The Wandering Planet

Chapter 629 Dark Forest Law

Luo Ji was surprised by Qiao Lv's proposal, and asked suspiciously:

"Can it really be done?"

Qiao Li didn't answer him directly, but just showed a smile to the wall-facer, as a hint to Luo Ji's cooperation.

That's right, in fact, how to launch a gravitational wave broadcast, Qiao Li has not yet grasped.

The purpose of too many devices on the Ark has been lost in the long cybertron civil war. Even if gravitational waves can be emitted, the wandering earth does not know how to use it to broadcast throughout the universe.

But it doesn't matter, the Wandering Earth doesn't have all the technology of the Ark, and the Trisolaran civilization can't understand it either.

The Ark has just appeared in the solar system for a few days, is the Trisolaran civilization sure to find out all the details of Qiao Lv and the others?

So Qiao Lu didn't say these words to Luo Ji, but to Sophon who had been observing secretly.

I have the ultimate weapon in my hand that can destroy the Trisolaran civilization, do you believe it or not?

Also as a Wallfacer, when he saw Qiao Lv's expression, Luo Ji understood what he meant.

The origin of the Wall Facing Project stems from a very important point - Sophon doesn't understand people's hearts.

That's why the Three-Body Civilization needs to select wall-breakers in eto, and use these human traitors to help Sophon analyze the real strategic intentions of the wall-facers.

It's a pity that eto has been eliminated now, more precisely, it was abandoned by the three-body civilization.

So the only ones who can hear this conversation are the sophons who are always monitoring the earth, and a group of Trisolarans who have transparent thinking and don't understand any conspiracy.

By this time, language is no longer necessary and eyes can do all the communication.

Luo Ji finally nodded and said, "Understood, please let me go back and collect the materials, and I will transfer my work location to this ship immediately."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Dr. Luo Ji." Qiao Lu laughed.


After returning to Earth, Luo Ji's friend and bodyguard, Shi Qiang, also learned from him that the spell had taken effect.

This made him very curious, and couldn't help asking Luo Ji:

"How on earth did you make such a big star disappear, really with a spell?"

"You do not believe?"

"I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed."

"Okay then, let me tell you."

The two walked to the other side of the road. Here, the roadbed blocked the lights of the residential area, and it was pitch black. Luo Ji and Shi Qiang groped and sat on the sand.

"Let's get started." Luo Ji's voice sounded in the darkness.

"Speak in a simple way. My level of education is so complicated that I can't understand it."

"Don't worry, anyone can understand this."

Luo Ji began to narrate: "First of all, we must establish two axioms for the civilization of the universe: first, survival is the first need of civilization. Second, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged."

"Isn't this nonsense? Which civilization is not like this?" Shi Qiang said disapprovingly.

"You are wrong. The second axiom reveals a cruel fact. The total amount of matter in the universe is basically constant, but life grows exponentially! The exponent is the devil in mathematics. If there is a bacterium invisible to the naked eye in the sea,

Splitting every half an hour, its offspring could fill all of Earth's oceans in a matter of days, given enough nutrients. For example, according to the current speed of human navigation, the civilization of the earth can crowd the entire Milky Way in one million years. A million years is an extremely short time on the cosmic scale! "

Biological evolution often takes tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years. From the perspective of geological chronology, a million years is really too short, let alone put it on a grander cosmic scale.

Shi Qiang immediately reacted and asked: "You mean, the universe is already filled with life? Isn't that right? The universe looks empty, and apart from the Trisolaran civilization, there is no other alien life?"

"That's what we're going to say next, give me a cigarette."

Luo Ji groped for a long time before getting the cigarette from Shi Qiang's hand. When he heard Luo Ji speak again, Shi Qiang realized that he had already sat three or four meters away from him.

"We need to distance ourselves a bit. It feels more spacey," Luo Ji said.

Then, he twisted the filter part of the cigarette and lit the cigarette. At the same time, Shi Qiang also lit a cigarette.

In the darkness, the two little sparks faced each other far away.

"Okay, in order to explain the problem, now we need to build the most concise model of cosmic civilization: these two Mars represent two civilized planets, the entire universe is only composed of these two planets, nothing else, you take the surrounding Everything is deleted. How is it, have you found this feeling?"

"Well, it feels like it's easier to find in such a dark place."

"Now we call these two civilized worlds your civilization and my civilization respectively. The two worlds are far apart, let's say a hundred light-years. You detected my existence. But you don't know more details, and I don't know anything about it at all. know you exist."


