The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 86: Won't give the world back to the witch

Remember for a second【】

Farosa could feel what was lost returning to her body, or rather, reactivating.

The power of the gods to dominate the sea is the same existence as the sea itself. His will can penetrate every drop of sea water on the planet. The boundless black tide once blocked the old continent, causing witches and humans to explore the sea. In a sense, it prevents the possibility of civilization mutating.

This infinitely powerful lord was irreparably seriously injured a thousand years ago, and is gradually declining, disintegrating, and subverting. Its appearance is decayed and torn apart. Some prototypes of it can still be found in the depths of various churches, and each of them is responsible for it. part of its own power.

During the Witch War, the company demolished a large number of churches, which is to destroy all the fragments one by one to prevent it from having a chance to revive.

The treasure left in front of Farosa's eyes is particularly valuable.

She devoured it contentedly, and the **** could do nothing but let out a broken whimper.

Correspondingly, the power called "divine power" by mortals also began to enter Farosa's body and was controlled by her.

She had imagined countless times how she would dismember and devour the gods, taking away the power that he was so proud of, and now her dream has finally come true.

"The Witch Devouring the God" is an act of unique significance, representing the official end of the previous era. The **** finally slipped out of his former position, leaving an attractive vacancy. This is an important achievement that even the Witch War cannot achieve. .

Naturally, there is also unrest at the world level.

In many corners, the ancient mysteries sighed slightly, accompanied by a certain degree of joy, waiting for the next step of the God Eater.

On the other side, in Xintaixizhou.

The urban landscape here is very different from the old world. As the land where companies first colonized and landed, the process of industrialization, modernization and post-modernization here has been faster than other regions.

In Xintaixizhou, most of the mountains, forests and rivers have been destroyed by uncontrolled development, and replaced by large miracle cities called "Paradise". They are connected with each other by high-speed waterways, and giant shuttles come and go in an orderly manner.

As the core of the lighthouse, the vast majority of the population is synthetic, and they work day and night, building endless technological wonders and mega-structures in the wilderness, exploring the edge of cutting-edge technology.

About 200 million synthetic people provide services to 20 million human beings in the territory without any regrets. All normal human beings do not need to participate in hard labor when they are born. They only need to give full play to their learning ability, creativity and artistic imagination. Allocating vast fertile soil and huge apartments, all needs are provided for free, and it is logical to enter the company as an adult, as a well-fed engineer, programmer, artist or teacher, etc., when all basic needs are met. , they not only have a huge increase in output, but also have a very high happiness index.

Once the newly born witch is discovered, she will be sent to the special facility in "Paradise" immediately. After 16 years of canning and cultivation, her brain will be removed and added to the array of giant scientific research centers. Serve themselves, for fear that the magic they wield threatens the company, with a few exceptions. …

The fate of human beings is even better. After serving the company for many years, the senior employees of the core of the lighthouse can be allowed to retire and upload their consciousness to the space station "Paraiso" far away from the ground to enjoy the well-being in the specially-made "other shore" server.

In the server, their perception of time is also different from that of others. Humans on earth spend 1 year in their consciousness, and thousands of years have passed in their consciousness. When the company people in other regions die in 35 to 40 years of service, they As the lucky ones among human beings, who have enjoyed endless fun for tens of thousands of years and are not bound by the woes of the world, many people feel that all this is empty and boring after enjoying the fun, and sink into oblivion early.

Xintaixizhou people did not publicize their internal well-being to the outside world, because they have generally reached a consensus that the residents of Xintaixizhou have irreversibly separated from humans in other regions, and outsiders will only feel jealous after learning about the situation here. And to invade, they have the responsibility to be the first group, stay away from those who are not familiar with the ancients, and it is a waste for them to educate those who are backward.

In order to sail to the promising starry sky, they also built huge colonial ships, built millions of synthetic people to prepare immigrants, ready to explore deep space and unveil the veil of ancient stars.

This tendency continues to this day, making isolationism an overwhelming trend of thought in New Taixi. They block the border and only send contingents, research ships and commercial fleets to communicate with the outside world, becoming an isolated giant island on the planet. The only specialists who have always communicated with the outside world are synthetics, and the real New Taixi people disdain to appear in front of other humans on the planet.

So, what they are most looking forward to is...

The stability of the world allows them to maintain this undisturbed isolation.

