The Wandering Planet

Chapter 668 Human Courage and Wisdom!

When the first shell hit the water drop and bounced off, everyone in the Asian Fleet couldn't hide their disappointment.

Sure enough, they were still going to be wiped out under the attack of the water droplets just like the United Fleet.

Although they were all mentally prepared, when they found that they were powerless to change all this, the soldiers of the Asian Fleet still inevitably showed a trace of despair.

In this cruel and dark universe, human courage has no meaning at all, and some of it is nothing more than panic, or facing death calmly.

"Keep firing! Don't stop!"

The voice of Fleet Commander Li Xin came from the communication channel. It seemed that the commander was not willing to give up just like that, and asked all members of the fleet to persevere to the end.

Even if he didn't say it, everyone did.

Giving up resistance at this time is nothing but losing the last dignity.

Since I came here with the determination to die, it is impossible to back down.

Even as abandoned children, they still have to fulfill their responsibilities!

The Asian Fleet activated all the electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons and fired at the water droplets in bursts. The overwhelming barrage of bullets struck like a celestial maiden scattered flowers, covering the entire cosmic space.

However, countless bullets hit the shell of the strong interaction material of the water droplets, just like waves hitting a reef, causing no substantial damage at all, not even a dent.

The only effect is to slightly slow down the speed of the water droplets. After all, the metal shells of electromagnetic kinetic energy weapons have huge kinetic energy, which can at least cause a little trouble for the water droplets.

Probably this is the last consolation left to the Asian fleet. Their efforts are not meaningless, even if they just buy a negligible little time for the earth.

The water droplets are like a train galloping against a storm, rushing towards the Asian fleet against the dense hail of bullets. The vortex ring of the vacuum Valsex electric field endows it with a strong propulsion, and this obstacle is not enough to completely stop its progress .

The metal bullet hits the water droplets and wipes out a dazzling fire, but that's all. Ordinary matter hits a strong interaction material with a pebble hitting a stone, and it will only be smashed by itself.

The leader of the nine water droplets rushed straight to the Beibei of the Asian Fleet, seeing that this battleship was about to become the first victim of this battle, but everyone on board including the captain was helpless.

The Beifang's shipborne weapons have no effect on the water droplets, and it is impossible to avoid the sharp angle of the water droplets when evading.

With sirens screaming from every place on board, and red lights constantly flashing in the corridors, it may be that the only thing left to do is to stand upright as much as possible, and greet the fate of the end with dignity.

However, the North never gave up resistance. One of the ship's gunners, Zhao Wei, operated the electromagnetic rapid-fire cannon, and while frantically strafing the water droplets, he roared from the bottom of his heart:

"Go to your mother's water!!!"

A storm of bullets swept towards the water droplets, but it looked like impotent rage.

The water droplets hit by countless shells are still unscathed. If you observe the surface of the water droplets with a super-high magnification microscope, you can still see an absolutely smooth mirror surface without leaving even a trace of scratches.

Zhao Wei is also very aware of this, but only in this way can he vent his emotions. It is the unwilling roar of human beings when they face an opponent far stronger than themselves!

The water droplets ignored his attacks, and also ignored his shouts.

All this is too insignificant in the eyes of the Three-Body Civilization. Human beings are humble creatures like ants. If they are not careful, they will be trampled to death without even being aware of it.

The captain of the Beibei was ready to sacrifice, and slowly raised his right hand, preparing for the last salute in this life.

The bullets of the electromagnetic rapid-fire machine gun kept hitting the water droplets, but it was like raindrops falling on the ground, and they could only splash a few sparks in vain.

Just when Zhao Wei was feeling desperate and his throat became hoarse due to the continuous roaring, a miracle happened so suddenly!

The water droplet exploded violently when it was less than a thousand kilometers away from the Beifang, and then it never appeared from the flames, and just disappeared into the pitch-black space.

Everyone didn't know what happened, even Zhao Wei, who personally destroyed the water droplet, didn't understand what was going on.

His mind was in turmoil - who am I? where am I? What am I going to do?

And most importantly, what about water droplets?

Some still recognized it as the glare of antimatter annihilation. Without knowing it, Zhao Wei fired an antimatter armor-piercing projectile.

This anti-matter armor-piercing projectile was mixed with tens of thousands of ordinary shells, so that the water droplets did not realize the danger at all, and inexplicably received a fatal blow.

The remaining eight water droplets made an emergency evasion in an instant, dodging all the firepower of the Asian fleet as if they were facing a big enemy, like a flock of frightened birds, no longer daring to make the slightest advance.

At this time, Fleet Commander Li Xin finally showed a smile, looked at the water droplets in the distance and said silently:

"Let's see the courage and wisdom of human beings!"

Yes, this is the strategy adopted by the Asian fleet.

Just as many people think, the more than a thousand high-energy accelerators that have been built on the earth work day and night not for anything else, but to produce antimatter as much as possible for this final battle.

However, just as the Three-Body Civilization thought, even with all human efforts, it is impossible to produce enough antimatter in a short period of time to completely suppress the number of water droplets.

Such an idea is completely beyond reality, and the production of human antimatter is seriously insufficient. This is foreseeable by the Trisolaran civilization, so it is so safe and bold to let the water drop forward.

But the Trisolarans still overlooked one point, which they couldn't understand with their thinking, and that was——

It is not necessary for every shell to be an anti-matter armor-piercing shell, as long as one shell in a thousand, or even one shell in 10,000, is enough for the Asian fleet!

There is no need for any conspiracy, this is a complete overt conspiracy, and there is only one multiple-choice question that is too simple for the Trisolaran civilization:

Only one shot in a thousand is fatal. Do you hide or not?

If you don't hide, sooner or later, like the first water drop, you will die from unexplained crazy shooting.

If you want to hide, then I'm sorry, I'm going to start covering firepower!

In order to avoid the possibility of the water droplets to distinguish which shell is the anti-matter armor-piercing shell, even most of the people in the Asian fleet were kept in the dark, not knowing that the fleet was equipped with such weapons.

All the anti-matter armor-piercing shells and ordinary shells were completely mixed together, and even the gunner in charge of firing, just like Zhao Wei, didn't know which one was the real one.

Thousands of years of human intrigues have formed such a strategic thinking that is true, false, false, and false, which is beyond the understanding of the three-body civilization with transparent thinking.

It is true that reckless courage is just recklessness, but coupled with human wisdom, it is the most powerful weapon against the Trisolaran civilization!

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