The Wandering Planet

Chapter 603? Welcome to the New World

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Relying on the speed of light learning ability implanted in the crystal brain, Qiao Lv quickly learned various skills and knowledge, which greatly improved his adaptability.

Now he no longer has to worry about being inferior in skills, and can only rely on brute force to win.

And the crystal brain can still transmit data online at any time, which allows Qiao Lv to learn the skills he needs on the spot even if he is not prepared.

It can be said that his brain is connected to the entire knowledge base of Wandering Earth, as long as someone else knows it, Qiao Lv will never be troubled again.

Now Dr. Hansen's team is trying to find a way to burn more skill discs and make this technology more popular. Of course, it must first start with the army, and then reduce costs and invest in civilians.

Although there are various conveniences in implanting crystal brains, Dr. Hansen still reminded Qiao Lv

"I don't recommend that you implant too much knowledge into your brain at once. After all, the capacity of the human brain is still limited. If you rely on the crystal brain to learn without restraint, it is likely to cause side effects such as memory damage."

In fact, Qiao Lv was able to absorb so much knowledge at once, thanks to the many body modifications he had undergone, and the development of his brain domain was far beyond that of ordinary people. An ordinary person might have his brain burnt out.

"Okay, then you can learn the rest until you need to."

Qiao Li originally wanted to master all aspects of physics, astronomy, military affairs, politics, etc., and turn himself into an all-round genius. Hearing what Dr. Hansen said, he had to give up temporarily.

Sure enough, there is still no way for one person to replace everyone's thinking. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry, and Qiao Lv does not intend to allow himself to replace everyone's position.

What's more, in fact, it is impossible to do it. After acquiring the knowledge, it needs many times of practice to master it. He doesn't have the time to train every skill to this level.

Even if you are just playing games, it is not easy to master dozens of games at the same time.

For the time being, Qiao Li has learned the skills of fighting, firearms and swordsmanship, and then he needs to gradually become proficient through actual combat training so that he can use them in future battles.

As for the use of psionic skills, the high-ranking templar rescued from the Tadarim by the wandering earth did agree to share their knowledge.

The Central Academy of Sciences sent a team to communicate with them,

However, it may take some time to compile this knowledge into a program that can be learned through the crystal brain at the speed of light.

After mastering all the psionic moves of the high-level templar, Qiao Lv has no weakness in skills.

This has always been his biggest shortcoming, and he never expected it to be resolved in this way.

As the days passed in hyperspace, the machine civilization of the Matrix world gradually came to an end.

With billions of people leaving their matrix and returning to reality, and the Wandering Earth Fleet attacking in an all-round way, the machine civilization lost its last bargaining chip, and at the same time lost its ability to resist.

Even the Smith virus can't help wandering the earth, their failure is already doomed.

While annihilating the remaining army of machines, the Wandering Earth is also helping the human beings who have returned to reality from the matrix to rebuild their homes.

The big and small jacks on them may make people feel uncomfortable, but the modifications made to them by the mother's body do allow them to adapt to the environment faster.

The most important of these is the ability to learn at the same speed of light as Qiao Lv. They only need to be given corresponding programs to quickly cultivate them into talents in a certain aspect.

For example, the heavy-duty truck drivers on the wandering earth originally needed at least three years of training before they could go on the road, but as long as they read the driving program and a few hours of practical practice, they can reach the level of a junior driver, enough to drive on the road up.

This has allowed billions of people whose minds were still stuck in the 1990s to quickly adapt to today's technology and find a job to support themselves.

While helping these people rebuild their homes, the coalition government has also begun to manage the planet's environment.

The first thing to bear the brunt of course is the blackened sky. Without sunlight, the environment of this planet will never be restored.

Fortunately, the first racial trait that Qiao Lv chose at the beginning was to control nature, and now I don't know how many times it has come in handy.

Objectively speaking, Wandering Earth has also accumulated a wealth of experience in transforming the planetary environment. The symptoms this time are much better than those in the worst period of Wandering Earth.

Under the dispatch of the Wandering Earth Fleet, the dark clouds covering the sky were quickly dispelled, allowing the sun to illuminate the land again.

The genetically modified crop seeds quickly took root and germinated, giving this barren land a new green color.

This is just the beginning, but it is already very exciting.

Seeing the real sun and the newborn sprout again, it really makes people feel that this is the real life.

Same as transforming the environment, there is also the insane infrastructure capability of the wandering earth.

When the billions of people who were separated from the mother's womb were still extremely weak and needed a large number of hospital beds for rescue, the Wandering Earth showed that a comprehensive hospital of more than 100,000 square meters was built in seven days, or thousands of them. The infrastructural capacity of the construction has accommodated hundreds of millions of emergency patients and saved countless lives.

The same method is used to build temporary housing for them now. Countless high-rise buildings have risen from the ground to house people from simple tents.

When Qiao Lv left, billions of people were still homeless. When he came back less than half a month later, several cities had taken shape, and normal social operations had resumed to a certain extent.

The only inconvenient thing is that people who come here from the wandering earth need to wear a mask and do a good job of disinfection.

After all, people who have lived in the mother's womb for a long time have relatively low immunity, and viruses that have become accustomed to wandering on the earth may cause large-scale outbreaks here.

The lesson has been learned in the biochemical crisis plane, and the coalition government is much more cautious about it.

Through the coordination and control of the coalition government, everything is gradually returning to the right track. People who have left the matrix have found their place in reality and are rebuilding their homes step by step.

While dealing with the affairs here, the one-month period of the wandering earth in the hyperspace also passed quietly.

The Wandering Earth is about to usher in a brand new world, and judging from past experience, it will stay in this new world for half a year or even longer.

No one knows what will happen next, but there is always someone ready to deal with any crisis.

Amidst the tension and uneasiness, the Wandering Earth once again ushered in a new plane!

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