The Wandering Planet

Chapter 323 Artificial Volcanic Cannon

A huge jet of plasma poured down from the Wannian Fuxue like a waterfall, blasting towards Zenyatta suspended in mid-air.

Zenyatta still wants to rely on the golden light of the body to resist stubbornly, but compared with the huge plasma beam fired by the main gun of the Wannian Fengxue, the golden light surrounding it is so insignificant.

It's like a little bit of firefly light, instantly engulfed by the blue plasma flow like a galaxy cascading down, and it can't even make a wave.

"What is this power—"

The golden light protecting Zenyatta's body was eroded away in a blink of an eye, and the hot plasma flow directly washed over its body, making its mechanical body melt away like dry ice in the blue light, without even leaving a trace.

After easily passing through Zenyatta's body in mid-air, the plasma beam fired from the main cannon of the Wannian Fengxue continued to fly down to the Nepal Sanctuary, destroying the birthplace of the Zhitong Sect.

The entire sanctuary was covered by the blue plasma jet, the metal was melted into molten iron in an instant and then evaporated, the carbon was instantly burned into coke and then turned into ashes, and the remaining sand gradually condensed into glass, The Nepalese sanctuary was burned to the ground in an instant, not even a basic shape remained.

However, this is not the full power of the Wannian Fengxue main gun. After melting the entire Nepal sanctuary in one breath, the huge plasma jet continued to pour into the mountain along the ground of the sanctuary, pouring all the remaining energy into the mountain. internal.

I saw that the original location of the Nepal sanctuary suddenly sank, as easily as plasticine being poked in by a finger.

All the people near the sanctuary felt the ground under their feet was suddenly hot, and there was a vibration as if a volcano was about to erupt. It can't help but make people wonder whether this plasma cannon penetrated the entire mountain and turned it into hot magma, achieving the great achievement of man-made volcanoes.

Such a terrifying power to change the landscape is really staggering.

Symmetra Setia hastily opened a giant photon barrier to block the heat wave from the shelling point for her troops.

However, this alone almost made her photon barrier almost unsupportable. If she was hit directly, this layer of photon barrier would not be any better than a piece of paper.

The firepower of the Wannian Fengxue's main gun was beyond everyone's imagination.

Just like the main naval gun of the Ark,

The main gun of the Wannian Fengxue is also mainly anti-ship, so its distinctive feature is that although the range of damage is not as large as that of weapons such as nuclear bombs, it is absolutely unparalleled in terms of penetration, whether it is against energy shields or As far as the hull armor is concerned, they all have extremely powerful destructive power.

When the huge plasma jet finally gradually dissipated, there was only a bottomless hole left where the sanctuary was originally located, extending all the way to the depths of the mountain.

The inside was still billowing with thick smoke like a crater, and no one really dared to look close to it, and there was no need to suspect what was going on at the bottom, it must be full of hot liquid.

Such unreasonable destructive power is indeed speechless.

Qiao Lv, who had just left the Nepal sanctuary with the shadow and Genji, looked at the traces left by the main gun of the Wannian Fengxue in mid-air and said:

"Did you really design the main gun according to the standards of frigates? No matter how you look at it, this doesn't look like the firepower that frigates should have!"

Generally speaking, frigates are not the main force of the space fleet. Such a terrifying main gun power is really a bit unusual.

Hearing what Qiao Li said, Levsenko replied with some embarrassment:

"Actually, in the initial stage of design, we really preferred medium-caliber main guns with fast firing rate and high precision. However, the people in the Ministry of Military Affairs insisted that if there is not enough firepower, it is impossible to survive in this dangerous universe. Therefore In the end, the strategy of small boats resisting cannons was adopted, and the Wannian Fengxue was equipped with powerful main cannons to the maximum extent."

It is true that such a main gun may be enough to pose a threat to cruiser-level starships, but the price is low rate of fire and high energy consumption, which is indeed a luxury for a frigate.

It's just that Wandering Earth is still in the initial stage of exploring the design and construction of interstellar warships. It has not even experienced real space fleet operations. It can be said that it is extremely inexperienced in how to design starships. Right or wrong.

After all, what currently exists is just a theoretical fantasy. If you want to verify the truth, you still need to gradually accumulate practical experience in the follow-up.

At least for now, the deterrent effect of this main gun is quite good.

In fact, it is more than good, the troops of Sky Eye and Black Claw located near the sanctuary in Nepal have been frightened to the point of losing their will to fight.

No one dares to test what it would be like to be hit by such a starship's main gun, because the Zenyatta was completely wiped out from the last hit, and even if there is anything left, I am afraid it has already become the starship. Part of an artificial volcano.

But to be honest, the efficiency of using this kind of naval gun to bomb ground troops is not higher. Although the destructive power on the vertical plane is great, even enough to penetrate the entire mountain, it is not very wide in the horizontal killing area. , otherwise these people would not be able to survive.

Therefore, the Wannian Fengxue would not really waste its main guns on ground bombing. It would be better to just drop an antimatter nuclear bomb, which would consume less antimatter.

If it weren't for the mentality of testing the actual combat power of the main gun at the same time, I am afraid that the Nepal Sanctuary would not be worth the trouble of using the main gun by the Wannian Fengxue.

Levsenko also said with a little regret: "It's a pity that it doesn't have much practical significance."

Indeed, neither the Zenyatta nor the Nepal Sanctuary can be solved without the use of interstellar battleships.

At this moment, the black shadow who came out with Qiao Lv suddenly interjected: "Wait a minute, it's not over yet, there is one last thing that can only be done with a starship!"

Levsenko didn't know the identity of Sombra, so he naturally asked Qiao Lv, "Who is this?"

"Her name is Heiying, and she is a hacker on our side." Qiao Lu explained to Levsenko, "I will bring her here now, and there is a wounded person on my side who needs help. Liu Peiqiang and the others will come back. Yet?"

Levsenko replied: "The carrier-based plane we sent has received them."

"Very well, the next step is the last step!"

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