The Wandering Planet

Chapter 317 Zhitong's True Face

"Are you also a member of Overwatch?" Soi Ying asked Qiao Li with great interest.

Qiao Lu replied coldly: "It's not important, tell me, what secret do you know about Zhitong?"

"It's really interesting, some of you are actually suspicious of Zhitong." Hei Ying said with more interest: "I thought Black Claw and Sky Eye made you do your best."

In fact, it was also because the attack from the Sky Eye and Black Claw outside was too fierce that Sombra had the opportunity to sneak in here.

Therefore, she took it for granted that no one had time to care about Zhitong's conspiracy.

Qiao Li just said simply and clearly: "They don't deserve it."

Soi Ying couldn't help being taken aback, she had never heard such outrageous words.

Black Claw is the largest terrorist organization in the world, and Sky Eye is a consortium of corporate chaebols that control the world's economy. Even the once glorious Overwatch is falling apart in the process of fighting against the two. Who else can say , They don't even deserve to let themselves go all out?

"I thought I was already outrageous enough, but I didn't expect you to be even more outrageous than me."

Hei Ying commented unceremoniously that she would not think that Qiao Lv really had such strength.

"You can think whatever you want." Qiao Li didn't intend to argue, "Let's talk about what you know."

"Well, since you and I are the same kind of person, I'll consider it a new friend."

Sombra used his hacking gloves to project a small screen into the air, on which an omnic was handing something like an energy core to a human.

From the screen, it looks like a secret deal, because the people in the photos are really dressed up sneakily.

It appears that the omnics are secretly imparting their power core technology to humans, though why they are doing so is unclear.

Heiying explained to Qiao Li: "The person in the photo is Katya Volskaya, the chairman of the Volskaya Industrial Group. She is currently fighting the second omnic crisis in Russia. She is a great figure in the eyes of the Russian people." Omnic crisis guardian'. But as you can see, the core technology she uses is obtained from omnic. Use the technology provided by omnic to fight against omnic crisis,

Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

"So what?" Qiao Lu remained unmoved, "Maybe she is just learning from the barbarians to control the barbarians."

Soi Ying smiled lightly and said, "That's right, so the point I want to talk about is not her, but the omnic. Why does it teach technology to humans? And, it's not just to one person."

She gently pulled the screen, and countless photos were immediately arranged, and each photo was a similar scene-omnics secretly handing over their energy core technology to humans, including the doomsday of the leader Talon iron fist.

"Thanks to their promotion, almost all the large military industrial groups in the world are using this technology. After all, everyone else is using it. If you don't want to be eliminated, you can only follow suit. Some people don’t know about it yet.”

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Qiao Lv also gradually realized the problem, what Zhitong was playing was really a big game of chess.

Black Shadow said bluntly: "You are right, these omnics are sent by Zhitong. Can you imagine a religion that advocates the peaceful coexistence of humans and omnics, and has been conducting military transactions with humans secretly. More To put it bluntly, is there any arms dealer who really wants world peace?"

"This is what you know, the truth about Zhitong?"

According to the information provided by Heiying, Qiao Lv further learned the truth about Zhitong.

However, Zhitong is not as simple as an arms dealer. If it really just wants to gain some benefits by providing energy core technology for human beings, it doesn't need to spend so much trouble at all.

Perhaps what Zhitong needs is not trading at all, but communication. As long as the human military industry must rely on the technology provided by omnic, then its purpose will be achieved.

Combined with the facts known before, now Qiao Lv finally gradually figured out the true face of Zhitong!

From the beginning, everything was directed and acted by Zhitong. It was the one who initiated the two omnic crises, and it was the one who called for peace between humans and omnics.

On the one hand, Zhitong needs to create friction to force humans to pursue more powerful military technology, so that it can take advantage of the opportunity to provide energy core technology to military enterprises and produce large-scale mechs to fight against Volskaya of the Second Omnic Crisis Industrial conglomerates are a good example.

On the other hand, Zhitong can't make humans and omnics really fight to the death, and it will take at least ten years to complete its penetration into the human military industry. If humans and omnics had already decided the outcome during this period, then this plan would be meaningless.

That's why it needs a religion to maintain the overall peace between humans and omnics, and make humans believe that the current frictions are temporary, and humans and omnics can eventually coexist equally and harmoniously. However, this is the biggest lie of Zhitong!

In the future, humans and omnics may really be able to coexist peacefully, but that is the turn of omnics to rule mankind.

From this point of view, all the forces that are now acting, whether it is Black Claw, Sky Eye, or Overwatch, have become the targets of Zhitong's use.

Black Claw has become a scapegoat for causing friction; Sky Eye is the main infiltration target of Zhitong; Overwatch has become a tool to avoid the outbreak of a full-scale war between humans and omnics. Until now, they are still fighting for the lies of peace without knowing it!

The so-called God's plan is probably just a bait to lure the eye of the sky. Because from the very beginning, all omnics were under Zhitong's control.

Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to seize control of all omnics with just a few super AIs?

I'm afraid even those super AIs are just a part of Zhitong.

Under the temptation to control all omnics, Tianyan is willing to be used by Zhitong.

Presumably they are now attacking the sanctuary in Nepal, and even finally took away the sacred objects on the altar, all of which are in Zhitong's calculations.

It's just a play to make them believe that they can really take everything away from Zhitong and pretend that they can't do anything about it.

If it wasn't for the unexpected intervention of the Wandering Earth, I'm afraid that today's eyes have taken away the sacred objects on the altar and successfully completed God's plan.

Since they think they can control all the omnics, they will use the energy core technology provided by the omnics even more recklessly. For Zhitong, this is exactly what they want!

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