The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 37: apartment

"I used to deliver couriers, and I would drive a lot of things, such as trucks, motorcycles, pickups, shuttles, etc." Li Xiaomin turned out a badge from under his collar, with the name of the "Sujia Express" company printed on it. This express has a certain market share in the jurisdiction of Kyoto Unlimited.

"You can go to the console to help drive."

"No problem." Li Xiaomin walked to the main console of the shuttle. Lila opened the main operation authority to manual control, and only set the route on the guidance screen, "Where are we going next?"

"Highland No. 26, it's best to find a safe place to rest." Xu Yang knew that now everyone needs to rest and give himself a breathing space.

"I delivered couriers before, and I've been to most places in Highland 26," Li Xiaomin said. "There are some unmanned supermarkets called Glossy Chain nearby. If the power goes out now, it should be easy to break in. There You can collect a lot of food and drink."

"Then find an unmanned supermarket first." Xu Yang agreed.

"I used to work in a burrito hat shop." Rosia said, "I can croquette, er, open a shop, a lot of them. I'm about to be promoted to manager, if it weren't for these rat people."

Burrito Hat is one of the giant enterprises, originated in Tequila, in the southern part of the Western Hemisphere. In recent decades, it has risen rapidly and has become a global giant restaurant group, providing a variety of burritos and beverages.

"I like burritos." Ye Ye said enthusiastically, "especially the barbecue flavor."

"Me too," Cui Junyou agreed, "I order burritos every day."

"I'd love to have a chance to try it." Xu Yang only heard about it, but never tried it himself.

Li Xiaomin drove the shuttle to the townhouses on the edge of No. 26 Highland. These apartment buildings were all empty. Strangely, there was no sign of the rat man intrusion. It seemed that the residents had been notified in advance and fled. Same.

On the ground floor of these apartments, there are a lot of small shops along the street, such as hairdressers, electrical stores, game stores, dance halls, etc., which are now closed, dark and dark, and a silent scene.

In the narrow street, the neon lights are no longer bright, leaving only colorful advertisements posted on the window. Xu Yang glanced at it. Unlike the advertisements of giant companies with a strong sense of design, the advertisements in Aizu City use the most explicit elements— —A woman with no strands, enlarged signs, red lips, and rows of huge colorful letters on people's faces, propaganda, stamps, cheap, guns, anime and trendy adult games, this is also a neighborhood dweller most needed thing.

When he came to the door of the unmanned supermarket, there was no power supply inside. Xu Yang couldn't detect any information about the equipment, so he couldn't hack it at all.

He pushed the door open and locked it, so he could only see through the glass a large number of shelves inside, with countless food and drink items lined up on it, but it was out of reach.

"Can't you get in?" Farosa put her hand against the glass, "I'm very hungry."

"I'll try." Niederte pressed his hand on the door lock, and made a sound of electromagnetic interaction, but there was no change, it seemed to fail, and he retreated to the back of the team without saying a word.

"I made a mistake," Li Xiaomin hesitated, "I thought they would turn on by themselves as soon as the power was turned off."

"How can there be such a good thing! But don't worry, there may be food upstairs." Rosia pointed to the small stairs leading to the interior of the apartment building.

"If you don't have supplies, you have to search hard." Xu Yang thought for a while, "We have to find a way to open the door."

In an environment with no electricity and no network, technical forces cannot be accessed.

"Huh?" Ye Ye made a confused voice.

Xu Yang turned her head following the sound, and saw Ge Chengqian take off her coat and wrap it around her fist, like a hand-tied cloth, then she clenched her fist and rushed forward like a cow, slamming into the door.

boom! With a piercing metal tearing sound, Katsuragi Asa smashed the lock directly. She turned her wrist and pushed the door open.

"Too...too powerful." Ye Ye was stunned.

Katsuragi just smiled slightly, not proud of his strength.

"In, in," Ye Zi pointed to a game store next to him, "Katsuragi, let's smash that store down too."

"If it's not necessary, don't cause trouble." Xu Yang rejected Ye Ziye's idea, "We're here to rest."

He walked into the unmanned store, and there was a battery-operated clock on the wall, showing that it was 2 am.

"Don't you feel sleepy?" Xu Yang then asked.

"The later you get, the more vigorous you are," Ye Zi said excitedly, "this point is my training time."

"Our next task is to get a good night's sleep," Xu Yang thought for a while, and then said, "The rat tide has not yet reached the 26th Highland, and maybe it will be after that, leaving us no time to really breathe. A lot. If you don’t sleep now, you will definitely be terribly sleepy when you flee later. How about it, it’s easy to understand.”

