The Wandering Planet

Chapter 411 Fire Source Gloves

After confirming the function of the keystone, Qiao Lv felt relieved for the time being, at least the crisis on the Wandering Earth side was temporarily resolved.

"Is the investigation team going to Char ready?" Qiao Lu continued to ask.

Ding Yi nodded and replied: "The Wannian Fengxue is on standby at any time, just waiting for you to take the soul gem and set off."

After losing the Queen of Blades, the swarm fell into a leaderless situation. The worm mother left behind by the Queen of Blades was not enough to control the entire swarm, and would only split the swarm into multiple factions to fight on their own.

Now is a good opportunity to bring Zerg under his command, and Qiao Li certainly won't miss it.

"Well, let's start as soon as possible."

The surviving Zerg mothers should be frantically expanding their power, and trying to establish independent Zerg factions. When they are full-fledged, it will not be so easy to find unowned Zergs.

Qiao Li immediately entered the headquarters of the coalition government, preparing to take the Mind Stone to Char, trying to find a way to take over a worm nest, and let the wandering earth also intervene in this large-scale civil war to unify the worm swarm.

If the entire swarm can be controlled in the end, it will undoubtedly raise the fighting power of the Wandering Earth to a higher level!

For this reason, the coalition government has already made a plan. After defeating the Queen of Blades, it will immediately order the investigation team to go to Char, and prepare to try to use the power of the mind gem to control the swarm.

As the person with the highest psychic level on the Wandering Earth, Qiao Lv has no doubt become the best candidate to carry out this plan.

At the same time, Qiao Li is also the permanent council representative of the minority races on the wandering earth. From the perspective of the scope of duties, he should also be in charge of the Zerg accepted by the wandering earth as a new minority race.

So Qiao Lv took the fire seed source inlaid with two infinite gems, and took the Wannian Fengxue to the main hive planet of the Zerg - Char.

As always, Liu Peiqiang accompanied Qiao Lv as a member of the Wandering Earth investigation team, and he hadn't even had time to reunite with Liu Qi and Han Duoduo.

"Is this okay?" Qiao Lv asked him, "Liu Qi seems to have participated in the battle as a support staff, it would be better for you to go back and see him first."

"He is no longer a child who still needs to be taken care of." Liu Peiqiang replied:

"And I asked, he and Dodo are safe and sound."

Qiao Lu persuaded him: "Having experienced so many things, Liu Qi probably understands you a little bit. After this operation is over, let's have a good chat with him."

"Maybe." Liu Peiqiang sighed.

During the speech, the Wannian Fengxue had already crossed over the Char orbit. This is a red planet whose entire surface seems to be on fire. It is covered with erupting craters and magma flowing like rivers. It is simply a living hell.

However, a planet with such a harsh environment has now become the main nest of Zerg. The worm lanes cover 40% of the entire planet's surface. The orbital platforms left by human colonists in the past have also become the habitat of Zerg in planetary orbits. ground and hatching nests. starter

The harsh natural environment and a large number of insect nests make Char a veritable gate of hell in the human mouth, and usually there is no return.

It's just that the arrival of Qiao Lv and others this time did not receive a warm welcome from the insect swarm on Char. Only a few flying dragons flew near the Wannian Fengxue, but they were not interested in this human battleship.

Captain Levsenko couldn't help asking: "What's going on? Have they changed to vegetarian?"

Qiao Li replied: "Without the Queen of Blades,

Most of the zerg were out of control, and those probably were dragons that hadn't belonged to a certain worm mother, but now they were just wild animals. As long as we don't take the initiative to provoke it, they will not attack us so ignorantly. "

If it wasn't controlled by the hive mind, the flying dragon would not take the initiative to launch a suicide attack, which would completely violate biological instinct.

Now the worm mothers on Char are also caring about killing each other, and they have no time to care about the human frigate Wannian Fengxue. Qiao Lv and his party easily landed on Char, and began to search The worm nest controlled by the worm mother then became a new zerg force.

Through Wannian Fengxue's scanning above the orbit, Qiao Lv quickly locked on to a messy hive where most of the worker bees were not working normally.

Such a worm nest was obviously not controlled by any worm mother, so it could just serve as the starting point for Qiao Lv to control the worm swarm.

When Qiao Lv and his party came near the worm nest, the zerg inside still didn't respond, as if they were suddenly disconnected in the game, waiting for the player to reconnect. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer side:

It's just that these Zergs obviously can't wait for the Queen of Blades to come back and reconnect. Qiao Li will take over the Zerg base as their new master.

In the process of entering the insect nest, a member of the investigation team accidentally disturbed a springtail. This ferocious little guy immediately rushed up with claws and claws, and followed his instinct to attack the humans who disturbed it.

Liu Peiqiang immediately raised his gun to kill the springtail, but Qiao Lv stretched out his hand to stop him, and at the same time emitted a powerful wave of spiritual energy, staring at the springtail fiercely.

Sure enough, after feeling the unusual aura from Qiao Lv, the springtail stopped immediately, and did not dare to pounce on it. It just kept its distance like a watchdog, and let out a deep, threatening bark from a distance.

"It seems that they will be afraid too." Liu Peiqiang put down his gun and said.

Qiao Li corrected: "It's not fear, it's just a biological instinct implanted in their genes. Before receiving new orders, the Zerg will try to preserve itself as much as possible so that it can use its life in a more suitable place."

Now that it can be confirmed that the nest is not under the control of any insect mother, Qiao Lv can proceed to the next step.

He took out the fire source inlaid with two infinity gems, and used psionic power to suspend this Rubik's Cube-like mechanical cube in his palm, causing it to change shape like a Transformer.

In a blink of an eye, the source of fire transformed into a glove, which was gently placed on Qiao Lv's hand.

The mechanically deformed fire source is like a silver infinite glove. The space gem and the mind gem are inlaid on the glove, helping Qiao Lv to exert the power of these two infinite gems.

"Sure enough, it's more convenient to use like this."

Qiao Li put on the Fire Seed Source gloves and moved his fingers and said, since Tony in the final battle can use the steel suit material to make a substitute for the Infinity Gloves, then it is even easier for him to use the Fire Seed Source to transform into Infinity Gloves up.

Then, it's time to experiment with the power of the soul stone with this fire source glove!

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