After some research, Song Ye learned that there is an "Upper Realm Continent" besides the Xuanying Continent.

[Boundary Realm Corridor] is a very long corridor that leads to the upper world continent.

There is naturally something stronger than the Xuanying Continent in the Upper Realm Continent. It is a mysterious continent that even the "game system" cannot fully understand.

Moreover, any player who arrives on the upper continent will have only one life, just like in the real world. If he dies, he is truly dead and cannot be resurrected.

Players must enter the Qilin Blood Explosion state to pass through the Realm Corridor. Moreover, after entering the Upper Realm Continent, they must maintain the Qilin Blood Explosion state. Otherwise, they will be rejected by the Upper Realm Continent and be instantly annihilated.

Therefore, the "Kirin Blood Explosion" is actually a protective clothing that allows players to move around in the Upper World Continent.

Moreover, the duration of the Kirin's blood burst state is closely related to the player's health value.

However, the gate to the realm has not been opened yet, so Song Ye cannot enter the realm corridor.

At this time, Song Ye couldn't help but think that if Qilin could even pass through the passages between the two realms in his blood-exploding state, could he also pass through the barrier of confinement for a "novice player" like him in the Novice Village?

After having this idea, Song Ye immediately wanted to try it.

I saw his figure flashing, and he had arrived in front of the gate of Yong'anfang. There was a transparent wall on the gate, and outside the door was an area that he had never been able to reach.

But now, Song Ye's body has opened the Qilin Blood Seal's pulse.

Qilin Blood Explosion—Open!

I saw that his whole body was suddenly covered with strange red inscriptions.

After a few breaths, all the strange inscriptions on his body were absorbed into his body.

From the outside, Song Ye is also an ordinary mortal, and it seems that he has not changed much. However, in fact, every cell in his body and every cell in his body is in a "blood explosion" state, and his physical abilities have been increased by 30%. .

In addition, Song Ye could see a series of red numbers [13330] on the palm of his left hand.

This string of numbers is his "Qilin Blood Bar".

When the value of this Kirin's blood bar reaches zero, he will automatically exit the Kirin Blood Explosion state.

And only he can see this string of numbers,

The Qilin's blood value is actually equal to Song Ye's Qi and blood, so the higher the player's Qi and blood, the longer the Qilin's blood bar will be, and the longer the Qilin's blood burst state can be maintained.

So, after activating the Qilin Blood Explosion state, Song Ye tried to cross the gate to the square.

His raised left foot easily stepped outside the square gate and passed through the transparent "wall".

"Changlefang... I can finally reach Changlefang!" Song Ye suddenly raised his head and laughed,

At this moment, his heart felt as if there were thousands of horses galloping, surging with excitement.

The people on the side looked at Song Ye as if he were a fool.

Naturally, they could not understand Song Ye's extremely excited mood at this time.

From this point of view, as long as the health value can exceed 10,000, even if the conditions for leaving the village are not met, the "Qilin Blood Explosion" state can be used to forcefully leave the Novice Village for a period of time.

The next second, Song Ye ran out at an extremely fast speed like a tiger emerging from its cage. After leaving Yancheng, he kept running eastward.

Everyone I met along the way couldn't see his figure clearly, I could only feel a gust of wind passing by quickly.

In just an hour, Song Ye actually ran out of the border of Yan State and arrived at the land of Yun State.

The reason why Song Ye kept running eastward was because he knew that Xuyu Mountain, the holy land of Fanyuan Sect, was in the east of Xuanying Continent.

And his wife and children are all in Xuyu Mountain,

But he soon discovered that when he ran at extremely fast speeds, Qilin's blood value disappeared very quickly.

At this time, looking at the Qilin blood value on the palm of his left hand, it was only 10,000 points. Within an hour, it had lost more than 3,000 points.

Therefore, the more energy the body consumes, the faster Qilin's blood value decreases.

If his Qilin blood value reaches zero, he will immediately exit the Qilin blood burst state.

Since he has not completed the mission to leave the village, he is a player who should not appear outside the Novice Village area.

If he loses the protective clothing of "Qilin Blood Explosion" outside the Novice Village, he will be immediately wiped out by the game system, and he will have to wait for a long time for resurrection in the Resurrection Palace.

Therefore, Song Ye must always pay attention to the Qilin blood value. He must keep enough Qilin blood value so that he can return to Novice Village.

After returning to Novice Village, he could release the Qilin Blood Explosion state, and he had to wait twenty-four hours before he could activate the Qilin Blood Explosion again.

At this time, Song Ye stopped, and after thinking calmly for a moment, he felt that it was not very rational for him to go to Xuyu Mountain to meet Qin Xuanxi in person.

Although Qin Xuanxi would not mistake him for an ape,

As long as he stood in front of Qin Xuanxi, Qin Xuanxi could see that he was the real Song Ye.

He doesn't need to explain to Qin Xuanxi too much why he can resurrect after death. Qin Xuanxi will come up with a reasonable reason in his mind for why he can resurrect after death.

But the problem is that Qin Xuanxi has never gotten along with him in a real identity.

He also had to pretend not to know Qin Xuanxi's true identity.

Because for a female devil like Qin Xuanxi, she cannot accept that anyone knows that she has committed herself to a mortal.

So if Song Ye rashly went to Xuyu Mountain to find Qin Xuanxi without a reasonable reason, it would be equivalent to telling Qin Xuanxi, "I know it was you who was in my bed that night."

The risk is too great to do so.

When Qin Xuanxi found out that he knew her true identity, she might really kill him to silence her, even if he was the child's father.

After all, the relationship between Song Ye and Qin Xuanxi was based on false identities, just like online dating in the real world, with a hazy and unreal feeling.

Therefore, Song Ye didn't know at all how much weight he had in Qin Xuanxi's heart.

Therefore, Song Ye gave up the idea of ​​going to Xuyu Mountain.

In fact, this was also an idea that came to him at the moment. It was an unrealistic idea.

After all, Xu Yushan is still far away from here, and even if he goes there, he may not be able to come back. If he cannot return to Yong'anfang in Yancheng before Qilin's blood value reaches zero, he will be directly wiped out by the game system.

However, Qilin's blood value is still very high now, and Song Ye doesn't want to go back for a while. After all, he has stayed in the area of ​​Novice Village for too long, and it is rare for him to come out. Naturally, he wants to take a good look at the world outside Novice Village.

At this time, in Yancheng, in Yuwen College,

After Song Ye suddenly disappeared in front of Yu Wenyun, Yu Wenyun didn't care about anything, not even the ongoing martial arts competition. As the dean, she immediately ordered all the teachers and students in the hospital to help her find Song Ye's whereabouts.

Anyone who can catch Song Ye will be rewarded heavily by her.

As a result, this martial arts competition was forced to be suspended.

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