"The following two concepts are defined: goodwill and malice among civilizations. Words such as goodness and evil are not rigorous in science, so their meanings need to be limited: goodwill means not actively attacking and destroying other civilizations, Malice is the opposite."

"Is this the lowest kindness?"

"You already know the existence of my civilization in the universe. Next, please consider what choice you have for me. Please note that in this process, the axiom of the civilization of the universe must always be kept in mind, and the environment and distance scale in space must also be considered at all times. "

"I choose to communicate with you?"

"If you do this, you pay attention to the price you pay: you expose your own existence."

Shi Qiang had already begun to understand a little bit, he extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and let the faint light of the fire disappear in the darkness.

"If you're malicious, I'm out of luck, right?"

Luo Ji further said: "Not only that, even if you don't take the initiative to expose, since you can detect my existence, I can certainly find you. From the perspective of technological development, this is only a matter of time."

"But I can take a risk to communicate with you. If you are malicious, then I am unlucky; if you are kind, then we can communicate further, and finally unite into a larger civilization of goodwill."

"It is possible on Earth, but not in the universe. Let's introduce an important concept: chain of suspicion."

Luo Ji said with a twist: "If you think I'm kind, it's not a reason for you to feel safe, because according to the first axiom, a civilization with good intentions can't assume other civilizations to be kind in advance, so, You still don't know how I think of you, you don't know whether I think you are kind or malicious; further, even if you know that I imagine you as kind, I also know that you imagine me as kind, but I I don't know what you think of me, how you think of me..."

"All right, all right, stop making dolls, I understand what you mean." Shi Qiang waved his hand quickly and said.

"This is the third layer, and this logic can be extended forward, endlessly."

"That is to say, whether you or I are a benevolent civilization or a malicious civilization, the result is the same?"

Shi Qiang finally understood, but he also retorted: "But if you are much weaker than me, and there is no threat to me, then I can always communicate with you, right?"

Luo Ji shook his head and said, "It doesn't work either. This requires the introduction of a second important concept: technology explosion."

Human civilization has a history of 5,000 years, and the life history of the earth is as long as billions of years, while modern technology has been developed within 300 years. From the perspective of the time scale of the universe, this is not a development at all, but an explosion!

The possibility of a technological leap is the dynamite buried inside every civilization, and if any internal or external factor ignites it, it will explode with a bang!

The earth is 300 years old, but there is no reason to think that human beings are the fastest-growing among cosmic civilizations, and the technological explosion of other civilizations may be more rapid.

I am weaker than you, and after receiving your communication information, I learned of your existence, and the chain of suspicion between us was also established.

During this period, I may have a technological explosion at any time, and suddenly walk far ahead of you and become stronger than you.

You must know that on the scale of the universe, hundreds of years are just a flick of a finger, and I learned of your existence and the information I got from the communication, which is probably the best fuse for the technological explosion.

So, even if I'm just a baby civilization or a budding civilization, it's fraught with danger for you.

Shi Qiang looked at the Mars in the darkness on Luo Ji's side in the distance and thought for a few seconds, then looked at his own extinguished cigarette, "Then, I can only keep silent."

But Luo Ji asked back, "You think about it, right?"

Finally, Shi Qiang sighed as if admitting defeat: "No way, if you are stronger than me, since I can find you, then you will be able to search for me one day, so there will be a chain of suspicion between us again; if you are stronger than me I am weak, but a technological explosion may occur at any time, so it becomes the first situation. To sum up: it is dangerous for me to let you live."

"Yes, this is the reason why 187j3x1 was destroyed. Just being suspected of the existence of civilization will bring disaster."

Luo Ji threw the lit cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it, sparks splashed out from the sole of his shoe.

"Just like what I'm doing now, it's just a matter of course."

For advanced civilizations, destroying a star in the universe is as easy as stepping on a cigarette butt.

In order to prevent the flames that may ignite the prairie fire, they don't mind this little effort.

This is the truth of the spell, Luo Ji's ultimate means to fight against the Three-Body Civilization!

In the end, Shi Qiang only uttered one word in the dark:


Luo Ji concluded: "The universe is a dark forest, and every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let the footsteps make a sound, even breathing Be careful... He must be careful, because there are hunters who sneak like him everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, whether it is a hunter or not, whether it is an angel or a devil, whether it is a delicate baby or a walking The tottering old man, whether it is a fairy girl or a god boy, can only do one thing: shoot and destroy! In this forest, other people are hell, an eternal threat, and anyone who exposes his own existence Life will soon be wiped out. This is the picture of civilization in the universe, and this is the explanation of the Fermi Paradox."

Shi Qiang couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Black! It's so fucking black!"

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