The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 273: Advanced Technology

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"Where did Du Qianqian run to?" Xu Yang couldn't help but be surprised.

The witches looked at each other.

In this turbulent situation, if Du Qianqian died in a corner of the city, it would be difficult, Xu Yang secretly said. Farosa would not go to Du Qianqian on purpose. She is far less important than Pan Ruiyin. In this regard, Farosa will most likely find other witches to replace her.

He didn't want Du Qianqian to die in a cold, dark corner where no one cares, so he decided to set out to find it. However, Anjiu City was so vast that he had to do his best to find clues.

"Ah." Qianmeng suddenly remembered, "It seems that she went to buy food before. She usually goes to Federo-McGee shopping mall."

Qianmeng was not impressed, after all, Du Qianqian often wore different faces, making it difficult to follow. Sometimes they can't tell the difference, and they think that there are outsiders in the building, and Du Qianqian is also happy to change his face every day and live a carefree life.

"I'll go get her back in a while." Xu Yang was exhausted, lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

On the other hand, Kirino Reishi also urgently contacted the director of the Kyoto Unlimited Network Security Department for consultation and accountability.

Upon receiving the news, the supervisor was helpless.

Network security is an embarrassing department. Its core problem is that it does not generate profits. The company's core businesses such as animation production, sales, personnel, production, thinking control... are all bright and beautiful, and they are all hired with high salaries. Titans, tirelessly bring benefits to the company. The network security department has always been embarrassed in the whole company. On the one hand, it is difficult to obtain funds.

What is his means?

The core area was either blown up or smashed by Yan Mo's trampling. The network security personnel in the city center were killed in the first wave of air strikes. At this time, he could only comfort the victims silently in his heart. The rest of the elites are invested in two aspects, one is the core database of Kyoto Infinite, which covers all the data codes of the entire enterprise from its birth to the present. The other is the war front in Bibo City-Zuoto City, where the best cybersecurity employees resist the harassment of hackers from the Black Fire Innovation Headquarters and try to assist the naval and air forces to advance and retake lost ground.

If people are drawn back from these two important directions, and the collapse of the headquarters or the front line is triggered, the trouble will be even greater.

For this reason, he had no way to fix it in time, and simply brought the topic to the cyber monster, suspecting that it was secretly making trouble.

"Cyber ​​ghosts," the supervisor replied firmly, "the Internet monsters operating in Aizu Castle... must be the mastermind behind these conspiracies."

Is it actually a cyber monster? Kirino Reise was vigilant. The news about cyber ghosts has always been confusing and hard to tell.

She had to come up with a solution, so she cut off the communication and turned her attention to the New World Agency.

The New World Agency, recommended by the reliable Kakuya Media President Kita Takashi, is an information service unit, a network security team, whose representatives have always been very mysterious, rich in technical knowledge, and should be able to compete with cyber demons.

The most important thing is that this new world agency sent a powerful A40, which can be said to be the limelight at the dome battle ceremony.

Poison swords, quick cuts, no martial arts, vanishing swordsmanship... All kinds of methods are very topical, and the new world agency that dispatched A40 has become famous in the past few days, and many people have turned to Kirino. Lian Shi inquired about the news about the New World Agency. For this reason, she believed that the company had a good trump card and could somewhat compete with the mysterious and powerful cyber demon.

She entered the secret channel, and when she saw the stranger's head portrait, she couldn't help but feel a little at ease. In the previous meeting, the other party was polite and technically strong, and even solved the problem of the multi-eyed demon, which led to the hidden troubles of the Tiantiaoyuan family.

Please, New World Agency.

Xu Yang was still resting when he received a text message from Tongye Reishi.

"Are you in Anju City? Be careful, war has broken out."

"I'm currently overseas." Xu Yang replied, "What do you need?"

"I'm sorry, but my concubine needs the help of the New World Agency again. Thanks to you last time for finding out the truth about the tampering of Dazzling Demon, this time I will ask you to investigate why the Century Pure Land system went offline in Anjiu City."

She attached the technical documents at the time of the incident and the temporary work log of the network security personnel.

"A powerful hacker must be behind all this. Sir Kirino Reise, do you have any clues?"

"My concubine still wants to know your opinion, do you know? There are rumors of cyber demons in Anjiu City."

"I've heard it too, it's a restless fellow."

"Almost the most volatile, with increasing threat ratings within the company."

"It actually affects the progress of the war. This is no longer an ordinary hacker, and a heavy blow is necessary."

"Are you familiar with this method of manipulation?"

"I suspect that it is a renegade artificial intelligence floating in the online world. I also know a little about this cyber monster. It is elusive, proficient in network attack and defense skills, and its methods are rare in the world. It must exist at the data code level. Digital life, otherwise these jobs cannot be done.”

