Song Ye then said to Nanny Xu, "Hurry up and clean up. Our whole family will go to the house in Xuancheng to stay for a while."

Aunt Xu said, "Okay, Master, then I will immediately ask my servants to pack the things of Master, Miss and Your Majesty."

After hearing that Song Ye finally relented and was willing to go to Xuancheng for refuge, the stone that had been hanging high in Nanny Xu's heart finally fell to the ground.

Their servants' salutes had almost been packed away, except for Song Ye's father and daughter and Wandao Immortal Lord's salutes. After all, their servants did not dare to touch these things without Song Ye's nod.

Song Ye and his three masters naturally have the most things. For this reason, Nanny Xu specially arranged for four more large carriages.

At this moment, the sound of the game system suddenly sounded in Song Ye's mind,

"Beep! The gate to the upper world will officially open in half an hour!"

"Players above level 120, please be prepared to compete for tickets to the Upper World Continent!"

Unexpectedly, the Upper Realm Continent was opened at this time.

For Song Ye, logging into the Upper Realm Continent is naturally the highest priority.

After all, in addition to cultivating mystical strength in the Upper Realm, he can also increase his Qi and blood value through "exercise" in the Upper Realm.

Although at this time, staying in Yancheng will gain a lot of experience from time to time, experience is no longer a precious player resource for Song Ye at this stage.

After all, it now takes hundreds of millions of experience to upgrade to a level, and the added benefit from upgrading is only 13 attribute points.

However, in the Upper World Continent, Song Ye could get more than ten points of vitality boost by doing just a few sets of push-ups.

At this time, Song Ye saw the servants in the mansion and it would probably take a long time to put away the remaining gifts. He said to Nanny Xu,

"Mother Xu, I will go to Xuanqing Palace first to catch up with Master Zhang Xian, and then I will go to Xuancheng to meet you. You have been to the house in Xuancheng before, and the keys are with you. You can go ahead first. Take the servants in the mansion and settle them down there first."

Aunt Xu also knew that Song Ye had an old friend of the Immortal Master Zhang Zixuan in Xuanqing Palace, and that the Immortal Master Zhang Zixuan often visited the mansion as a guest in the past. Aunt Xu personally received her several times.

"Then let a few nurses go with you." Nanny Xu said.

Song Ye shook his head and said, "The Xuanqing Palace is the place where the Immortal Sect cleans up their cultivation. I shouldn't bring too many people to disturb them. I can go alone. I will let Master Zhang escort me to Xuancheng by then. No need to worry, Nanny Xu." My safety."

"Then let the guards escort you to the mountain gate of Xuanqing Palace, and then let them come back." Nanny Xu said, then turned to call the guards over.

But when she turned back, Song Ye was no longer there.

Song Ye was now teleported into the arena where he was competing for tickets to the upper realm.

He only needs to sit here and wait for half an hour before he can enter the upper continent again.

He just hoped to have a more reliable birth point this time.

Xuyu Mountain, the holy land of Fanyuan Sect, Shengyuan Hall.

"What did you say? Bai Jingyi has been found? Where is she now?" Song Yuan hurriedly asked the people in the audience.

Mu Chunxi, captain of Shengyuan's personal guard, said, "She is currently in Yancheng, Yan State."

"Then have you seen her? Have you confirmed that she is Bai Jingyi?" Song Yuan asked.

"Subordinates... don't dare to see her." Mu Chunxi said.

"Why is this?" Song Yuan asked.

"Bai Jingyi was arrested in Yancheng as a traitor to the king and will be executed in the future. But three days ago, when she was locked in a prison car and paraded through the streets, she actually claimed to be the 'Mother of the Holy Infant' on the street. ,"

Mu Chunxi said, "Before the sect leader went into seclusion, he issued a holy order that if anyone dared to claim to be the 'Mother of the Holy Infant', no matter who they were, everyone in the Brahma Yuan Sect would kill them."

"I am also a member of the Fanyuan Sect. I dare not disobey the sect leader's order. If I go to Yancheng and see Bai Jingyi, I... can only kill her."

"But Bai Jingyi may be the biological mother of Lord Shengyuan. This is the reason why my subordinates dare not go to Yancheng. Please forgive me, Lord Shengyuan."

Song Yuan's expression was still very calm, and she said, "You have done nothing wrong. How can I forgive you? I will not make it difficult for you. You don't have to interfere in this matter anymore. I will go to Yancheng myself."

"My lord, you must not go to Yancheng!" Mu Chunxi said immediately, "Nowadays, there are rumors in both the world of immortals and demons that the demon ancestor Mi Ce will appear in Yancheng soon. When she appears, There must be ultra-high-level monsters like the Black Feather Phoenix protecting you."

"Now no one in the world of immortals and demons dares to approach Yancheng at will. My lord, you must not go to Yancheng to take risks at this time."

Song Yuan said, "But you just said that Bai Jingyi will be beheaded in the future. If I don't go to Yancheng as soon as possible, then I may even be the last person who knows my life experience."

The green-winged white tiger immediately said to Song Yuan, "Master, I will go to Yancheng with you now."

Song Yuan shook his head and said, "But I always feel that there are some clues about this matter,"

"Ahu, tell me who it was and which force secretly rescued Bai Jingyi from the Blood Wind Hall."

The white tiger shook his head, indicating that he didn't know anything.

"They actually dared to take such a big risk to rescue Bai Jingyi on the ground of our Brahma Yuan Sect, which means that Bai Jingyi is particularly important to them," Song Yuan continued.

"How could such an important person be allowed to fall into the hands of a mortal court for no reason?"

"Furthermore, Bai Jingyi openly claimed to be the 'Mother of the Holy Infant' on the streets of Yancheng. This move was too deliberate,"

"So I think that Bai Jingyi is like someone's bait for me, a Saint, and she's just waiting for me to take the bait."

Mu Chunxi said, "In this case, Lord Shengyuan cannot go to Yancheng."

Qingyi White Tiger also said hurriedly, "If Yancheng is really so dangerous to the master, then I don't want the master to go to Yancheng."

"I know it's impossible but do it, even if there are thousands of people, I will go," Song Yuan pursed his lips and smiled slightly, and said to the green-winged white tiger, "Ahu, you don't want me to live in a muddle for the rest of my life, right?"

"If Bai Jingyi is really my biological mother, I should have gone to see her before she died."

"It's just that as a member of the Holy Abyss, I hold the position of head of the sect and have a heavy responsibility."

"If there is really danger waiting for me in Yancheng, I can't just go there regardless. Before going to Yancheng, I have to find my second master first."

With the consent of his master Lu Xian, Song Yuan also worshiped a second master.

Her second master is Bai Ruoling, who is actually a white nightmare snake.

Song Yuan knew that if something unexpected happened to her outside, the Fanyuan Sect might fall into civil strife.

Therefore, she wanted to hand over a drop of her blood essence and the Jueyuan Holy Order to Bai Ruoling.

If she died in Yancheng and could not come back, Bai Ruoling, who was good at the art of transformation, could temporarily change into her appearance to prevent Fanyuan Sect from falling into civil strife.

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