The Wandering Planet

Chapter 337 New Mission

Navigator Qiao Li, you and your planet have a new main mission: Capture the Artifact

Mission brief:

The ancient race from the void, the Sarnaga, created two races in this universe, one is the Zerg with pure essence, adaptability and strong body, and the other is pure spirit, with a huge soul Protoss with potential.

But they left more than that, and many mysterious legacies. Among them is the artifact called the keystone, which has a huge energy that can destroy the life of an entire planet, and of course can help the wandering earth continue to travel to the next plane.

However, now the keystone is scattered into five pieces, scattered in this universe, waiting for the race that can reassemble it.

The Zerg will definitely not let go of this artifact, and some protoss also regard it as a precious legacy, and at the same time, human troops are also running around for it.

To become the final winner, you must defeat countless powerful enemies. The war is about to begin, are you ready?

Mission objective: Collect all five keystone fragments (0/5) and ensure that they are fully charged on the Wandering Earth

Mission Reward: 14000 Civilization Points, Stargate

"Good luck, navigator."

Just as Qiao Li originally thought, this mission is no longer limited to the interior of a galaxy, let alone a planet, but the entire star region!

Five keystone fragments, and the three forces of Zerg, Protoss, and Human are all fighting for it. The battlefield has suddenly expanded to the scope of the universe, and it is no longer a small fight in a galaxy.

Qiao Lv had to be thankful that the Wandering Earth happened to be building a fleet capable of expeditions into space, otherwise this mission would not have been completed at all.

But even so, to take away all the keystone fragments under the melee of the Zerg, Protoss, and Human forces is undoubtedly tantamount to snatching food from the mouth of a tiger.

These enemies may come to the door to settle accounts every minute, and then they will burn the flames of war on the wandering earth again.

That's not a problem that can be solved by how many people die. Destroying the population of an entire planet in StarCraft is really not a big deal.

Whether it is glass burned by the protoss,

Or being covered with creep by the Zerg, or even just a human fusion strike, it is possible to completely wipe out billions of people on the wandering earth.

In such a dangerous universe, the wandering earth is inherently difficult to protect itself, and now it has to complete the task of collecting the keystone fragments. Is this possible?

Don't say that the war is about to start, now on the wandering earth, the war has already begun!

At this time, more airdrop capsules of the Zerg entered the earth's atmosphere. These giant sarcoids with tentacles were the vehicles used by the Zerg to land troops on the planet.

Generally speaking, the airdrop sacs will cooperate with the Hive Fleet to launch an attack on the planet, but now it seems that these sacs are just like space mines distributed on the periphery of the galaxy, waiting for the prey to come and throw them into the net.

This move was originally supposed to be used against the space fleet. Whether it was a human or protoss fleet, once these ambushed insect sacs rushed onto the battleship, it would be inevitable to fight a fierce hand-to-hand combat.

Even if they win in the end, the strength of the fleet will be greatly reduced due to the loss of crew members. Anyway, for the Zerg, troops are simply consumables. As long as the fleet of humans and Protoss can be weakened, the purpose of deploying these insect sacs will be achieved.

It's just that it's not a fleet that encounters them now, but the mobile planet Wandering Earth!

As more and more airdrop sacs fell, the springtails and hydralisks that crawled out of the pits quickly assembled a huge swarm, raging everywhere in the surface city.

Following the springtails and hydralisks, the queens with huge abdomens and large alienated egg-laying organs also began to lay creeps and produce eggs, further expanding the army of the swarm.

A large piece of disgusting purple creep like sticky flesh began to spread on the surface, and wherever it went, not a single blade of grass grew. These creeps further enhanced the movement speed and recovery ability of the swarm, and the places infected with the creeps were almost equivalent to becoming the territory of the incoming Zerg.

The ground defense force of the wandering earth also immediately acted, and cooperated with more heavy firepower troops to suppress this bug swarm.

Countless pulse bullets and spiral missiles roared into the insect swarm, and the violent artillery fire turned a large number of springtails into fly ash, or they were smashed to pieces in the hail of bullets, perfectly serving as cannon fodder.

However, while the springtails were attracting firepower, the Hydralisk behind them also began to fire round after round of venomous spines, pouring down like raindrops.

The heavily armored soldiers in Crusader armor immediately stepped forward to open the barrier force field, relying on the huge energy shield to cover the output of rear firepower.

Although the Hydralisk's venomous spines have strong penetrating power, it usually takes more than a dozen shots to break the shield when facing the Crusader's barrier force field.

This gave the Wandering Earth troops enough time to output, and the soldiers holding the "Widowmaker's Kiss" multifunctional sniper rifle immediately took this opportunity to shoot the Hydralisk in bursts, relying on the powerful rechargeable sniper bullets, A single shot can pierce the skull of a piercing snake.

At the same time, a group of flying troops wearing jet combat uniforms also arrived on the battlefield. They held clip-type rocket launchers and continuously dropped high-explosive missiles from the air to cover the ground troops against the attack of the Zerg.

When the Zerglings are too close to the line of defense, they will dive down from the air, quickly activate the turbo propeller, and continue to shoot out miniature missiles. A wave of rocket barrage turns the entire street into a sea of ​​flames, completely blocking the Zerglings death charge.

Just when the Wandering Earth troops were still able to block the swarm of insects outside the barrier force field, a large number of springtails suddenly lay down on the creeper, and their bodies mutated into a huge insect egg again, unknowingly hatching in it what.

A moment later, a group of Banelings with a poison sac full of acid, so bloated that they couldn't even walk normally emerged from the eggs, and quickly curled up and rolled forward on the creep.

Next, the group of Banelings continued to cooperate with a large number of Zerglings to charge towards the defense line of the Wandering Earth Army, almost relying on the bodies of countless Zerglings to block the bullets, all the way approaching the Wandering Earth's defense line.

When they approached the barrier force field raised by the crusaders, they instantly detonated the poison sacs in their bodies, splashing a large amount of strong acid onto the energy shield in one go.

This self-explosive acid had an amazing effect. The surrounding energy shields were quickly shattered under the corrosion of the acid, and then the Hydralisk concentrated its firepower to shoot the stinger through this gap, and dozens of people were killed in an instant. Soldiers were hit by spines.

Their attack methods seem to be forever unpredictable, which is the most terrifying part of the swarm. No one knows how many species they have assimilated, and what kind of mutated creatures they can use to open up the situation.

For the tactics of the Zerg, the troops on the wandering earth still know little, but for how to tear apart the human line, the Zerg seems to have experienced many battles!

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