"Company person." Ye Zi pouted.

"He's doing it for your own good." Farosa pulled the leaf into the store.

"I know he's doing it for me, but..."

Xu Yang held his breath and silently used his digital mind to detect the surrounding situation and search for available signal sources. The surrounding environment has its own characteristics. The lines in many places are energized and the network can be used, but the residents have all left, and some All the lights and electrical appliances were turned off on their own initiative, so the place was dim, and the situation was different from the power outage in Katagi.

In other words, the residents deliberately abandoned this block and went elsewhere... Where did they go?

In the case of the rat tide crisis, what are they worth giving up all their wealth and moving to other places? Or is it that they got some news that they made up their minds to transfer.

After a big search in the unmanned supermarket, everyone carried a few big bags and went upstairs from the small stairs next to the supermarket to the inside of the apartment building.

Only Lila stayed in the shuttle to guard and monitor the surrounding situation. Once the Rat Man approached, she would issue a warning.

The apartment has 4 floors in total, and some rooms are unlocked. It seems that the residents in the apartment are leaving in a hurry. Everyone simply borrowed it and found a room to rest.

After so long of conflict and running around, they did feel extremely tired and almost collapsed. Xu Yang's order gave them a lot of time to recover.

They didn't realize how much they needed rest until they lay down on the bed and realized that Xu Yang had made the right decision.

Xu Yang found an empty room in the corner of the 4th floor to lie down. No one rented this room. The door was open. There was only one bed inside, with white cushions, an empty iron wardrobe, an old-fashioned bedside table, and a black one. There is no table, not even a chair.

He pressed the light in the room, there was electricity, and the light changed from light to dark. In order to avoid unnecessary attention, he still turned off the light.

Xu Yang climbed onto the bed and lay down, relaxed his overworked back, cocked his legs, and brewed sleepiness.

At this moment, Farosa suddenly came in.

"Why are you here?" Xu Yang sat up from the bed.

She put the big plastic bag in her hand on the table and closed the door. Most of the contents inside were coffee.

"Huh, isn't it okay?" she asked.

"I thought you liked being alone."

"These doors are locked, and the others are occupied."

"There is only one bed in the room."

"We can lie down together." When Farosa said this, her tone was very natural.

"Oh." Xu Yang didn't know why he felt a little nervous.

"This thing makes a loud salad, and it's very tough." Farossa pulled at the plastic bag, "I really don't know what it's made of."

"Plastics are the products of petroleum processing. Petroleum is the energy dug out of the ground."

"There's so much to learn."

"Take your time, you are a witch, your brain is better than mine."

"These clothes are dirty and dusty." Farosa took off her ill-fitting jacket and shorts. She didn't even have any close-fitting clothes, so she just stood by the table and ate.

Being in the same room with Farosa, Xu Yang was secretly moved.

Especially seeing Farosa's long white legs and smooth, tender feet, comparable to a supermodel's figure, she couldn't take her eyes off her.

There was a movement from the other side of the wall.

Xu Yang thought that there were still survivors in the apartment, but later found out that it was Rosia and Lee Hyomin.

Lee Hyomin whispered Rosia let out a burst of laughter.

After a while.

They are young, but they are full of passion, surviving from the juncture of life and death, and need to release the pressure.

"What are they doing?" Farosa tilted her head.

"I'm being an adult." Xu Yang didn't expect the two of them to have such a close relationship.

"What is being an adult?"

"I can't tell," Xu Yang was really hard to explain, "It's amazing. Do you really know nothing?"

"I don't know." Farosa took out a bag of coffee from the plastic bag.

"You won't be able to fall asleep after drinking it." Xu Yang said, "This thing is refreshing."

"Magic power is being lost, and it takes mental stimulation to make up for it." Farosa said, "Without the witch's ability, I will feel even more uncomfortable in my heart."

Mental stimulation... intense stimulation...

"I know there is a way to make you feel very exciting." Xu Yang said, "Come on."

Farosa climbed to Xu Yang's side, her breath was so close, it made Xu Yang even more excited. Her soft body will drive all men crazy, and Xu Yang is no exception.

"It's easy to say anything if you let go."

"Oh." Farosa let go.

"You don't know anything about this kind of thing, right?" Xu Yang felt that Farosha was much smarter than she looked, but she kept many things in her heart and never mentioned it.

"That's a long story."

"You shouldn't like frivolous men."

"I need a little time to prepare."

"what to prepare?"

Farosa looked at Xu Yang with gloomy and strange eyes, and after a while, she showed a sweet smile.

"I'm going to take a shower first," she said, "and then do whatever you want."

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