"My concubine really doesn't understand these technical means. In your opinion, is the cyber demon uncontrollable? You can only sit and watch it raging in Anjiu City? Or, can we hire cyber security personnel to conduct searches on the Internet? Like hunting Take it out?"

"Of course you can." Xu Yang solemnly replied, "The cyber demon definitely exists on the Internet. Then, it will definitely leave traces. As long as you find the data medium it parasitizes and delete it, you should be able to destroy the cyber demon once and for all. !"

"Alas, if we had found and killed the cyber demons earlier, the situation wouldn't have gotten so out of control."

"However, there is still a chance for remedy. If a suitable investment is provided to the New World Agency, our company will also try its best to assist in the pursuit of cyber demons."

"My concubine will try it out. Having said that, the New World Organization has really given us a lot of surprises. The representative samurai A40 who appeared on the field is almost invincible."

"It is the key to our turn from defeat to victory. It is said that you want to promote the champion of the battle ceremony to the first samurai?"

"Yes, but the concubines don't know whether the ritual is effective for synths."

"It needs a similar recognition, and in any case, at least give it some reward remotely, so that it recognizes its bravery."

"It deserves it. Thank you for your advice! I hope that after this crisis, our company can further develop in-depth cooperation with the New World Agency. See you!"

Don't stop talking here. Xu Yang said secretly.

He also wants to talk more with Kirino Reishi, and the most important thing is to know when the two airships, the Yokozuna and the Orochi, can successfully return to defense! But before this key information was known, the whole world shook violently.


The entire Shijin Building vibrated violently, and many lightweight objects flew everywhere. Xu Yang barely supported himself to stand up and walked to the window. He saw a huge smoke rising from the direction of the harbor, covering the sky and shaking the sky. This burning flame can be seen from kilometers away.


"That's..." 102 was stunned.

"The oil tank was blown up." Xu Yang could guess, "The crude oil storage facilities in the port were destroyed."

This affects the lifeline of the Kyoto Infinite Force. Without fuel, the modern army cannot be mobilized. Only a small number of advanced ships powered by nuclear energy can be used. The rest of the vehicles and ships must be stopped. Without the support of these auxiliary ships and logistics, empty The Tianmother can only rest in the port, and wait until the next batch of fuel is ready before it can be organized to attack.

The theory that the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking is difficult to describe the current situation. Aftershocks continue, shaking everywhere.

Farosa is communicating with Lila.

"So, baby Lila," Farosa asked. "You mean the Rat Witch has become a god? Or a subtle power?"

"Indeed," Lila responded. "The two powers, life force enhancement and electromagnetic pulse, should both resonate with divine power, but this requires your guidance. She doesn't know how to use it properly."

"She will grow up under my guidance." Farosa wants to bring wisdom to the Rat Witch, or bring her under her command.

Rat Demon God, Rat Goddess? In any case, it has already surpassed the category of ordinary mice.

At the moment when the port was bombed, Farosa was knocked off the bed and slid on the floor. She picked up her phone and the screen shattered, which made her secretly hated, and decided to take the initiative to attack and completely wipe out the mess.

This boat and beast was originally her now must be punished.

Farosa used magic to restore the crumbling back room facility, and then hurried out to observe the situation, but saw that Du Qianqian was missing.

"Where is she?" Farosa frowned, "I can't do my ceremony without her."

"I can't find it in a short time," Xu Yang said. "You go back to Aizu City first, and I'll find her."

"I believe in you." Farosa didn't say much, she had to go to the Aizu Dungeon to settle the unresolved matter.

"It's dangerous outside..." 101 was worried about Xu Yang's safety.

"I'll protect the boss!" 102 stepped forward.

"Don't worry." Xu Yang stood up, "102 just follow me."

"You don't look good." Farosa wanted to restore Xu Yang.

"No, I can do it myself." Xu Yang resisted the fatigue and pressure.

Just now, he has undergone dramatic changes under the digital life form, and has integrated important precise documents and data files in his mind.

Physiologically, his synapses have also established a related memory mechanism, which will help him "go and return" next time. If he is restored at the same time, he will inevitably lose this layer of experience.

Xu Yang wants to do his best to explore the limits of this technology. Today, he has changed from the initial discomfort to being able to adapt. He wants to know how deep the mutual transformation between human and digital life can be achieved.

It is not difficult to upload consciousness. There are many minds living in servers and hard disks. What is difficult is how to return and how to switch seamlessly between the two forms.

If it can exist as a digital life for a long time and stably, and it will not interfere with his normal human life, then Xu Yang will undoubtedly acquire an extremely powerful technical means, which is enough to make him reborn and complete the transformation of his life form technically.

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