this moment, and the time control device on her chest began to emit a dazzling light.

Her figure disappeared in the air in an instant, and the three deadly shurikens just passed through the afterimage left by her, as if her time had suddenly leapt, and Tracer could no longer be caught. figure.

In an instant, Tracer appeared beside Genji, pulled the triggers of the two pulse submachine guns in his hands, and poured a large cloud of pulse bullets towards Genji.

Genji reacted in an instant, pulled out the wakizashi around his waist, and swung it at an incredible frequency at high speed.

In an instant, the sword, light and sword shadow covered his whole body, like an impenetrable wall, receiving all the bullets from Tracer head-on.

With just such a short knife, Genji blocked all the pulse bullets fired at him, and even bounced them back, giving them back to Tracer himself.

Genji's skills may have reached the point of "wielding a knife in the rain without dripping water", and even went a step further to be able to bounce back the shot bullets, which can only be described as terrifying.

Tracer did not know when to return to the original position. While avoiding the bullets that bounced back from Genji, even the pulse guns that were obviously empty of magazines were reloaded somehow, and launched an attack on Genji again. .

The contest between the two of them is simply a fight between gods. The movements that are too fast to catch and the lightning-like exchanges of offense and defense are really overwhelming.

Qiao Lv also relied on the reaction speed given by unlocking the gene lock to see their movements clearly, while the researchers on the side could only rely on high-speed cameras to analyze frame by frame.

"The transformation the two of them have undergone is really incredible." Zhang Bin, the dean of the Central Academy of Sciences who was present, commented, "It's a pity that both of them are accidental products and cannot be perfectly copied to other people."

Because of a teleportation experiment accident, Tracer's molecules could not be synchronized with the time flow, and he became a ghost on the timeline. He could only rely on the device on his chest to maintain stability.

Genji went through a series of expensive mechanized operations when he was dying, several of which were high-risk operations with a success rate of less than 30%. It can be said that he survived miraculously and became the mechanical ninja he is today.

And their strength is not without price, as long as Tracer loses the device on his chest, he will be involved in the turbulent flow of time, and Genji's mechanical body also brought him great mental torture.

It can't even do stability control, let alone copy.

It's just that scientists have not gained nothing from them. Tracer's pulse bomb, Genji's Wakizashi and Dragon Sword,

The manufacturing techniques of these weapons have been mastered by the wandering earth, and they are trying to improve them and put them into practical application.

Seeing the two people fighting with real guns and bright swords in the training ground, Qiao Lu couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Is this okay?"

Winston on the side waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, they will take care of themselves. Besides, there are angels here, so there will be no problem."

Now Winston is very used to working with scientists wandering the earth. As Qiao Li promised, scholars from the Central Academy of Sciences helped him transform his improved Tesla cannon into a model capable of firing ball lightning.

In return, Winston provided the Wandering Earth with all the information on the barrier generator, and personally explained the various difficulties of the technology.

So with the concerted efforts of the two parties, this technology was quickly perfected, and a larger-scale shield barrier was successfully created, enough to cover the entire front-line base of the Antarctic Expeditionary Force.

On the other hand, the wandering geobiologists represented by Zhao Hailun also learned extremely superb nano-medicine technology from the angel.

The Valkyrie combat uniform worn by the angel is a set of advanced medical equipment, which can emit a specific beam of light through the matching light rod to transport the nano-robots in the combat uniform into the target body.

Under normal circumstances, these nano-robots are used to repair wounds. Under special circumstances, they can also inject hormones to strengthen the target's combat capabilities. It can be said to be a set of multi-purpose auxiliary combat uniforms.

Of course, the most powerful function is the battlefield first aid ability that can almost bring people back to life, known as the immortal hero.

In fact, the secret of this trick is to guide a large number of nano-robots into the target body, instead of slowly repairing it, it will directly replace the function of the damaged organ!

It can be said that as long as there is still a breath, and the Valkyrie battle suit has enough nano-robots, no matter how many injuries it has, it can be repaired instantly, so it is a technology that almost brings people back to life.

Of course, if it is already in a state of brain death, it will never be saved.

In any case, unlike the physical modifications Genji and Tracer received, the Valkyrie battle suit is just a battle suit.

After being taught by the angel, Wandering Earth quickly mastered the technology of making this combat uniform.

In the future, the tasks of field medical treatment will be undertaken more by medical soldiers wearing this kind of Valkyrie combat uniform. Even on the battlefield, they can immediately complete difficult first aid, which must greatly reduce the casualty rate of soldiers.

Finally, from Reinhardt, the engineers also successfully obtained the manufacturing drawings of the Crusader armor and MEKA armor.

It's a pity that unlike Tracer's equipment, which was provided by Winston, Genji's transformation was mainly done by Angels, and Reinhardt's equipment was provided by the state, and they themselves didn't know much about the principles of this aspect.

This has led to the individual energy shield of the Crusader armor and the defense matrix technology of the MEKE armor, which have not been completely cracked by the Wandering Earth so far, and there is only one physical object for study.

Although Qiao Lv still wanted to get more useful things from them, it was a pity that time was running out. Zenyatta sent a distress signal, and it seemed that the enemies around the Nepal Sanctuary were about to move.

After a week of rectification at the frontline base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, the Overwatch team is ready to set off again, heading to the Nepal Sanctuary to prevent the Sky Eye from completing God's plan.

This is the first mission of the reborn Overwatch, and it may be the last mission.

If he wants to continue to obtain greater gains from this world, Qiao Lv must also prevent Tianyan from fulfilling God's plan!

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