The Wandering Planet

Chapter 704: The Body of the Singer

Qiao Lu was still running around in the spaceship of the singer civilization, looking for the body of the singer on the spaceship.

Although Sophon is also assisting, it is the first time that Sophon has come into contact with the singer civilization. Everything here is biochemical machinery. Knowing where the main control room is, one can only act on intuition.

Even if Sophon opened his eyes, he couldn't find a person he didn't know at all in the vast crowd.

After all, neither human nor Trisolaran civilization knew anything about the singer himself. Who knew what he looked like.

In this case, it is still necessary for the wandering earth landing troops to come up and occupy the entire spaceship before they can know the true face of the singer.

While Qiao Lu was still looking for the singer's whereabouts, Liu Peiqiang sent an emergency call:

"A survey team suddenly lost its signal. I suspect they have encountered Singer. Please go and have a look right away!"

Under normal circumstances, an investigation team will not lose contact suddenly, because as long as the entire army is not wiped out, someone will report what happened immediately, and then call for backup or request a retreat.

There is no sound at all. Either there is a problem with the communication equipment, or everyone is killed in an instant.

This situation is undoubtedly the most terrifying, and it is also the reason why Liu Peiqiang notified Qiao Lv.

Qiao Li immediately asked Sophon, "Sophon, what's the matter?"

"A large biochemical mechanical body attacked them, and it may be the singer himself."

It is now basically certain that the singer civilization is a data body civilization composed of biochemical machinery. This combination of flesh and blood almost represents their transformation method.

No matter what, Qiao Lu quickly rushed to the location where the investigation team lost the news, perhaps this time he really faced the singer directly.

He no longer wandered in this maze-like passage, but directly aimed at one direction and crashed all the way.

The water droplet armor made of strong interaction materials broke through these ordinary metal walls effortlessly, and the vacuum Valsex electric field vortex ring propulsion also gave Qiao Lv sufficient acceleration, passing through the barriers like a bullet , went directly to the main control room where the accident happened.

Here, Qiao Lv finally saw the true face of the singer, and also got a glimpse of the overall appearance of the singer civilization.

It was a biochemical machine as huge as a pyramid. Countless steel tentacles protruded from it, using the force field tentacles on it to pick up various objects, including light particles and two-way foils.

There are countless large and small eyes on its body and tentacles, some are open, some are closed, and some are half-closed. The eyes seem to be very strange, emitting an orange light.

As for its body, it was like the dismembered limbs and internal organs of a giant, mechanically put together indiscriminately to form a disgusting and uncomfortable shape. It was not exactly a machine, but it was not a normal organism either.

On the top of this body, like the spire of a pyramid, opened an eye that is as big as the body. If you look closely at this big eye, you can find that it is full of mechanical structures, but at the same time it has the characteristics of an organism.

Its eyes were clear and bright, with a round of sun reflected in the center. On the wide eyelids, colorful colors rolled over like a flood, and finally turned to Qiao Lv's side.

At this moment, the huge pupils suddenly contracted, as if they suddenly realized something.

Big eyes, this is another word that singers often talk about, but this is not the big eyes it refers to, just the singer's own eyes.

Appearing in front of Qiao Lu's eyes, there was such a huge monster like Mechanic C'Thun. This was the singer's body, a hideous and terrifying biochemical machine.

The main core that controls the entire Singer civilization spaceship is hidden under its layers of biochemical mechanical bodies.

To be honest, Qiao Lv didn't expect the singer to look like this, but combined with the key words of eyes and antennae, it seems to be a matter of course to turn into such an indescribable appearance.

The corpses of several members of the investigation team were scattered beside its huge body, and some of them were held by its force field tentacles like broken dolls.

Singer took this for granted, as if he had crushed a few ants to death casually, throwing them away after observing enough.

For it, this is also part of the cleaning work, but it is just to drive away a few bugs, and it should still be able to do the job.

According to his attitude, Qiao Li didn't need to talk any more nonsense, and rushed straight to the singer.

Singer waved its tentacles to defend. These steel tentacles were the thick train-like lines that the investigation team had seen before. Each stroke could sweep up a violent hurricane, and they were even more powerful in this open space.

Qiao Lv raised the psychic blade and cut off the tentacles that were in the way continuously. It was hard to tell whether the orange mucus sprayed out from the cut was blood or lubricating oil, but the singers did not respond and showed no signs of pain.

Each tentacle has sharp tentacles, which can easily cut through steel and cut metal. There are also special force fields attached to the tentacles, allowing the singer to pick up and put down various things.

Qiao Lv was caught by the force field tentacles of one of the tentacles, and then was violently swept away by the other tentacle. He immediately flew backwards, hit the wall fiercely, and immediately smashed a big hole in it.

Fortunately, it was protected by the water droplet armor. Although the singer's tentacles were powerful, they were not enough to break through the protection of strong interaction materials.

Under the outer layer of the strong interaction material of the water drop armor, the vibration gold symbiosis is used as the inner lining to help absorb kinetic energy and reduce the impact force.

So although Qiao Li was swept away by one blow, he was actually not seriously injured.

It's just that the singer's body actually possessed such combat power, which also surprised him greatly.

It is indeed a high-level creature that has destroyed countless low-level civilizations and cleaned up countless galaxies. No matter how humble it is in the singer civilization, it is a god-like monster in the eyes of humans.

Singer seemed to realize that the armor on Qiao Lv's body was made of the same strong interaction material as the three water droplets he wiped out before, and he knew that there was no way to break through the protection of this material with only his own tentacles.

So it stretched out its tentacles, took out a few particles of light from the warehouse on the side, and then turned its gaze to Qiao Lv. Its purpose was self-evident.

The light particle attack that is enough to destroy an entire star, although it appears that the killing area is too small when dealing with other objects, is not something that strong interaction materials can defend against.

The main core guides the singer's line of sight, like waving a spear in the starry sky. This is its most terrifying gesture, the God of Death who has destroyed countless low-level civilizations!

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