The company alliance is located in Xintaixizhou. Due to its own weakness, it can only rely on the core of the lighthouse and is largely controlled by it. The lighthouse core is also willing to use the platform of the company alliance to control other giant companies in the world.

In Greenland City, New Taixi Continent, there is a large bunker of a corporate alliance, which is often called the "Core of the World".

The Chief Surveillance is analysing global magic readings, and thanks to the lighthouse core, a satellite array surrounding the outer atmosphere is able to investigate abnormal magic surges, which usually signify a breakthrough in witch power.

Because the witches lost the gift of the gods, now their magic power growth is not only slow

^0^ One second to remember【】

It is slow and completely controllable, but there will still be a small number of talented witches who spontaneously achieve breakthroughs, greatly increasing the quality of magic use, which needs to be controlled.

"I don't feel right." The magic power monitoring ai "Razor" began to alarm, "Detected a surge in abnormal magic power readings."

"A new superior witch is born?" The staff on duty was confused. "Refine the specific location and send it to the corresponding giant company. If there is no advance declaration, she will be scraped off the surface."

"Unable to pinpoint the location, garbled readings, unpredictable movement."

The monitoring chief of the control center immediately stood up, switched to the global view, and froze.

When the witch's power breaks through, it will call the police, in order to prevent the appearance of too powerful witches, which usually appears as a red dot on the map.

Now, however, on the map, the boundless prefecture of Kyoto is suddenly engulfed by a huge red dot, and its size is still increasing, like an expanding red balloon. …

The body of the monitor chief trembled.

"Unlimited in Kyoto?" He raised his voice, "Where exactly?"

"Unable to investigate, the value is abnormal." "Razor" investigated an incomprehensible number, "Evaluated as an m-12 level witch disaster."

The magic of the target... is already too strong, unprecedentedly powerful.

The red dot is still expanding, covering the entire jurisdiction of Kyoto Infinite, expanding in all directions, crossing the ocean, spreading to the Xia area, Heping Continent, Baixiang Continent, Xintai West Continent and other places, almost devouring the entire planet.

Monitor the total long forehead sweat.

As an important member responsible for monitoring in the core of the world, he was also given the authority to issue the "final order".

That is to say, as long as he detects a situation in the world that threatens the continuation of the entire human civilization, he has the right to send a signal to all giant corporations and perform the ancient function of corporate alliances - unite all companies and destroy the company's enemy!

Now is the moment. He couldn't help feeling emotional.

I don't know why, but it's time for humans to fight the witches to the death.

He took a deep breath.

The company alliance was created to protect human beings to live with dignity and to seize the **** of this world from the witches. On this point, the company will never back down.

So far, corporatism has brought countless numbness, pain, and oppression, but it has also spawned promising technological advancements and a near-future outlook.

I won't hand this world back to the witch.

"Warning: The m-12 witch disaster, activate the final order." He immediately switched to the communication channel, and sent a message from the headquarters to the global giant, "The irreversible witch rampage situation broke out, power level: Queen."

He keyed in the password granted by the company alliance and officially issued the supreme order.


The communication channel instantly exploded.

Thousands of pieces of information appear on the same screen, frantically reporting the standby status of various secret technologies to the company alliance. The "final order" from the company alliance has extremely high authority. The standing decision-making AI of each giant company immediately responds to this order and regulates the company's Operating conditions.

Countless cutting-edge equipment that fell asleep due to funding problems restarted in every Most of the giant companies immediately transferred their finances to the military, and nearly 10,000 war witches who were on vacation were all forced to end their vacations and return to The war zone stands by.

The contracts of security personnel of various companies have been secretly altered, pointing out that they have long understood the high risk of death in battle, confirmed this when they signed the contracts, and voluntarily gave up their pensions.

A large number of company orders were cancelled, all productivity was tightly controlled, and an astonishing amount of power armor and nanosuits began to be produced immediately, and batches of mothballed weapons of war were re-energized and emerged from secret warehouses deep in manufacturing plants and shipyards. Advanced combat AI programs have been replicated in batches, and the modern army under the control of conjoint network technology is waiting in the wings, and a large amount of corporate capital evaporates instantly, turning it into an absolute force capable of fighting the terrifying witch and defending human freedom.

The world is in a state of arms, and the ancient agreements made by the alliance of companies are all confirmed.

People who know the weight of these orders silently look up to the sky, waiting for the rain of fire to wipe out everything they are familiar with.

No matter the cost, only for the continuation of mankind.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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