The Weakest Summon? The Devil's Contract Talent At The Beginning Is Maxed Out

Chapter 166 A Complete Showdown, A Way To Break The Situation!

"However, even if I know your little thoughts, I can't stop you because you are using conspiracy."

"Even if I can see it, as you defy the rules again and again, sooner or later this prison will be in chaos."

"Once there is a riot, the prison I have been running for so long will be destroyed. Not only will the prison be in chaos, but the most terrifying thing is that the transaction will not be completed."

"You should know who we're dealing with."

"That's the God of the Prison Realm."

"If you offend me, the most you can do is die."

"But if you offend the God of the Prison Realm, you will suffer from eternal pain. That is the real pain."

"You have no idea."

Facing the warden's words, Zheng Yu had a strange look in his eyes.

No, I know that clearly.

Because you are already being punished by the God of the Prison Realm.

Always stuck in this time, always preparing for transactions in fear, trying countless times to complete transactions, but failing repeatedly.

I will always encounter despair on the day I am about to leave prison.

What the warden said was in line with Zheng Yu's previous guesses.

What manager?

What warden?

They are just prisoners caught by the God of the Prison Realm.

The only person who can leave here is the warden who successfully completed the transaction.

At this time, Zheng Yu finally understood why the warden was so powerful and majestic, but he was always being led by his nose.

It’s not the warden who’s afraid of Zheng Yu.

But he didn't want to make a mistake at the last moment.

He had expected that someone like Zheng Yu would appear, mess up everything, and break his prison system.

There are really not many people who have the strength, brains, courage, and even the means to crack the loopholes in his rules.

Zheng Yu's appearance confirmed the warden's previous concerns.

But he didn't expect that this day would come so late.

So, when Zheng Yu appeared, the warden even breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Zheng Yu showed up late enough.

The trading day was just around the corner, and he was finally going to make it to the end.

But not late enough.

Because there are still at least seven days left.

Zheng Yu, alien bugs, and another hidden force in the prison, three threats are approaching as the trading day approaches.

The warden was forced to make compromises.

That is to stabilize Zheng Yu, resolve the internal conflicts first, and then solve the problems among the prisoners.

Just in time, the warden saw that Zheng Yu not only liked killing prisoners, but was also obsessed with finding outsiders.

It was by taking advantage of this that today's scene happened.

However, to the warden's expectation, Zheng Yu was able to kill Iron Tower.

"Actually, I had already guessed that this day would come."

"You want the position of warden, I will give it to you, but only after the trading day. What I can tell you is that even if you win over the kobolds and crocodiles, even if you add the succubus, the four of you are not me. opponent."

"Why do you think kobolds and crocodiles are so honest after so many years?"

"Because I'm strong enough."

Zheng Yu didn't speak, he was just looking at the warden.

Because we were far apart before, this time we finally had the opportunity to observe him up close.

The warden was very tall, about two and a half meters tall, and the backs of his exposed hands were full of wrinkles, like a haggard old man.

When the warden saw that Zheng Yu did not reply to him, and also saw Zheng Yu observing his movements, he said without hesitation: "The position of the warden is actually a curse. I feel that my body is getting older, and I don't want to Die of old age here.”

"So, let's make a deal without us falling out, right?"

Zheng Yu asked: "What deal?"

"You help me find bugs, you help me get through my trading day, you help me get out of jail, and you compete with the python."

“Next trading day, you’ll be the one leaving.”

"If you insist on causing trouble, I don't mind tearing up the rules and having an internal massacre, killing you and the kobolds all."

"Although this will completely break the prison rules, at least it will suppress them for a few days and the transaction can be completed smoothly."

"Which ending you want is yours to choose."

The warden still has confidence in his own strength.

Zheng Yu also followed the warden's words and said, "Then I have no choice?"

The warden said: "You can also choose to let your helpers come out to test my strength."

Zheng Yu shook his head: "My goal from beginning to end is actually not your position, but the bugs in your mouth."

"It's just that you can only catch them all if you change the rules, so I focused on your position."

"Now you want to complete the deal, and I want to catch them. Our goals are the same, so naturally I have no plans to continue."

After listening to Zheng Yu's words, the warden looked at Zheng Yu carefully and asked: "So... you are also an outsider?"

Zheng Yu did not deny it.

The showdown between the two has reached this level.

Moreover, Zheng Yu learned more things from Wang Ting, completely connecting the entire death row of the prison.

"Didn't you guess it earlier?"

Zheng Yu asked rhetorically.

Seeing that the warden didn't answer, Zheng Yu continued: "The God of Prison Domain has given you the ability to restrain managers and prisoners, but you cannot restrain me."

"That's why you compromised."

"However, just as you reassure me, you don't have to worry. My goals are only those outsiders who are in a different camp from me."

"We just haven't won this whole time."

"Now, I finally know how to win."

"It's not about taking your position or destroying the prison system, but it's about working with you to complete the deal."

Zheng Yu had been thinking about it from the beginning.

If the prisoner breaks the deal by breaking the deal.

In the manager camp, completing transactions is the way to pass the level.

prison Break?

This is a locked time, how can there be any escape?

From Wang Ting's guide, we learned that for the warden, the rights of the prison are not the most important, because the consequence of the prisoner's camp clearing the border will be complete chaos in the entire prison.

That is... the transaction cannot be completed normally.

This is why the warden is trapped here.

Therefore, for the warden, the most important thing is the transaction. As long as the transaction can be completed, he is willing to do anything.

Then you need to force the warden to compromise with you step by step.

Kill prisoners, resist punishment, exploit loopholes in the rules, show strength, kill the iron tower, and let the warden understand one thing step by step.

Don't worry about yourself anymore, let alone the trading day.

In a few days, Zheng Yu will lead the kobolds and crocodiles to force the palace. By then, you will have no time to complete the deal.

This is Zheng Yu's way of breaking the situation.

Zheng Yu made two preparations and two plans.

One is the current relatively safe way to avoid war.

The other method is of course to forcefully pull down the warden.

to be honest.

Zheng Yu didn't expect the warden to compromise so quickly.

He thought that he would have to wait at least until he showed the strength of the eighth-level summoned beast before he could have this kind of face-to-face negotiation opportunity.

It can be seen that facing the impending transaction, the warden was more anxious and panicked than Zheng Yu imagined.

"Then cooperate?"

The warden held out his hand.

Zheng Yu held the warden's withered hand and said with a smile: "If it's a win-win situation, of course we cooperate."

"Oh, right."

When the warden was about to remove the poisonous fog, Zheng Yu suddenly said: "I may know the reason why you are aging faster recently."

The warden was about to ask.

But I heard Zheng Yu say: "However, I can't tell you now because the time has not come yet."

"I'll tell you when you go out."

Warden: "..."

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